Trip Finder

Thinking About the Next Adventure

April 3, 2020

Read what’s on Wick Bushong’s mind during quarantine, from more TV to planning his next adventure!


Here we are. Ordered to stay home for the health and safety of others and ourselves. Relegated to isolation by a silent and effectively invisible microbe. Doing our best to stay entertained and productive (shout out to all the blog posts this week full of awesome ways to put your time to good use at home!).


If you’re anything like me, you’re getting out of the house as much as possible, you’re craving in-person quality time with your family and friends, you’re cooking up a storm, you’re watching way more TV than you normally do, and you can’t wait for the opportunity to return to the good-great-grand-wonderful outdoors. Now more than ever the mountains, the ocean, the pine forest, and the rivers seem to be calling our names. I’m not sure if they miss us humans as much as we miss them, but I am sure that they aren’t going anywhere fast, and they will be waiting for us to return once this uncertainty and misfortune subsides. So take this time to plan your next big adventure!


At Moondance we live to go forth and experience the great unknowns and get the heck out of our comfort zones. Right now we are sitting at home (quite literally our zones of comfort), uncomfortable with when and how this global health crisis will shake out. It’s a different kind of departure from our comfort zones. The Moondance mantra still applies in these trying times – live in the moment. Be present. Record your thoughts, feelings, and daily happenings. This is a time of extreme historical notoriety, and we would be foolish not to learn from the current moment and the imprint it leaves on the world.


I’ve been hearing a lot of talk of this pandemic changing the social landscape when it’s all said and done, and I certainly hope that change ends up being for the better. I’ve already seen changes happening around my neighborhood. I can safely say that casual bike rides and walks around the block have gone up 200% since we’ve been cooped up. I hope that trend continues when schools and workplaces open their doors once again. I’ve been considering how I’ll lead my life a little differently once this whole mess is over. I’ll never take a hug for granted again. I’ll never take going out to dinner with friends for granted again.


I’ll certainly never take toilet paper for granted again. Right now I really wish I could squish microbes like pesky mosquitoes. But alas, fighting this virus is way more complicated than that, and that’s why I’m thankful for the health care professionals and experts fighting day in and day out to slow the spread of the virus and care for the sick. It’s adversity like this that shows us the strongest and bravest side of humanity. The people fighting on the front lines and putting themselves in harms way for the sake of others are courage and selflessness personified. So thank you to all of the nurses, doctors, EMTs, medical supplies manufacturers, caregivers, and research scientists working to get humanity back to good health.


Anxiously awaiting my next Moonup.


– Wick Bushong, Moondance HQ