March 31, 2020
Moondance has operated a Mystery Trip for two years to an undisclosed location. Right now, we should take a note from our Mystery Trip. The Mystery Trip is incredible. Students and leaders have no clue where they’re headed and, yet, they go. Students pick this trip, parents fill out the forms, leaders prepare for…
Read MoreMarch 29, 2020
Read what Liza McLain thinks about the difference between being occupied and living. Welcome to Day ___ (insert your personal quarantine number here) of a new normal, a home office, a home classroom, and a kitchen with a small Costco in its pantry. For me, it’s technically Day 3 of Nashville’s mandated “Safer at…
Read MoreMarch 25, 2020
Ashley Kubit, Moondance’s star accountant, shares how unplugging is necessary in a time of constant plugging in. Happy Birthday, Ashley! We live in a world where we are constantly inundated with information. While we still have paper formats like newspapers, magazines, and books, the majority of our information is gathered and distributed through…
Read MoreMarch 24, 2020
Garrett Lucey dives into how he continues to learn and take advantage of each and every day. Even at home! Every year at Staff Training, we read a composition that I have always found to be descriptive of the Moondance community. This composition is actually a letter, titled the “Bon Vivant Manifesto”, written by…
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