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Northern Lights 2A • July 6-July 26, 2024

Update from beautiful Alaska!

July 10, 2024

Greetings from the Matanuska Glacier in Alaska!!!

We started off our trip with a bang and have had an incredible first few days of ice climbing! The sun was out, the ice was cold, and the energy was rebounding throughout the whole group. This group is already working well as a team so early on, and we cannot wait to see where the next few weeks will take us.

Our first day of ice climbing was amazing. We started off the day with breakfast burritos, with Ellie leading the charge on cook crew alongside Noah for the morning. After breakfast burritos and coffee, the group gathered around the gear tent at Nova Alaska Guides to receive our gear and then headed out to the 27-mile-long Matanuska Glacier to climb some ice. Our hike was fairly short until we arrived at our three routes to climb. It was not long before Avery made it to the top of a route, which urged everyone else to strap in and get ready to climb. Noah made it a personal goal to climb each route three times, which he accomplished with ease. After everyone got their fill of climbing for the day, we gathered our gear and headed back to the campsite for the rest of the afternoon, which was filled with hacky sack and jackpot. It is amazing how well a group of nine can play hacky sack just after three days of practice. Rowan has not failed to show and teach her ways of hacky sack to the rest of the group. For dinner, the cook crew made Japanese barbecue sandwiches with Wickles Pickles, baked beans, and potato chips, which were a huge hit. Following dinner, the group was introduced to the game of Shmotus, which was a big crowd pleaser. This game requires all players not to show their teeth, even when laughing. If you show your teeth when laughing, you are out. Cal did a great job getting nearly everyone out, making everyone laugh for minutes on end. After the game, Tyler and Evie, the leaders of the day, wrapped up the day with yet another incredible moonup.

The next day was our biggest day of ice climbing, which required a two-mile hike in. This hike was decorated with singing, games, and conversation. Upon arrival at our spot, the guides set up the routes, which consisted of massive rappels into an incredibly blue crevice. It was truly spectacular. Aggie was one of the first, if not the first, to complete both routes, which pushed everyone else to do the same. All the while, Will, as usual, maintained conversation and group activity at the base where everyone awaited their turn. This has been a common theme over the last few days for Will!

After the group had our fun at the crevice, we hiked back to the van to get a head start on prepping for backpacking, which went very smoothly. We are all so excited to head out into the backcountry. These upcoming days will be unforgettable, and we can’t wait to share about it afterwards!

Sincerely from Alaska,

McKee, Daisy, and Scarlet


Hello family, it’s only been a few days but so far it’s incredible. Hope all is well and Thomas is getting super excited for his trip. A few people here went on it and absolutely loved it. Anyways love you guys and can’t wait to tell you everything. – Rowan


Hey familia, it’s only day four and I’m having a blast. I hope you have a great birthday dad!! I hope y’all are having a great time in Nash and I will see you somewhat soon. I love and miss y’all -Avery


Hi!!! I miss y’all but I’m having the best time. It’s so so beautiful here, I can’t wait to show you the photos! I hope you’re having the best time in London and Lucy’s trip is going well! Love y’all❤️❤️ – Ellie


Hello family!! This trip has been so amazing, and it’s only been 4 days! I’ve met some great people. Miss you guys and am excited to see you all once again so I can tell y’all about this amazing Alaskan excursion. Thank you padres for getting me on this adventure and helping me get all my gear; I needed all the gear. I’m having a blast and hope you have all been doing great! See you guys soon. Noah


Heyyyyyy guys. I cannot even begin to describe Alaska’s beauty to you all, but know that it’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. As much as I miss everyone, I’m having the time of my life. I truly couldn’t ask for a better group; we never stop laughing. We leave tomorrow morning to go backpacking in the middle of the Alaskan backcountry for 8 days, and it’s gonna be craaaazaaayyyy!! I love you all so very much, and I can’t wait to tell you every single detail!!!! 💛💛💛- Evie


Wassup Fam. Just chilling in Alaska right now. I am having a great time with my group and leaders. Lu would really like all my leaders. About to go backpacking so I’m excited for that. I’ll see y’all on the other side and hope everything I’m Nashville is great. Will


Hey Law Fam!!!!!!! Having a blast In Alaska right now!!! My group and leaders are and is absolutely amazing!!! We just finished ice climbing and it was so cool!!!, tomorrow we start backpacking!!!! Hope everyone’s doing great!! Give Darla some love for me!!!! I love y’all so much and miss y’all!!! Can’t wait to tell y’all all abt the trip!!! Best family ever!!!❤️❤️❤️


Hey mom and dad! I Love y’all and really miss y’all and am having a really good time Ice climbing-cal


Hellooooo I miss y’all a lot but I’m having a blast. We’re about to start backpacking tomorrowww. Say hi to Louie for me, love you guys!! – tyler


  • Aggie
  • Avery
  • Cal
  • Ellie
  • Evie
  • Noah
  • Rowan
  • Tyler
  • Will
