Trip Finder

Trip Updates

Thailand 1A • June 7-June 27, 2024

Final Update from Thailand!

June 26, 2024

After four intense days of scuba diving, it’s time for a well-deserved day of recovery and rest! But don’t worry, Owen and I always have exciting plans ready for the group. We let the kids sleep in late as the rain poured outside, making it an easy task. We leisurely ventured to breakfast and coffee to kick off our day. Our first adventure was a walk and hike on the Monkey Trail along Ao Nang Beach. The hike took us along wooden paths, steps, and bridges with stunning views. Unfortunately, we didn’t spot any monkeys in our group. We enjoyed some time at the beach where Joe and William immediately dove into the water the moment they saw it. We strolled down a floating pier to enjoy a wonderful view of the rocks and ocean. After some beach time, we explored Krabi’s shopping district and had lunch. Later, we returned to our hostel to relax before our evening plans. For dinner, we headed to the beach boardwalk and enjoyed a delightful Italian meal with pasta, pizza, and more. During dinner, there was a captivating fire show on the boardwalk. Since we were by the beach, some kids even ran and jumped into the ocean! There were some giant swings on the beach that Keira absolutely loved and we got some awesome photos and videos of her swinging. We wrapped up the day with Moonup on the beach under the stars before heading back for the night.

Rock Climbing: Today was an exhilarating adventure the kids had been eagerly anticipating! We journeyed to the famous Railay Beach for rock climbing, beach relaxation, rappelling, exploration, and adventure. Our day started with a boat ride to the beach, where we were greeted by wild monkeys – Deyo especially enjoyed watching them in their natural habitat. We headed to the beachfront for rock climbing, which was absolutely breathtaking. Joe and Molly eagerly put on their climbing shoes and tackled the challenging rocks. These climbs were tougher than our previous experience, but the group rose to the challenge. Lilly impressed everyone by conquering the hardest climb of the day. After hours of climbing, we took a break for lunch followed by some beach time – William particularly enjoyed this part! We spent hours in the ocean before returning to climbing. Molly, Owen, and Gracie built an impressive sandcastle that mirrored the surrounding mountains. Later, we embarked on an adventurous hike through a cave, some sections pitch black. Davis cheered everyone along, showing great enthusiasm. After navigating ladders and twists in the cool, dark tunnel, we emerged to a stunning view. Throughout the day, Deyo maintained an amazing attitude with a bright smile and positive energy. Mia initially felt nervous at the rappelling site, but we all cheered her on as she conquered her fears and rappelled down the mountain like a champ. Descending further, we encountered a slippery path, which made for a comical experience as we slid down using ropes for support. Back at the boat, Cate had us all laughing with her eagerness to shower. Once home, the group refreshed before heading out for a favorite Indian dinner. We returned to the hostel for a sweet treat, fulfilling Keira and Lilly’s request, then concluded with Moonup led by Molly and Tony before bedtime.

Last Day in Krabi! As our trip nears its end, we’re determined to savor every moment. We returned to Railay Beach for another day of climbing and beach fun. Today’s climbing featured a new waterfront wall with fresh challenges for us to tackle. Deyo, Molly, Owen, and William especially excelled on an extra high wall, leaving us all impressed. Tony pushed his limits by scaling a wall and felt empowered afterward. Cate, our resident photographer, captured countless action shots throughout the day. After lunch of chicken, rice, and fruit, we enjoyed another extended beach session. Keira and Mia sported matching swimsuits they picked up at a beach store, while Cate, Joe, and William donned neon pink suits. We dove straight into the water; Molly and Gracie relaxed on their towels until high tide soaked them, prompting laughter before they joined us in the water. We spent hours frolicking in the waves, surfing, playing games, and chatting. Keira, Deyo, and Mia treated themselves to bubble tea, sparking a group-wide craving. We snapped numerous photos to capture our last day together before boarding boats back to the hostel. At home, we cranked up the music, showered, and prepared for the airport. Dinner at the airport food court was a joyful affair as the kids chose their favorite meals. One of the many things I cherish about this group is their ability to find joy in every moment, no matter how small or in-between. We boarded our flight back to Bangkok with just one day left in Thailand.

Last Day, Best Day! Today, we made the most of our final hours before the kids head home. Our itinerary included a tour of Bangkok, known locally as Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, which translates to “great city of angels.” We traveled in style aboard a charter bus complete with party lights, speakers, and booming bass. Our first stop was a tour of the Grand Palace and Temple, a stunning display of architecture that left Deyo, Mia, and me dreaming about our future homes adorned with similar patterns. Tony immersed himself in learning about Thai culture and history. We marveled at the revered Emerald Buddha, clothed in pure gold reserved for the king alone. The city dazzled with its jewels, vibrant colors, and unique motifs. Next, we enjoyed a boat ride along the canal, passing a 60-foot Buddha and feeding plump fish, which had us in stitches. We stopped at a cafe for authentic Thai snacks before returning to our hostel to freshen up for a banquet. Our final dinner was a fabulous affair, with the kids dressing up in silly outfits and looking fantastic. We did Moonup during our meal before heading to the airport. We’ll miss this group dearly; they’ve touched Owen’s and my heart profoundly. We’ve shared countless memories and laughs that we’ll cherish forever – truly the experience of a lifetime.


Gracie + Owen

Fun Diving in Thailand!

June 22, 2024

Scuba Learning Day


The gang woke up ready to tackle the day and dive straight into our scuba diving endeavors! We had a morning huddle and breakfast before heading off to a long day of learning and refreshing our scuba skills. The group was split into new divers and already certified divers for today’s lessons. The open water divers had a lot to learn before they’d be ready for the ocean tomorrow, so they got to work! They learned everything from setting up their tanks, diving skills, safety procedures, underwater signals, and much more. These skills are crucial tools the students need before scuba diving in the ocean. The guides we are working with throughout our program are top-tier and seriously the best. They have an excellent way of making the learning experience enjoyable and educational!


The pre-certified divers participated in a “refresher” session to review the most important and basic skills to ensure we’re ready to roll. Molly lit up with excitement right from the moment we entered the dive shop, clearly in her element. Keira, with her caring and collected nature, smiled throughout the day. We made our way to the pool, where Tony absolutely crushed all his skills!


After a long day of learning and practicing various scuba diving skills and techniques, it was finally time to call it a day! We made our way back to our new favorite little hostel for a well-deserved relaxing evening to rest up for our big boat day tomorrow. We freshened up and went to dinner, ending with brownies and ice cream, of course! After winding down and some hangout time, it was time for a good night’s sleep to prepare for our first boat day.


Scuba Local Dives


Today was the first day of ocean diving, and the whole group was pumped to get out on the water! We began our journey on the Andaman Sea by an authentic Thai boat taxi that brought us out to our dive boat. We pulled up to a beautiful double-decker dive boat where we’d be spending the next three days aboard! We hopped aboard and got briefed for the day. We sailed out to our dive locations – three sites where we would be scuba diving. The open water beginner teams completed two dives (Mia, Joe, William, Cate, Deyo, Davis), working on their diving skills and putting them to the test. The already certified divers (Owen, Keira, Lilly) completed two regular fun dives. The advanced divers (Gracie, Molly, Tony) completed three dives, fine-tuning their navigation, buoyancy, and drift diving skills.


After a long day of diving, we hopped back on a ferry and headed to shore. For our evening festivities, we walked the main strip of Krabi lined with restaurants and stores! We walked a full 3 miles until we reached our goal destination, the group began to get tired but cate led the pack keeping everyone’s spirits high! The Ao Nang Landmark Night Market, a must-see in Krabi. We let the kids explore the market and get food from different booths for dinner. We all met back at picnic tables in front of the main stage to enjoy a large variety of different dishes. Tony was excited when he saw a haircut booth and insisted on getting a famous Thailand haircut. Tony got styled up by the barber with a new hairdo. For dessert, Molly and Cate got rolled ice cream, and Davis and Lilly got Nutella bubble waffles! While we ate, we had the pleasure of watching a live singer and guitarist perform. We also got to watch a fire baton twirling show! We had a blast at the market, but yawns started to spread across the group after a long day of scuba and evening fun, so we headed to the beach for Moonup then home for bed.


Phi Phi Islands


Another big day here in Thailand for the group, and we kept the good vibes and fun times rolling! Today is the day we complete our final dives in our PADI open water and advanced courses to be officially certified. The groups each have two dives left to complete with a variety of skills to perform to receive their certification. We set sail for the Phi Phi Islands off the coast of Krabi, Thailand, where we’d be conducting our scuba diving for the day. The journey out to Phi Phi was further, so we had some time to relax on the boat before diving. Tony played a board game with the scuba guides and totally crushed them all! Cate was glued to her new novel and Many kids drifted off to sleep for a nap during our ride.


Once we arrived at the Phi Phi Islands, it was absolutely stunning! The water was as blue as Keria described it-like blue Gatorade! It was time for our first dive of the day, and the advanced group was ready to take on their deep-water dive (100ft / 30 meters) as part of their course. The fun divers jumped right into the water, and the beginner groups got geared up. Mia, Cate, and Deyo faced the task of putting on their BCDs in the water, while Joe and Davis had to complete their mask skills during the first dive. Then they switched roles. On the boat, we enjoyed pineapple, watermelon, and everyone’s favorite banana muffins! Everyone came up from the first dive pumped up and eager to share what fish they saw! We completed dive number two for the day, with the advanced group doing their fish ID dive and open water finishing off all their skills. After this dive, the certifications were completed!


After a long day of scuba diving, it was time for the boat to make its return to shore. We journeyed, playing games, reading books, and napping until we reached shore. We made it back to our hostel and freshened up for dinner. Tonight we went out for tacos, which was a crowd-pleaser! On our way home, we stopped by the grocery store for some sweet treats before Moonup and bedtime.


Scuba Fun Dives


It’s a super special day today because we have a Moondance Birthday! It’s Joe’s big day. We started off the day with birthday decorations and breakfast before heading off to our last day of scuba diving. Keira, Mia, and Deyo all got ready in matching swim sets-crazy floral swim skirts and bikini tops-they bought at the market a few days prior! They looked adorable. Today, all the kids will be diving as certified divers, so no skills to perform. We set sail to nearby islands that will serve as our dive sites for today. Our first dive location was called Koh See, and it was spectacular. One by one, we plopped into the water and explored the ocean’s magical wonders below the surface. This dive had the most incredible corals and giant schools of fish swimming about! Joe and Davis even saw a reef shark! William was thrilled when he saw all sorts of parrotfish. Our dives lasted about an hour, and we all resurfaced and boarded the boats to enjoy our beloved banana nut muffins and warm up in the sun! Before our next dive, Gracie jokingly granted Joe a birthday wish, and he requested to jump off the boat. Of course, the dive crew and captain made that a reality. We all cheered as Joe and Owen jumped from the deck.


It was time for our final dive in Thailand, so we had to make the most of it! Back into the water and below sea level we went one last time. Tony and Molly got to go into an underwater cave during this dive, and they said it was epic. Everyone’s final dives were a success, and we are so proud of the whole group. Everyone laid side by side in the warm sun jamming out to tunes on the boat ride home. We had some time this afternoon to relax and regroup after four long days of scuba. Once we were all ready, we headed out for Joe’s birthday dinner. William whipped out a fancy outfit for our evening out on the town, including his elephant pants, Thai boxing shorts, basketball jersey, pickle socks, and Crocs! We picked a restaurant with plenty of variety, and everyone was happy. After dinner, we surprised Joe with a bunch of mini cakes and ice cream to celebrate his 18th birthday! For Moonup, we all reminisced on our favorite birthdays and shared life advice. And just like that, we’ve officially wrapped up our scuba diving portion of the trip.





Thank you – Final shoutout



Hi!! I can NOT believe how fast the days have gone by here, and it’s crazy to think that there is only a little amount of time until I’m with y’all at home (or rather, all together on the plane to Switzerland). I just wanted to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to see the world through Moondance, and make memories that will last a lifetime. It’s beautiful here, and the time I’ve spent in this country with this group has been an incredible blessing, all thanks to you guys. though I’m somewhat dreading the quick turnaround, I know I’m incredibly thankful for the way our family loves and gets to travel the world, together and apart. Again, this trip has been everything I wished it would be and more and I’m so excited to talk to you guys soon! Tell Henry I said happy birthday (tomorrow) and that i actually have a gift for him, and for dad, and Corinne and mom, and even Quinn, though I’m still on the search (dad please make sure my card doesn’t get declined). Okay this was so long and I’m the first one to write so I have nothing to base it on, but another big thank you, happy birthday Henry, and I love you all and miss you and will see and talk to y’all soon!!



Hi fam I’m sad this trip is almost over it has been so fun and gone by so fast. Thank you so much for sending me on this trip I love my group and all the activities. I hope y’all had fun at the beach and I’m bringing home presents for y’all. Mom if you aren’t cooking dinner the day I get back can we get las d? I have been craving it. I don’t want to leave Thailand. Love y’all tell beau I say hi. Bye✌️



Hi!!! I can not believe that this trip is almost over, I do not want to leave. We just had our last day of scuba diving today and it was AMAZING, I can’t wait to tell y’all all about it. Thank y’all so so much for making this trip possible. I have met so many new people and experienced so many cool things. I have never laughed so hard in my life. I can’t wait to see y’all soon. Love y’all most. xoxo, yoyo



Hola Familia! I miss y’all so much! I want to thank you all for this trip! I am so thankful to have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to travel the world with some of the coolest people ever! I’ve seen and done some of the coolest stuff ever! Y’all weren’t lying when you said Thailand was awesome! Thank you guys for letting me travel with Moondance the past two summers! I have made a lifetime of memories with this group! I hope y’all have enjoyed your month free of Tony, but sadly it’s gonna be over soon lol! I hope we have time to get food when I get home because I’m gonna be hungry. I can’t wait to see y’all and I love you guys so much! Thank you for EVERYTHING! Love, Tony



Hi!!!! I can’t believe they’re only a few more days left in the trip! I can’t wait to see you! I’ve done so many cool things and met amazing people! I just finished with scuba diving and it was awesome! I can’t wait to tell you everything! Please let Emily come with y’all to pick me up! Thank you for allowing me to have this amazing adventure! I have been in need of some Chick-fil-A! Miss you and love u all and can’t wait to see you! I’m also so excited about cheer! See you soon! Love Molly!



Hey Mom, Lee, and Dad! I’m having a great time in Krabi Beach. We just finished scuba diving and I loved it. It was one of the coolest things I have ever done. The trip has been great and I’ve met great people but I am glad to be coming back to y’all. Thank y’all for letting me do things like this trip, I’m beyond grateful. Love y’all and can’t wait to go to the Perry family Maine vacation!



Hey Mom and Dad! Can’t believe the trip is almost over. It has been a great time and I have missed you guys so much. Thank you for the card and today was an amazing day to celebrate. Love y’all tons and can’t wait to see y’all soon!



Hi Collins Fam! Hope you are all well, I miss you tons. Can’t wait to see you all and tell you everything about Thailand! Love you so much.



Hi Mom,Dad, and Harrison. Happy Father’s Day. Miss you guys! Can’t wait to see you all and tell you all about Thailand! Thank you so much for sending me on this awesome trip. Love you



Hi !!! I love you all so much & can’t wait to see you so soon!!! Thailand has been absolutely amazing and I am so grateful for this experience. I’ve made so many memories and friends thank you so much for this opportunity. Love you

So Long Chiang Mai, Hello Krabi!

June 18, 2024

We woke up bright and early to a wonderful breakfast buffet that reunited all of us. Today marked our first day of rock climbing and rappelling. We had amazing guides who taught us all the necessary skills. Our climbing adventure began with a hike up a steep mountain trail to our rappelling point. Along the way, William spotted a super cool lizard! Once at the top, we enjoyed a breathtaking view overlooking the city of Chiang Mai. The highlight was rappelling 250 feet down into a cave — an experience everyone was amped up for. Molly eagerly took the lead, being the first camper to bravely descend after Gracie. We carefully lowered ourselves into the cave, walking down the wall hanging from an anchor rope above. Each one of us tackled the challenge like a champ, with Davis notably radiating confidence upon reaching the bottom. It was a major accomplishment for all! After a refreshing water break and lunch, we moved on to rock climbing inside the cave. We scaled the cave walls, our rock climbing challenge for the day. Joe was among the first to jump right in and get harnessed up for the climb. With four different routes up the wall, the group climbed together, each person showcasing their strength. Lilly stood out, tackling the hardest route first and sharing afterward that it was one of her toughest challenges yet, but she did it with a smile. Deyo followed suit and excelled, demonstrating incredible determination. Throughout, Cate provided uplifting encouragement to everyone as they made their way up. After a rewarding day of climbing, we headed back to our hostel. For our evening activities, Gracie treated us to an authentic Thai meal followed by shopping at the Sunday market. The market buzzed with excitement, offering everything from art to food and clothing. Tony took on a leadership role guiding his group through the market with grace and enthusiasm. Mia’s face lit up as she proudly displayed the treasures she found. After enjoying the market, we returned to our hostel for some downtime and a good night’s sleep.

Today marks our final full day in Chiang Mai, and we started with a cooking class. We visited a local Thai market to gather ingredients for our cooking adventure. Joe led his team (William, Mia, Deyo, Cate) with confidence, while Team 2 (Davis, Lilly, Tony, Molly, Keria) navigated the store efficiently. We treated ourselves to mango smoothies before heading to our cooking venue. During the class, we learned to prepare an authentic Thai meal using traditional methods, including bamboo cooking. The groups turned it into a friendly competition, creating dishes like Thai chicken, full fish, egg pancakes, rice, and dessert. It was a culinary delight and a recipe we’ll all cherish.After a day of cooking, we unwound with indoor rock climbing before returning to our hotel to prepare for our final evening. We strolled around Chiang Mai and dined at a charming local pizza joint. We appreciated the presence of the restaurant owners, which added to the warmth of the experience. We concluded our evening activities with a meaningful moonup before retiring for the night.

Our travel day has arrived, though our flight departs in the early afternoon, giving us time to enjoy breakfast, pack up, and explore the town. We savored our last meal in Chiang Mai at an amazing burger joint, leaving with smiles on our faces and ready for the journey ahead.Upon landing in Krabi, we were all thrilled about the upcoming beach portion of our trip. Tony couldn’t contain his excitement about scuba diving. After settling into our hostel, complete with impressive amenities like a hangout pad, ping pong, and a swimming pool, we checked out our dorm-style rooms and were delighted. Mia and Deyo quickly became roommates, excited about nightly slumber parties.We capped off the day with a visit to an Indian food restaurant, which everyone found phenomenal. Mia especially felt at home, beaming with happiness. After a thoughtful moonup, we headed to bed, eagerly anticipating our scuba diving adventures ahead.

Update from Thailand!

June 15, 2024

Day 1

After a whole year of counting down the days to a new adventure with Moondance, the day is finally here! A brand new opportunity to come together as a group to create lifelong friendships, explore the world, and develop more confidence, independence, and leadership skills. The group gathered at the gate, and one by one, we began to form our group as a whole. Both Molly and Tony arrived at the gate first, and when I walked up, I was greeted with big smiles and excitement. Lilly and Joe arrived soon after, and we took a moment to get to know each other and share past Moondance experiences. Then we took a walk to our correct gate where we ran into Cate and William along the way. Cate already had a big smile on her face, and I could tell she was so pumped to get things started. Once we arrived at our official gate, Deyo and Mia came to join us, both girls fresh and ready to embark on the big travel day. The majority of the group went off to grab food and snacks for the airplane when Davis and Kiera joined us. Once our whole group was together, the chatting began in no time. The airplane boarded right on schedule, everyone got situated with their pillows and blankets, and we were off!


Day 2

Sixteen hours flew by with Korean food aboard, plenty of sleep, and some good movies! We had a quick layover in Seoul, South Korea, where everyone was in awe of the amazing airport. We gave the group a moment to grab a snack, and then we hopped on our final flight. During our flight, we enjoyed dinner aboard and eagerly awaited our arrival in Bangkok. After a long journey, we finally made it to Thailand! Owen awaited our arrival on the other side of customs, and we were thrilled to see him. With our group finally complete, we loaded up a 15-passenger van and headed to our hotel for the night. We gathered in a circle to enjoy our first official meal as a group. Once we were all settled in, we sent the kids off for a good night of rest before we headed into our next big adventure!



We started our first full day in Thailand with the most delicious traditional Thai breakfast in the morning, fueling us up for a big day. We then dove into our full first moon up. We all got some awesome alumni swag to commemorate everyone returning for another Moondance summer!

After soaking up some cultural lessons, we hopped on a flight to the vibrant city of Chiang Mai. Our awesome local guide met us with a warm smile (and even warmer weather!), and taught us about the local customs. We were then on our way to a stunning temple, walking through an amazing market on the way. We learned all sorts of fascinating things and even managed to snap some epic pics.

Our bellies were rumbling by dinnertime, and let me tell you, we were NOT disappointed! We feasted on the greatest local Thai food you can imagine, washed down with refreshing Thai tea. Feeling satisfied and adventurous, Tony suggested we take a quick dip, and all the guys were soon chilling in the pool.

To wrap up this incredible day, we had moonup and were amazed to see how close everyone already is. Huge shoutout to Joe and Molly, our amazing first LODs, who kept everything running smoothly and the energy sky high.



Another day in paradise started with an epic breakfast spread – turns out everyone’s obsessed with the rambutan, that spiky little fruit with the juicy surprise inside! We hit a local market next, soaking up the sights, smells, and some seriously cool souvenirs. Here Davis was able to successfully fulfill his quest to find Thailand’s version of Red Bull.

We enjoyed our car ride jamming out and singing in unison to our favorite country hits. But the real highlight of the day was definitely the elephant sanctuary! These majestic creatures were incredible. Our group suited up in traditional Thai wardrobe and headed down into the beautiful scenery. We were greeted by four large adult elephants and two baby elephants. We fed them sugar cane, and they showered us with kisses and hugs in return – seriously, the photo ops were unreal! Then one by one, the kids got big kisses from the elephants. Lilly got an adorable hug and Cate got a giant smooch on her cheek. Then things got even more epic – we got right in the pond with the elephants to help wash them down. Mia was all smiles and laughter as the elephants playfully squirted us with water, making for a hilarious and unforgettable experience.

After all that excitement, pad see ew (you got the name spot on!) and a plate of fresh fruit hit the spot perfectly. Seriously, the local cuisine here is a dream! We even got to mix up a special treat for the elephants – a banana, vitamin, and tamarind concoction wrapped in banana leaves. Keira was quite the chef as we made this concoction for the elephants. It was amazing to get so close to these incredible animals and learn how the sanctuary cares for them.

The rain rolled in this afternoon, but that didn’t dampen our spirits! We made our way to our accommodation for the night, which was bungalows nestled in the Thailand mountains. We took time and chilled out with some classic card games and just hung out as a group before another delicious dinner. Huge props to the group for being in total awe of the elephants – it was truly a special day!



We kicked off the day with an amazing breakfast full of variety, with the homemade mango oatmeal being a fan favorite. We all giggled and shared stories about William catching geckos and being the lizard whisperer. Once we wrapped up breakfast, Uncle Chi (our guide) surprised the group with gifts and special rice planting hats for us to wear.

We headed off for our day activity which included a big loop hike through the Chiang Mai mountains visiting many spots along the way. We started off our hike strong with the sun shining and energy flowing throughout the whole group. We stopped along our route to learn many authentic Thai tricks using nature! These included learning how to make blowing bubbles, a snapping sound call, and red dye all with different leaves! Our walking guides even made us all real hiking sticks out of bamboo. Throughout the day, Davis and Cate remained leaders of the pack, blazing the trails ahead. Just as we all began to heat up and sweat started to fall, we came to one of the highlights along the route, a massive waterfall. We were all able to jump right in and enjoy the refreshing water, Joe being the first to dive right in. We all dunked under and danced in the falling waters. We enjoyed lunch as a group right by the chilling waterfall.

Our hike continued and Molly didn’t fail to keep us laughing the whole way up and down the trail with her quick and infectious humor. During our trek, we had many four-legged friends join us for our journey, and these always kept spirits high. William seemed to have a special bond with all the animals. Before we knew it, we came to our next stop, a preschool and primary school! Here we were able to learn about Thailand schooling and witness it firsthand. We lent a helping hand in planting coffee trees and also visited a classroom to teach some English.

We continued our trek, and Owen and Gracie surprised the group with a sweet treat to keep us going until the end. From here, we had a big hiking push until we got to a local’s home. Here we learned about cooking, old-fashioned weapons, and how the ladies weave fabric. Deyo was the weaving whiz; she absolutely loved it. Mia made a connection with the young son of the house as they played with his toys.


When it was time to leave, rain clouds came rolling in just in time to close out our hike. The rain did not give up one bit, and we got showered on as we completed our journey. The rain cooled us all off, woke us all up, but most importantly, created lasting memories. Tony was our biggest trouper today; he truly kept the group morale alive and we all laughed so hard as we trudged along the muddy trails. The scenery was absolutely stunning as we walked through the mountainside overlooking the rice fields and then down through the crops themselves. The rain kept on getting heavier and harder, but that didn’t stop us; we pushed on! The harder it rained, the more we giggled. Before one big final push, we stopped at a local mountainside hut shop for sodas to get us through. We finished strong, arriving at our hostel dripping from head to toe; luckily for us, we immediately spotted the pool. The group beelined it down and took a group celebratory swim.We all showered and settled into dry, comfy clothes and took the evening to relax and chat around a large table. We shared a lovely curry meal and concluded the day with a wonderful Moonup. We snuggled into our bug net-covered cots lined one by one and listened to the rain, frogs, and nature music to drift off.




We started our day awakened by the cock-a-doodle-doo of roosters scattered across the mountainside. The group gathered for morning coffee, tea, games, and lively conversations to kick off our day. After breakfast, we geared up for our first day of community engagement. Our task today included beginning the summer-long project of building a pavilion and water tank for our host village. Some highlights from our work included singing along to our group’s favorite songs, the boys climbing a tree, and enjoying authentic Thailand pineapple cookies. Molly took on the title of ‘project manager’ to oversee all the work being completed. Davis excelled when tasked with moving clay. The group came together to mix and create real concrete. We collected buckets of sand and mixed it with cement, water, and stones to make our concrete pour. This process required a great deal of teamwork; Cate and Joe were particularly passionate about setting up assembly lines and moving the mixture to the site. We all took turns mixing the concrete, a task that demanded considerable strength; Deyo and Tony approached this job with great seriousness. Once we wrapped up our hard day of work, we headed back to our host house to wash up for the evening. Owen and William took a quick dip in the swimming pool, joined by the children of the house. William and a young boy named Petro kicked off their friendship and continued playing games all night long. We enjoyed a green curry for dinner with a surprise chocolate treat before concluding our day with moonup and games!




In the early morning, just as the sun rose, we listened to the sound of rainfall as we lay snuggled in a row. Once the chickens began to sound, we made our way to breakfast. We enjoyed eggs and toast before starting our second day of service. During our work today, we finished the base platform for our pavilion. We poured endless buckets of concrete and watched as the pros smoothed the floor to a flat finish. During our hard work, we were pleasantly surprised by an ice cream truck (a local on a motorbike with an ice cream sidecar, so cute!!!). Everyone got a big cone of fresh ice cream, which hit the spot! After our work, Owen and Gracie had one more surprise for the group: a quick hike to a fresh waterfall! We suited up in our khakis and bathing suits and headed out. Our hike took us past beautiful rice fields and farms. We even saw pigs, horses, goats, and cows. The waterfall was stunning, with fresh water falling onto dark stones. Davis even rode the waterfall down like a water slide. After hiking back, we had a lesson on authentic Thailand herbal medicine and got to try lemongrass tea. The night concluded with dinner, moonup, and music! Truly a day to remember.




The day began with rainy skies and a slow start. We drank tea and coffee as a group while chatting about our favorite books. For breakfast, we enjoyed super fluffy banana pancakes and fruit before our final day of work! Today’s task was to begin developing a new water tank and pipe to carry water from the top of the mountain to a section of the village that currently lacks a direct line. We cut bamboo into stakes to use as markers and placed them. For lunch, we enjoyed the group’s current favorite, a macaroni Thai pasta and French fries! After lunch, we dug out a moat in the dirt for the pipe to be laid in. We finished early, leaving us with an afternoon for fun and games. The girls joined together for poolside, mountain-front yoga led by Keira and Gracie. We chatted and giggled before cleaning up for the evening. Before dinner, Cate used her artistic skills to design and draw an official wooden sign that will hang on the finished pavilion. We closed our final evening in Karen village with a ceremony, wishing our group safe blessings. We feel truly blessed and grateful to have been welcomed into our host family’s home and for the time we spent working alongside locals to support and develop the infrastructure of this community.




Our final morning in Karen village arrived, after many hours of hard work and countless memories created, we are thankful for the time we spent in this community. We took a final group photo with our sign that will hang outside the finished project, and our guide Uncle Chia shared with our group that we are officially part of their family and will never be forgotten. We packed all our belongings and headed out for new adventures. These festivities began the moment we walked out the door as we embarked on our hike on foot out of the village. Our group “adopted” a dog named Cleo who followed along as far as she could until she had to turn back toward home. We hiked through the mountains, learning more from Uncle Chia about the environment around us. Molly even wore a hat our guides made from banana leaves. We came to a waterfall where we were able to swim and also saw four more large elephants! William and Davis took a dip in the water to cool off after our hike. We enjoyed lunch on a big rock as we watched the elephants bathe in the water. After lunch, we headed to the most anticipated part of the day: Bamboo Rafting! We split into groups of three and loaded up four different bamboo boats. We glided down the river on the most beautiful natural lazy river ride ever. Mia even got to stand up and paddle her boat for the group. Our guides were friendly and fun; they took us through little baby rapids, and the cool water felt so good. Tony expressed that this activity was his favorite so far! During our rafting, we enjoyed sights of rice fields, riverfront bungalows, and many more elephants! After our rafting, we loaded up the vans to head back to the city of Chiang Mai. The group was ready to freshen up and reset, while Owen and Gracie planned a rewarding evening for all the hard work from the days prior. The restaurant we chose was specially selected to put smiles on the kids’ faces and give them a taste from back home with American cuisine!! We’re talking the best of the best; these burgers had Lilly’s mouth watering and eyes full of happiness!! Joe got the most scrumptious pizza, and Davis even got a root beer float. We all left with full bellies and happy hearts, but the fun didn’t stop there. We took the kids to a local grocery store to allow them to purchase any fun snacks and restock on any toiletries. After strolling around town sightseeing, we had one more trick up our sleeve: a sweet treat, of course. We went to the most adorable ice cream shop and even met the owner who was so kind. Tony and Gracie shared their love for mango sticky rice flavored ice cream, and the rest of the group raved about the ice cream brownie. After our treat, we headed back to the hostel for moonup and bedtime! Cate and William led a wonderful moonup, allowing us all to reflect on our time spent in the village. After moonup, the kids did face masks and then went off to bed! We are so excited to start this new chapter of our trip tomorrow with our first day of rock climbing!



Trip update 1 shoutouts home


What’s up mom and dad✌️I miss y’all lots. Tell Nani and nana and Vyom that I miss them and love them. Happy Father’s Day. Vyom go kill it in pickle ball without me. Super cool elephants here!



hey fam miss y’all hope y’all are having fun at the beach even though I’m not there I am having a lot of fun and I pet an elephant. Happy Father’s Day dad I love you so much sad I’m not there. Bye ✌️



hi guys!! just wanted to let y’all know that I’m having a blast here and am eating PLENTY of food (I love the noodles and have had a sprite and a sweet treat every day). I hope life at home is just as fun but that y’all are missing me tons. everyone invite Quinn over and order some pad Thai and talk about how amazing I am and how much y’all wish I was there w y’all. dad, happy Father’s Day and check in your bottom desk drawer for my present! love you all so much and make sure Quinn is surviving at home without me and that sports is entertaining enough and he’s not hanging out with any girls :)!! But seriously make sure he knows I miss him so much and think of all of y’all often and love and miss you ALL!! bye!!


Molly –

Hey family! I’m having a super great time in Thailand😘 we’ve seen the elephants and completed service work so far! Make sure to tell dad happy Father’s Day and wish grandma a happy birthday!🎂 also tell the dogs Caroline and Anna I miss them too! Also please somehow let me know what team I made!😅 love you lots and miss you! See you shortly!


Deyo –

hey mom, dad, and mills! I miss y’all so much but I am having an AMAZING time here. I hope y’all have fun celebrating Father’s Day and your birthday mom, I’m sad to miss it. Also, the elephants were amazing. Love y’all most❤️❤️


Keira –

hi queen, hi dad, hi k2, hi dogs! Miss you all and am having a blast in Thailand. Hope you all are good in atl. Tell Hudson I said hi and that I miss him please! love you all happy Father’s Day dad ❤️


Tony –

I hope you guys are doing well real talk. I miss you guys a lot but my bed more sorry not sorry. I am having so much fun here and have met the coolest people. Bella I miss you too I hope your new job is going good. I can’t wait to see y’all. Also Mista Bill I hope you have an epic Father’s Day! You are a pretty cool dude! Except when I hit that base board lol! Love Y’all!

P.S Can y’all pick up a check at Talleys for me?


Davis –

Hey Mom, dad and Lee! Hope everything is going as well in Augusta as it is in Thailand. The trip has been a great time and I enjoy all the people in the group a lot.  Can’t wait for Maine!



Hi Mom, Dad, and Harrison I hope you guys are well. I am having a blast in Thailand ! Miss you!!



Hey mom and dad , miss y’all tons! P.S happy Father’s Day Dad, love you have a great one.



Hi!! I miss you all so very much and I hope you are having the most amazing weather and soaking up the rays at Apple Valley and S&R. I love you all so much. Go out for Thai food for me. Hug hug kiss kiss

Safely in Thailand!

June 8, 2024

Hi Thailand Families!

We heard from our leaders that after a long travel day, all of the students arrived safely in Bangkok and their trip is off to a great start! We are so excited to hear more stories from their adventures over the next few weeks!

Please remember our leaders and students will be unplugged during their trips, but we will be posting trip updates throughout the next week! This will allow you to follow along with the trip. You can also follow us on Instagram, @moondanceadventures, to see more of what we are up to!

-Moondance HQ


  • Cate
  • Davis
  • Deyo
  • Joe
  • Keira
  • Lilly
  • Mia
  • Molly
  • Tony
  • William
