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Slovenia 3A • July 14-July 27, 2024

Alpine Adventures and Lakeside Legends: An Epic Trek Through Slovenia

July 25, 2024

Sending big hugs to all of our people back home!! We are writing to you from the pristine Bohinj Lake, reflecting on our incredible journey so far. The last four days have been a whirlwind of adventure and beauty as we trekked through the Julian Alps, exploring the majestic landscapes of Triglav National Park. Since our last update, we bid farewell to the Soca River Valley and the beloved owners of our campsite in Bovec, who have become like family to us over the summer. With music blasting and eyes wide open, we caravaned deeper into the mountains, eager for the adventures ahead.

Our trekking journey began with a car train to get us closer to the trailhead, a beautiful winding ride through mountains and tunnels. On the other side of the mountains we had a delightful lunch featuring lavender lemonade and pizza, the perfect fuel before strapping on our backpacks and tightening our hiking boots. Weston and Pheona, our first-time backpackers, were all smiles as we snapped some photos and went over our mountain trekking plan. The first day greeted us with light rain and a challenging incline, but with trail conversations and granola bars in hand, we made our way to the first hut. Despite the switchbacks and steep paths, the sight of wildflowers and the serene views kept our spirits high. When the sun came out just as we arrived at the hut, it felt like a warm welcome from the mountains themselves.

The second day in the mountains was summit day, and Presley/Pheona’s photoshoot in their blue LOD wigs set the tone for the day with everyone cracking up at the sight of their smirks. Everyone kicked into overdrive as we scaled the steep ascent, and the gummy bears and trolli’s pushed us up to the top. At the summit the fog rolled in, obscuring the view but not the vibes. We explored bunkers from WWII and learned about the war history from our guides, Buggie and Jaka. Before beginning the descent, everyone closed their eyes and MG led the group in a mindfulness exercise. The way back down was a piece of cake, or sausage, which is what we had for lunch.  A well deserved nap was in store, where the group slept hard. The afternoon adventure included a light stroll to get tea and coffee at a nearby hut, where we relaxed in lawn chairs and enjoyed the serene views. In the evening after Moonup, the boys stayed to look at the night sky, and were convinced they saw a UFO, or perhaps it was a shooting star.

On the third day we hiked to the Valley of the Seven Lakes in the morning, and were greeted with a delicious lunch of pasta and goulash, which Elle absolutely devoured.  After lunch Weston, Mack, Andrew, Sam, and Stewart began an intense game of poker, while others played card games and chilled.  Liza learned Banana Pancakes on guitar in record time, and Addy, Claire, and Elizabeth got some quality writing and pondering time by the lake next to our hut.  After more chocolate bars and cokes to keep us energized, we embarked on a day hike to Kidney Lake.  En route to the lake, Stewart’s 1997 hiking shoes gave out, leading to a creative duct tape solution and earning them the nickname “moon shoes.” At Kidney Lake we took in the gorgeous view, and Sam wowed us by throwing a rock farther than any human ever has.  On the shore beside the lake, the boys found a rock that was absolutely perfect for skipping and put on a performance, now referred to as “The Rizz Bootcamp,” which will go down in infamy (shoutout Hamantha).  Marmots were spotted on the way back, and the group was buzzing.  After dinner and dessert, Addy’s favorite Scottish Cheese Strudel, our evening was magical, with a Moonup session by the lake, singing, and stargazing, making lasting memories under the night sky. We also enjoyed a poem, Farewell to the Mountains, by our very own MG, adding a poetic touch to our experiences.

On our final day of trekking, one of the most exhilarating parts of our journey was the via ferrata up the mountain, a steep uphill challenge that included some rock climbing. Mack led the way, being the first to climb and setting a brave example for the rest of us.  A visit to a cheese making hut on our descent was a delightful treat, with friendly dogs and cats to play with.  The descent brought its own adventures, with some of us taking a few tumbles but always getting back up with laughter. We emerged from the mountains a bit dirtier than we had entered, but with a deep appreciation for the community we have built and the beauty that surrounded us. Well deserved burgers, ice cream, and an evening walk by the lake to stretch our legs concluded the day and welcomed us back to the front country. Now, we rest at Bohinj Lake, full of gratitude and joy for this unforgettable experience. Each moment, from the steep inclines to the restful lakeside, has woven a tapestry of memories we will cherish forever.

Be back soon with more updates!!!

All the love,

MG and Eli

Off and Running in Slovenia!

July 20, 2024

Hello back home! The group arrived in the Venice airport in one piece with Claire being the first to arrive, bringing all the good vibes and setting the tone for an epic two week adventure to follow. The long travel day continued with great attitudes as we drove from Venice to Croatia. We made a stop along the way for lunch at an American-themed restaurant, which felt like being back home halfway around the world. The black burger and chicken strips were a huge hit. The rest of the drive was spent chatting, getting to know each other, and playing games, including the word game where everyone took a turn being the word master. Upon settling into our tents at the Croatian campsite, we escaped the heat by finding refuge in the beautiful clear waters of the Adriatic Sea. We capped off the first day with delicious food at camp, a sweet treat, and a Moonup by the seaside.


The second day was filled with water adventures, starting with sea kayaking to a magical underwater cave. After less than 24 hours together, it was clear the group was already gelling, and each boat made the voyage with no problem. Luckily, the cave wasn’t too crowded, and we had it all to ourselves. Stewart scaled the side of the cave, free soloing with ease. We even had a chance to feed the fish, capturing some underwater pictures in a sea of fish. Next, we enjoyed our favorite activity: the floating bouncy castles, which included some intense relay races. Lunch at an amazing restaurant in the national park was a hit, with everyone loving their pizza, pasta, and seafood. Sam and Andrew particularly enjoyed the horses and donkeys living next to the restaurant. Afterward, we headed to a cliff jumping spot where everyone fearlessly flung themselves into the clear water below, setting some new personal records for jumps. An ice cream treat in town was well received, boosting morale on a hot day in Croatia.  Back at the campsite, Mack seamlessly showcased his conversation skills, creating bonds between America and Slovenia, and teaching them a bit about our culture.


We drove from Croatia the next morning, and our first stop in Slovenia was for a cooking class. Everyone chipped in to create a delicious meal. Pheona and Elle handled the pasta, Liza and Andrew peeled peaches, and Stewart prepared the meat. Addy and Claire made a delicious peach pie, while Elizabeth, Presley, and Mack peeled potatoes like pros. Sam and Weston tackled the veggies. The meal was phenomenal, and we felt like we earned three Michelin stars. On the rest of the drive to our new campsite, Pheona even came up with an idea for a new movie, “How to Rain a Meatball,” which we look forward to watching one day. In the other van, tunes carried us all the way as the AC broke in the steaming hot car. Weston had quite the time belting out some old Taylor Swift.


We then arrived at our new campsite in the beautiful Soca River Valley, near the town of Bovec. Shortly after arriving, the boys went for a run down to the river, where they jumped in the “lazy river” to cool off. Volleyball games ensued, with Addy and Liza as MVPs, and Andrew stuffing Eli at the net for game point. Yummy homemade pizza capped off another epic day. The following day was fun-filled from start to finish. Rafting was our first activity, with two boats swerving around the rapids in style. Addy even debuted her raft guiding skills, steering her boat down the rapid. A major highlight was when the guides turned the rafts upside down and leaned them against a rock, creating makeshift waterslides. The penguin slides down the rafts were stylish and cool.  Sam caught some speed and went flying head first. In the afternoon, we checked out yet another swimming spot in the turquoise blue Soca River, perfect for jumping. Mack had a lot of fun, creatively landing in the water with a wow factor, while Addy and Elizabeth enjoyed an ice bath.


The evening concluded with a cookout; Stewart and Mack were in charge of grilling meats, Liza and Presley prepared the salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, and everyone else pitched in by setting up the table, cleaning, and bringing the vibes. S’mores topped off our bellies for the evening, and Mack and Stewart taught a young German girl how to make the classic American delicacy. The slackline, frisbee, and volleyball have kept us entertained at the campsite, along with friendship bracelet making, card games, and songs to the guitar. Elizabeth has even emerged as an artist, whipping out watercolor paintings. L and Presley have been glued to the table playing the card game “Dutch”, perfecting their strategies. Today, we went canyoneering, the group’s unanimous favorite activity so far. The fabulous Marcolini and Tomas led our canyoneering ninjas down waterfalls and cliff faces. The adrenaline was pumping, with lots of laughs and high fives all around. Now, we are looking forward to the upcoming four days of trekking in the Julian Alps. Check in soon for more updates!!


Much love,

MG and Eli


Shoutouts below:


andrew: hello mom dad and sophie. i am having so much fun and making new friends. say hello to the dogs for me. love yall. 


sam: Hi Mom dad and Henry, Slovenia and croatia is awesome and I am having a lot of fun. Say hi to archie and rosie for me. Miss you all and love you! 


Weston: What’s up Slovenia is super cool – having the best time. Love y’all and can’t wait to see you soon 


Mack: what’s up fam, croatia was beautiful. having the best time so far in slovenia, see yall soon! 


Stewart: Hi y’all. Having a great time enjoying being outside. the giMiss and love y’all and say hi to Millie for me. 


Pheona: Loved canyoneering!! having the best time. Missing AC. My card isnt working tho 🙁 fix asap i need coffee from the vending machine. Besides it’s the best views ever! 


Elizabeth: Hi Mom, Dad, Heath, and Charles! I’m having so much fun; Our group is literally the best and have all gotten so close! So far my fav parts have been cliff jumping in Croatia and Canyoneering. Can’t wait for trekking. miss y’all a lot but don’t want to come home! give cashew a hug for me hehe love yall :)✌️🌄 


Liza: Hey guys!! I am having so so much fun! Croatia was so pretty and Slovenia has been amazing so far. Miss and love yall! 


Addy: Hey yall! I am having so so much fun, thank you for sending me here!!! We canyoneered today, easily the best thing i’ve ever done on a moondance! Tell caroline I say hi when she gets home!! Nola, Collier, and any Killi friends reading- I LOVE YALL, can’t wait to tell yall all about slov when I get home!!! miss yall! 


Presley: Hello mother and father. I miss you. I am having a lot of fun. Croatia was so fun and the water was so pretty. We just got back for canyoneering and it was so fun as well. The mountains in Slovenia are so pretty. Give Sully kisses for me. Love you. 


elle: love you guys having a great time. went canyoneering today it was awesome. 


claire: hii mom dad and em! croatia was beautiful and im loving slovenia!! today we canyoneered and are about to go swim in the river. i hope yall are having a great time in colorado and dad you’ve touched clubs every day on the phone. can’t wait to see yall and give chase extra ice for me!! 

Safe Arrival in Slovenia!

July 15, 2024

Hello Slovenia Families!

We heard from our leaders this afternoon that the group has landed safely in Venice and is off to their first campsite! The trip is off to a great start, and we cannot wait to hear more stories from their adventure.

Please remember our leaders and students will be unplugged during their trips but we will be posting trip updates throughout the next week! This will allow you to follow along with the trip. You can also follow us on Instagram, @moondanceadventures, to see more of what we are up to!

–Moondance HQ


  • Andrew
  • Claire
  • Elizabeth
  • Elle
  • Liza
  • Pheona
  • Presley
  • Samuel
  • Stewart
  • Weston
  • Addy
  • Mack
