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Serengeti 2A • June 23-July 9, 2024

One last Mambo from Tanzania

July 8, 2024

Our first morning at the beach began with a leisurely rock pool walk along the stunning coastline. The turquoise waters lapped gently against the rugged shoreline, inviting us to explore. Sadie provided an unexpected moment of humor when her pants repeatedly threatened to take an unplanned dip in the water. Laughter echoed as we navigated the rocks, each step revealing a new wonder of nature. Julia, our resident explorer, discovered a magnificent shell tucked away among the rocks. Its intricate patterns and shimmering hues captured the essence of the sea, a perfect memento of our first day. As the sun reached its peak, we made our way to the village to connect with the local community.

Making Chapati with the village mamas awaited us, a culinary delight that surpassed all expectations. The warmth of the mamas’ hospitality paired beautifully with the savory flavors of the chapati. Sharing stories and laughter, we felt embraced by the culture that surrounded us. The girls also gifted many of the village kids friendship brackets that they made during our drive to the beach. On our walk back to our hostel, we stopped for fresh coconuts. We got to watch a local villager climb a coconut tree and knock down the coconuts. We enjoyed delicious fresh coconut water and Lia even tried her hand at climbing up the tree!

In celebration of July 4th, we decided to commemorate the occasion with a twist. Thanks to Tyler body paint became our canvas, each stroke a testament to our creativity and camaraderie. Red, white, and blue streaks adorned our arms and faces, a colorful expression of our American roots. The afternoon called for adventure of a different kind-jumping off the dock into the cool embrace of the Indian Ocean. With a mix of nervous excitement and exhilaration, we took turns leaping into the warm waters below. The rush of adrenaline was matched only by the tranquility of our private beach, where we lounged in the sun, relishing the serenity of our surroundings. We also got to go kayaking through the mangroves which offered a glimpse into Tanzania’s rich biodiversity. Paddling gently, we navigated through winding waterways, the air alive with the sounds of native birds. SJ was a natural and loved every second. As evening approached, we gathered for a taste of home at dinner, a hearty burger dinner that brought comfort amidst our travels. Juicy patties and crispy fries reminded us of familiar flavors, grounding us in the midst of our Tanzanian escapades.

The second day at the beach, a boat trip took us to pristine snorkeling spots, where we delved into the underwater wonders of the Indian Ocean. Schools of colorful fish darted about , their vibrant hues mesmerizing against the backdrop of turquoise waters. For a moment, we were immersed in a world where time seemed to slow, captivated by the beauty beneath the surface. Poor Virginia and Liz got quite the experience with marine life with a powerful jellyfish sting. However, we were in awe of the bravery and positivity they showed through the pain. Later that afternoon after an eventful morning of snorkeling, we joined a flip flop recycling project led by a local artisan. Turning discarded footwear into vibrant sculptures, we witnessed creativity transforming waste into art. It was a poignant reminder of the impact of our actions on the environment, sparking conversations about conservation and responsible travel. The girls tried their hand in making shapes and animals out of the recycled flip-flops. Mia even had the artistic ability to sculpt a dolphin out of the recycled flipper flops! Back on solid ground, the thrill-seekers among us couldn’t resist the allure of a big dock jump. With cheers and encouragement, we took leaps of faith into the refreshing ocean below. The day continued with a spirited water volleyball game, where laughter echoed across the beach as teams rallied for victory. Bea showed true dedication by diving in multiple waves for her team.

As the sun began its descent, we gathered on the dock for appetizers and sunset views. Grayson brought a deck of cards and the entire group played a game of card golf as we watched the sunset. As the sun dipped below the horizon, we gathered for a big group golf game, blending sport with camaraderie. Cheers and good-natured banter accompanied each swing, creating memories that would endure long after our time in Tanzania. Bruschetta served as a delicious prelude to the evening, each bite a burst of Mediterranean flavors complemented by the African sunset painting the sky in hues of gold and crimson. Our tranquil moment was interrupted by the unexpected appearance of a bush baby, its curious eyes observing us from a nearby tree-a magical encounter that added to the enchantment of the evening. The day came to a close with the Fish Eagle Survivor Challenge. We laughed, screamed and dove into the unknown if a fun series of challenges. It was the best way to end the day.

The next morning was dedicated to giving back to the community that had welcomed us with open arms. We embarked on a service project, to build desks for a village school. With hammers in hand and determination in our hearts, we worked side by side. Leighton and Nally gave their all in helping to saw, sand, and build the desks. While Kaitlin and Mia took charge of the painting. Also, in an effort to support marine conservation efforts, we participated in placing an artificial coral reef in the waters off the coast. We carefully lowered the structures into the ocean, envisioning a future where coral reefs thrive and marine life flourishes. It was a hands-on lesson in environmental stewardship, a reminder of our role in safeguarding the oceans for generations to come.

The afternoon brought a giant volleyball game that transcended language barriers and cultural differences. Laughter echoed across the beach as teams competed with gusto, united by the joy of friendly competition. Music filled the air as we danced and sang alongside a local band, immersing ourselves in the rhythm of Tanzanian culture.

Our final day in Tanzania marked a transition from coastal adventures to the bustling city of Moshi. We savored a leisurely Sunday lunch, savoring flavors that spoke of Tanzanian hospitality and culinary traditions. Energized by good food and good company, we got the courage to ride some of the hotel camels. After we cooled off in the pool and we found ourselves surrounded by local children eager to join in our playful antics. Splashing and laughter filled the air as friendships blossomed between cultures and generations. The day took an unexpected turn with a spirited Rat Slap tournament, where reflexes and laughter collided in a whirlwind of competition.

As night fell, we gathered one last time under the African sky for a final moon-up, reflecting on the journey that had brought us together. Stories were shared, laughter rang out, and friendships were cemented. Our journey through Tanzania was more than a series of adventures. We leave Tanzania with hearts full of gratitude for the memories we’ve made and the friendships we’ve forged. Our time here has been a testament to the transformative power of travel-to bridge divides, broaden horizons, and ignite a passion for conservation and cultural understanding. As we bid farewell to Tanzania, we carry with us not only souvenirs and photographs, but a deeper appreciation for one another. The impact will resonate within us for years to come-a reminder of the magic that awaits those who dare to explore and embrace the unknown. Thank you for letting us lead this awesome group of young women.

All the best,

Sarah Paden and Sebastian

Canoeing, Hiking and so much more!

July 4, 2024

Hello from Tanzania!

The group has had a jammed packed couple of days. After our last day in the Serengeti we had a long travel day to get to Lake Jipe. Music and games certainly helped keep us entertained. We also got the opportunity to stop for lunch in Mount Meru and the lodge had a swimming pool for us to jump into as a midday break. At Moondance we live by the rule of jumping into a body of water if it presents itself and although the water was cold, all the girls loved taking a quick plunge in. There was also an abundance of wildlife around the lodge. We got to see mules, buffalo, monkeys, and many cool birds. After we were full and refreshed we hopped in the car to make the final push to our campsite. When we arrived we were greeted warmly by our outfitters and sat down for a delicious dinner under the stars.
The next morning we woke with the sun to prepare for our long hiking journey. In the serene heart of the Pare Mountains, our group of adventurous girls embarked on a journey that would test our resolve and strengthen bonds like never before. The goal was ambitious yet exhilarating: conquer the challenging trail that ascended 700 meters to the summit of the Pare mountains. The morning sun cast a golden hue on the trailhead as we tightened our backpack straps and set off with determined strides. The initial ascent was insanely steep, winding through dense forests. Conversation flowed freely among the girls, punctuated by laughter and occasional pauses to admire the foliage or glimpse distant vistas through breaks in the canopy. Once again the music helped us push through!
As we ascended higher, the trail grew steeper and rockier, testing their agility and endurance. Virginia’s infectious enthusiasm kept spirits high and Sadie kindly carried the group gear backpack with the speaker attached for essentially the entire hike. Halfway up, fatigue began to set in. The trail seemed to taunt us with its relentless incline, yet none of the girls entertained the thought of turning back. The girls drew strength from one another, offering words of encouragement and small gestures of support that spoke volumes of their solidarity. The last stretch to the lookout tested the group’s perseverance to the limit. With muscles burning and lungs straining, we pressed on, each step bringing us closer to the goal. The feeling of pure triumph was all worth it when we settled on a lookout rock to eat a snack and admire how far we’d gone. The descent was equally challenging but infused with a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie that made each step easier. On the way down I got to walk with Mia, Liz, and Julia and loved watching them help each other maintain balance and check in on each other during the more slippery and rocky parts of the descent. When we made it to the end Sebastian surprised us with cold refreshing drinks to celebrate our success. We returned to camp tired but proud. Luckily that afternoon we got to enjoy some r&r and it was so fun to see all the girls break out into different activities. Grayson and Leighton frolicked in the sprinklers, SJ provided many of the girls a big bag of string for friendship bracelet making, and Sebastian and I loved getting to spend some time getting to know the girls better! When the sun began to set we went on a short nature walk around the farm to try and find some of the native bird species. The birds were elusive but the weather was so clear that we got to witness a breathtaking sunset over Mount Kilimanjaro! It was nice having a relaxed afternoon because the next day was packed full of activities.
The next morning, we got up and had a quick breakfast before making our way into one of the villages on the lake for our canoeing activity. Bea and Nally even took turns helping their guides paddle their canoes! The landscape was breathtaking and it was so cool being in Tanzania and then crossing into Kenya since the lake is split between the two countries. Many hippos live in Lake Jipe so we canoed to a point where many of them congregate. Many of the girls decided they much preferred seeing them from a distance like in the Serengeti, especially Mia. We got back to camp and enjoyed a hearty breakfast. Our guides then asked if we would be interested in milking some cows, and of course we said yes. We made our way over to the barn and many of the girls tried their hand at cow milking, Lia and Tyler were naturals! Poor Grayson experienced a true cow milking experience when it started to poop as she milked it. Afterwards we made our way back over to our side of the farm to eat a quick lunch before heading to the school to plant trees. When we arrived at the school we were greeted warmly by many students and teachers. It was such a treat to get to tour the school and then work to plant and water tree saplings with the school children. The language barrier didn’t prevent the girls and the students from laughing, dancing, and playing games altogether. Sarah Paden got the sweetest shots of Liz in the middle of a dance circle with one of the students. Eventually a soccer game broke out that resulted in the kids wanting to do penalty kicks. Kaitlyn played goalie and was an absolute rockstar at it. After a few incredibly fun hours we sadly had to say goodbye to the school children. On our way back to camp we stopped in the village to tour the medical facility that the owners of our campsite helped build so that the local people could have access to safe, reliable medical care closer to their homes. That was a cool experience for the girls to learn about because they saw that having doctor’s offices everywhere is a big luxury in the United States. We then cooled off with some drinks and made our way back to camp for one last night before our drive to the coast. We enjoyed dinner and moon-up around the fire and as Sebastian and I were packing the group gear in our tent we loved hearing all of the laughter and chatter coming from the fire as the girls continued to hang out with each other after moon-up.
The next morning we packed the last of our belongings excited to make the drive to the Tanga coast. On the drive the girls stayed entertained by making friendship bracelets, reading, and the occasional catnap. Halfway through the drive we stopped at a market to use the restroom and we were delighted to find that they had ice cream. We all enjoyed a cool, delicious sweet treat that gave us that little push we needed for the second half of the drive. A few hours later we stopped at a restaurant for a delicious lunch of grilled chicken and fries. We instantly felt how much warmer the temperature had gotten which was an exciting sign that the coast was drawing closer and closer. When we arrived at the beach, the girls quickly got settled in their bungalows and threw on their swimsuits. We then enjoyed a relaxed afternoon complete with a pool party. We are sad that the beach marks the last section of our trip but the girls, Sebastian, and I are so thankful for the experiences we’ve shared and that all you parents allowed them the opportunity to join us in this beautiful country this summer. The girls wanted to share their gratitude below!

Until next time,
Sarah Paden and Sebastian

SER 2A Thank You
Bea – Thank you Mom and Dad for giving me this opportunity to go on this trip to Africa. I have had such a good time and can’t want to tell you all about it. I am having a blast. Miss you guys!
Virginia- thank you so much fitch family for providing me with this incredible opportunity! I’m forever grateful for the new things I’ve tried and all of the new friends I have met! I am so excited to share all about my incredible experience with you! Miss y’all and love you!
Lia- Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to go on this fantastic adventure in Africa. I’m so grateful for all the friends I’ve made here and the experiences I’ve been through. I’m so excited to show yall all that I’ve learned and seen on this trip!
Tyler- Thank you so much for this amazing experience I’ve had such a great time. I can’t wait to tell y’all all about it and share all of the photos and videos when I get home. I love and miss you guys!
Leighton- Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity to go to Africa . Everything about this trip is perfect. I have learned so much through this trip that I can’t wait to tell y’all about. I am having so much fun I miss y’all!
Grayson- I’m so thankful for the opportunity y’all have given me to come to Africa. Everything here continues to amaze me and I can’t wait to show y’all everything. Love y’all
Mia- Thank you so so much for the opportunity to go on this amazing trip. It has been one of the best experiences of my life, and I cannot wait to see you guys and tell you all about it. Love and miss you all!!
Sadie- Thank you so so much for this opportunity to go to Africa I am so beyond grateful for the ability to go on a trip like this and this trip has truly opened my eyes. I can’t wait to tell you all about the wild things I’ve done here. Thank you so so much again I will always remember this and the opportunity you have given me. Love you and see you all soon!
Nally – Hi Mom and Dad! I just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity to go on this trip. It has been incredible, and I have made lifelong friends and memories. I can’t wait to tell you all about it because I have had some really interesting experiences. I couldn’t imagine a better way to spend my summer, so thank you again. Love you all and tell Madison I said I love her too.
Liz- Hey Mom and Dad! I miss y’all so much! Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity to see such an amazing place. I will forever be grateful for how much y’all push me to do such awesome things. I have so much to tell you guys and I can’t wait to see you all! Love you and I will see you soon!
Julia- Hi mom and dad!!!! Thank you so so much for this opportunity, I will always be grateful. I can’t wait to tell you guys all about it and show you all my photos!! I miss y’all so much but I’ll be meeting you in the airport soon!
SJ- Hi mom and dad (and libs)! I’ve had the best time on this trip. Thank you so so much for making my dream come true. I am forever grateful for this opportunity y’all have given me. I’m so excited to tell y’all about my experience and show y’all the pictures/videos. I wish I could stay longer, but I can’t wait to see y’all. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I love y’all the most
Kaitlyn – Hi mom and dad, I’m having so much fun right now, thank you so much for letting me do another trip. We’ve done so many things I would’ve never imagined I’d be doing, and i definitely won’t be forgetting this for a long time. Thank you for always encouraging me to go out of my comfort zone, especially when I was having second thoughts, I wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for that. I can’t wait to see you guys again and tell you all about it. Tell Hunter and taylor I said hello too, and I hope they’re having fun on their trips too. Enjoy the Fourth of July, and know I can’t wait to see you guys again, love you

Update from Serengeti!

June 30, 2024

Karibu (welcome) to Tanzania, Serengeti 2A parents!!

The group hit the ground running upon arrival and we’re excited to pop in and share all the incredible highlights. When the group arrived, we headed to the Lake Manyara region to live like the Maasai for two days. In the morning we toured the Maasai bomas, which are their houses made of mud. We also got to see many cows and goats. Sarah Paden managed to catch a 1 day old goat and the girls all took turns holding and fawning over the tiny angel. The girls then got to help build a bath hut from start to finish and they completely jumped in and embraced getting dirty. Leighton and Liz dug right in with bear hands to help spread the mud! Sadie was even gifted a necklace from a local Maasai woman. Later that day we got to partake in the preparation ritual for our Swahili dinner night. During our downtime, Grayson taught everyone ratslap, a super fun card game. We also got to watch and participate in traditional Maasai song and dance. We loved watching Sebastian participate in the jumping with the Maasai men!

It was so fun watching the girls jump right in and ask questions! They were quick to pick up traditional Maasai and Swahili phrases. Asheng naleng (thank you in Maasai) and Asanta sana (thank you in Swahili) are two of the phrases we used many times a day. We had a delicious Swahili bbq for dinner where almost all of the girls tried goat! After we were stuffed and happy it was time to wind down our day. Kaitlyn, one of our awesome alumni students did an amazing job as our fearless first leader of the day and we ended the day with a great moonup around the fire.

The next morning we woke up excited to head into the Serengeti for safari. On the way we stopped at a market for a little shopping. Mia was our master negotiator and all of the girls got some great souvenirs to remember our trip. Lia kept everyone laughing as we made our way into the park! The girls lit up with excitement as soon as we entered the Ngorogoro conservation area and began seeing all the wildlife. We were even lucky enough to see an elephant roadside! We don’t think Julia ever sat down on safari, she snapped all the best shots. After an introduction to camp, we ate a hearty dinner and headed off to bed for a big day of game drives.

Visiting the Serengeti is a mesmerizing journey into the heart of wildlife diversity. As the golden sun rises over the vast savannah, the landscape comes alive with the sights and sounds of nature’s inhabitants. We were so lucky to see not one but two leopards our first day out. We also got to eat lunch in the bush one day and nally explored and ventured into a cool big tree branch. Tyler was our trip vlogger and has captured all of the moments perfectly. The last day of safari brought the dance party of a lifetime. You’ll have to ask SJ for the video (future film producer?!). We even got a sneak peek at nighttime wildlife right around our campsite. mongooses darted playfully across the dusty trails and hyenas would call to one another across the way. Bea was a big fan of the hyenas around the campsite! We were fortunate enough to have a campsite that was placed right between the boundary lines of two different lion prides. The two prides would communicate with each other through a unique and very interesting series of calls. A lucky bonus? Sebastian snapped an amazing group snap under the stars with an incredible view of the Milky Way above us! Carl, one of our facilitators also gave the girls a great and informative talk about the importance of conservation in the park and around Tanzania and how tourism can help aid conservation efforts. The girls were all so intrigued by this and had many wonderful questions for Carl. We then headed to bed in preparation of our last day on safari.

On our last day of safari we headed to the southeastern plains, where Sebastian and I hadn’t gone before. We were surprised with an abundance of zebras and giraffes drinking at a watering hole. We also saw three lion brothers lounging under a tree nearby. And much to our surprise, one awoke and gave us the most beautiful roar. We also saw some female lions stalking a hippo. We got excited in hopes we would see the take down but unfortunately the lions were not successful this time. However, we did get to see a crocodile catch and eat a pretty sizable catfish. From majestic eagles soaring high on thermal currents to vibrant lilac-breasted rollers flashing iridescent hues as they flit between branches, the Serengeti hosts a symphony of avian diversity. Each species contributes its unique melody to the tapestry of this untamed wilderness. To witness mongooses, jackals, and a multitude of birds in the Serengeti is to glimpse into a world where nature thrives in its purest form, in one of Africa’s most iconic landscapes.

As we headed out for our next leg of the trip the girls loved seeing a family of elephants including several babies! We had a long day of travel to make it to the lake however the girls turned a long travel day into a joyous journey with laughter echoing through the car, harmonizing songs from their favorite playlists. They shared stories, played games, and bonded over spontaneous roadside snacks. Their energy and camaraderie transformed the miles into cherished memories of friendship.

We are looking forward to seeing more wildlife and getting into nature at the lake. As we approach the halfway mark of the trip (which seems CRAZY to say) we are sleepy but so eager for all of the fun that’s to come. The girls are having a blast and wanted to pop-in with some shout outs below!

Talk soon,Sarah Paden and Sebastian

Julia Clardy- Hi mom, dad, James, Molly and Cameron!! Seeing the animals super up close is so so cool. The camera I brought is better than I expected so I’m getting some really good pictures. The campsite we’ve been staying at is in the middle of Serengeti and we have been so close to lions and hyenas. I’m so grateful I could come on this trip and I love you guys soooo much!!!!

Sadie Archie- Hi mom and dad thank you for the opportunity to let me go to Africa I’m having the best time. I ate goat kidney the other day which was wild and something I’ll probably never do again but I’ve met so many amazing people and made so many insane memories. My camera broke so I don’t have any pictures but it’s all good because I’m embracing the whole live in the moment thing. You would be so proud of how early I wake up (before sunrise) every morning but it won’t last at all once I get home. I love you!

Kaitlyn Yetman – Hi mom and dad, we got to see so many cool things at the Serengeti, can’t wait to tell you all about it when I get back. Have to admit, the camera was a good idea, so thank you. Kilimanjaro was sooo pretty, and the crater looked really cool. I’m having so much fun, just like last year! Tell Hunter and Taylor I said hi, I think about them a lot, I hope they can come here too someday. I hope you don’t miss us too much on the fourth, I can’t wait to show you the pictures I took, love you guys!

Tyler White – Hey guys, thank you so much for letting me go on this trip it has been such an amazing experience and I’ve had the best time. I’ve made so many good friendships and have seen some crazy animals I also ate a goat kidney. The tribes were so cool and I have gotten some awesome footage for the YouTube. I hope y’all are having fun at the beach give scout a hug for me. Miss you Cabe and I hope you’re having a great time in Wilmington. I love you guys!

Nally Bergeron – Hi mom and dad! This trip has been incredible so far, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. I’ve already made so many cool memories and friends, and the animals that I’ve seen have been so cool. I also ate goat kidney one day with the Massai tribes just to give you a sneak peak into what I’ve been doing out here. We are now headed to Lake Jipe after camping in the Serengeti for four nights. Tell Madison, GG, and Grumpy that I said hi, and I hope Hilton Head is lots of fun! Miss you all and love you guys.

Grayson Crowe- hey guys, I’m so thankful you let me go on this trip it’s been amazing so far. In our 4 days in the Serengeti I’ve seen so many things I’ve never thought was possible. All of the girls here are amazing and we’ve gotten so close so quickly. There’s so many new things here to learn and adapt to, like eating raw goat kidney and having hyenas hangout next to our tents at night. Now we’re going to lake jipe and tomorrow we’re doing the hike, which apparently I’m not doing (we’ll see). But anyways I’m having so much fun and love and miss y’all.

Virginia fitch- hey fitch fam i hope y’all are well!! I am so thankful you gave me the opportunity to be sent on this new and incredibly immersive trip! I have tried so many new things and am so blessed to be doing it with such an amazing and kind hearted group of people! I have seen so much of God’s beautiful creation on this trip and we still have more to go! Can’t wait to tell you all about it when I get home! miss y’all and love you and am so greatful for you all! Love you mom dad lee peaches and the rest of the fam!!!

Bea – Hi! Miss everyone at home. This trip is awesome. I have seen so many cool animals and seeing the tribe was really cool. I can’t wait to show all my pictures. I’ve met some really cool people and have really enjoyed my time. Thank you for this awesome opportunity. You guys would love it here. Hope Louisville is treating you all well tell Louise I said Hi!

Lia- Hi! I miss y’all so much! I’m having so much fun with all the people here. They’re so funny and nice. The food is really good. At the first place we stayed we got to watch a goat sacrifice and I got to cut off the ear. The leaders are really nice and fun. Thank you for this incredible opportunity, I never want to leave and I wish that y’all were here experiencing the same things. Love and miss you guys!

Leighton- Hey mom and dad! I’m having so much fun in Africa. We just finished our safari part of the trip and I got to see so many animals! I’ve made so many great friends and We’ve been doing cool things here like eating a raw goat kidney and hanging out with the Maasai tribe. The food here as also been amazing. I’m so grateful to be here and can’t wait to tell y’all all about it. Love and miss y’all!

Mia- Hi Mom, Dad, Patrick, and Campo!! Thank you so much for the amazing opportunity to go on this trip, Africa is amazing and I’m having the best time! All of the girls are so nice and hilarious and we have all gotten really close. We went to a Maasai goat sacrifice and I even held it’s leg during the sacrifice! We are leaving the safari now (which was SO cool) and are heading to the lake, and I am so excited for all of the things we are going to do! I miss everyone so much and I can’t wait to tell you guys all about my time here when I get back! Give Elsa lots of attention for me! Love you guys so much!!!Also- Happy Birthday Poppy and EB! I love you both and cannot wait to see you guys in August!

Sj- Hi guys! I miss y’all but I’m having the BEST time as you guessed. I’ve made so many new friends and we are already planning a trip to all hangout again. The leaders are literally the best ever and I wish you could meet them. I had a really bad migraine on the plane ride to Africa but I stuck it out. We first went to the massi village and the kids were so cute. We helped build a bathroom out of mud, water, and cow poop. We just finished the safari component and it was so cool. I think my new favorite animal is a lion. I got so many cool pictures and videos. The food is amazing and I’ve gotten coffee every morning. We are headed to the lake right now and stopped at the zoo for like 20 minutes. After the lake we are going to the beach and then home. The plane ride home is going to be so long because we are stopping a lot. Give the pups lots of sugar and please bring Jacky with you to pick me up! I love y’all so much and thank you for making my kindergarten dreams come true!

Liz- Hey mom and dad! I miss y’all SO much! I’m having the best time with such amazing people. My leaders SP and Sebastian are so cool and have been the best support. We have just finished at Serengeti (which was the most beautiful place) and are now heading to Lake Jipe. We visited the Maasai people and made a toiletry room out of cow poop (which was disgusting)! We watched a goat sacrificed and some of the girls were brave enough to eat goat liver; not me though! Tell Cale, Mary Hannah and Winston Angel that I miss them so much and cannot wait to see y’all when I get back! Have fun in Disney with Uncle Chi and tell the Lim family I said hi! Love y’all!

Safe Arrival in Tanzania!

June 24, 2024

Hello Serengeti Families!

We heard from our leaders this morning that the group has landed safely in Tanzania and is enjoying some rest after their big travel day! The trip is off to a great start, and we cannot wait to hear more stories from their adventure as they prepare to travel to the coast!

Please remember our leaders and students will be unplugged during their trips, but we will be posting trip updates throughout the next week! This will allow you to follow along with the trip. You can also follow us on Instagram, @moondanceadventures, to see more of what we are up to!

-Moondance HQ


  • Bea
  • Grayson
  • Julia
  • Kaitlyn
  • Leighton
  • Lia
  • Liz
  • Mia
  • Nally
  • SJ
  • Sadie
  • Tyler
  • Virginia
