Trip Finder

Small Wins

March 20, 2020

Moondance Administrative team member, Harrison Newman, chimes in on why setting goals during unstructured and routinely different times is extrememly important.

Hi Moondance Family!


Harrison checking in from my new home office set up. As our office has adjusted our daily lives to help curb the spread of the COVID-19, we’re all using this time to dive a bit deeper into ourselves, explore some new hobbies, and connect with loved ones.


During this time I have found goal setting is a key factor in making my days feel full. There is something to be said for small wins! Whether it is making my bed each morning (hey Mom! It’s finally happening!) or creating a new workout regimen, each day poses a unique challenge to accomplish something big or small. 


A lofty goal I’ve created for myself is running. I’m not a runner, have never aspired to be one, or have found running therapeutic until now. I’ve started running daily. I never thought I’d see the day! My goal is to run 5 miles. I live close to a park in Nashville and my lil route to and from home is about that long. Each day I aim to run just a bit further than the last. Working each day to push myself a bit further and see how dedicated and driven I can be! I’m hoping this will help to create healthy habits, promote a sense of accomplishment, and discovery into a new side of myself. 


I’ll leave you with a quote that resonated with me this week from the good ole quote book!


 “So let the cities be steam cleaned and starched. But draw a line in the sand where the concrete stops and, beyond, let the weeds grow, the roots spread, and the music spin in all its native variations. Because the wilderness of the soul is the only one you really want to root around and get lost in.” –  R. Bangs


– Harrison Newman, Moondance HQ