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Maui 1A • June 9-June 22, 2024

We miss Maui 1A Already!

June 23, 2024

Here’s to one last aloha! We cannot believe how fast our two weeks in Maui went by, and everyone wishes that this trip could last forever. However, before we skip to the tearful goodbye, we still have four more awesome days to recap from beautiful Maui!

Beginning where we left off, the group headed back over to the Kahana Beach Park to take another stab at windsurfing. Moondance photographer, Clay Covington, joined us once again after spending the night with us at camp! The group was pleasantly surprised at how well they remembered the skills from the last session, especially Whaley who was zipping up and down the beach the entire time. Brodie learned how to do 360s with the sail and eagerly shared his strategy with the group. We had a ball all morning, and the “jibe queens” made their presence known once again with some skillful maneuvering of their own.

After windsurfing, we headed over to the hidden Iao Valley State Park in the West Maui Mountains. Despite being in the same mountains that we camp beneath every night, the scenery could not have been more different. We had a great time eating our packed lunches in the lush valley by the chilly river before our hike. Clay proved his worth by taking some amazing snapshots of the kids as we rose above the valley and eventually descended into the river. Many students showed genuine interest in his camera gear and photography skills, especially Sanders, Whaley, and Bronson who took some sick flicks of their own. By the river, Bronson, Clay, and Will took a polar plunge at a waterfall swimming hole while Jack showed off his rock-stacking magic. The valley was misty and colder than down by the beach which made for a fun afternoon of bundling up together on the trail.

After wearing down our legs, the students piled back into the van to head back to camp to prepare for an extra special dinner and moonup. We like to keep things a surprise here at Moondance, so the student’s only instructions were to grab a sweatshirt and be ready in 30 minutes! In the car, the leaders fought through excited shouting and thousands of questions about where we were going. But as the temperatures began to drop and the elevation rose, the kids began to realize where we were headed. About halfway up Haleakala, Maui’s 10,000 ft. dormant volcano, we parked our van at the beautiful Lavender Farms for sunset. Practically sprinting out of the van, everyone grabbed a slice of pizza and followed Kate who frolicked and rolled down the grassy hills. Elaina, Natalie, and Anna sat at the highest point with Maddie giggling, eating sweet treats, and watching the fun unfold. During the sunset, we took a couple moments to ourselves, sitting in silence with the sun going down, and soaking up our surroundings. The kids spent the rest of the night talking together for hours, while the leaders watched quietly from the top.

When the sun finally retreated behind the mountains and the last specks of golden water faded away, we gathered for moonup on the mountain. Each student took the floor, showed their vulnerability, and supported one another like we’ve never seen before. Their empathetic and genuine responses to one another warmed the leader’s hearts. Clay even commented that this moonup was one of the most powerful that he’d ever been a part of. After a giant and prolonged group hug with the waterworks on full blast, we headed back to camp to get some sleep and soak in an amazing night.

The next morning, we had to catch and release legendary photographer Clay “Sean O’Connell” Covington to another group. The group rebounded quickly though when we told them that they did not have to rush off to an early morning activity. Natalie and Anna appreciated the extra hour of rest most of all and thanked the leaders profusely. Today’s LODs, Brodie and Kirby debriefed the group after breakfast and prepared them for a wild day of ziplining in Kapalua next door to the PGA Tour golf course. Our guides told us we would be riding six lines with one being almost half a mile long! One of the guides, Brandon, even told us that he had hit 78 mph on one of the lines. With a lot of excitement and a touch of fear in our hearts, the kids bravely took to the air themselves. Kate and Sanders got some amazing GoPro footage while Smith and Elaina raced to the end of the fastest zipline. Everyone loved the feeling of wind through their hair and absolutely nothing below their feet. This year was Moondance’s first year with these ziplining guides so thank you to them for doing an amazing job with the kids and keeping us safe!

After ziplining, Thomas rushed everyone to the car, while Will prepared the red team hype speech. Why you ask? For none other than the 5th annual Maui Olympics. Founded after the Japan 2020 Olympics were canceled, Moondance gathers together the three greatest Moondance groups from all across the island of Maui to strive mightily but eat and drink as friends. When boots hit the ground, Maddie immediately ensured that every kid activated their inner fire with some red war paint. Maui 1A got off to a decent start and placed 2nd in Birdie on a Perch, The Relay, and Kickball. With tensions rising and competition heating up, the Master of Ceremonies, Will, decided it was time to cool the group off with a Watermelon eating contest. Whaley and Bronson dominated for team red and sparked a fire beneath the bellies of the entire team. Victories by Sanders and Brodie in the spike ball tournament, Anna and Jack in the Fluffy Bunny competition, and Sanders again in the Polar Bear Hunt helped rally the red team back into the fight. After a classic dinner of burgers and dogs brought to us by the red team’s own, Thomas Lea, it was time to announce the winner. Due to some clever spreadsheet maneuvering and more than a few fingers on the scale, Will shocked everyone by announcing a three-way tie for first place. Every team got to celebrate by pieing their leaders in the face. Let’s not kid ourselves though, the red team clearly won and we just had to be nice. We were proud of the kids’ competitiveness, but we were more proud of their sportsmanship and willingness to make new friends. We finished the day with a giant moonup between all three Maui groups and headed home to celebrate the win.

Waking up on our last full day and second to last morning, had to have been the most carefree morning yet. Even with the early start, the kids awoke with an eagerness to maximize this special day. Smith and Kirby crushed a breakfast of eggs, bacon, and pancakes that would sustain the group for today’s activity, stand-up paddleboarding. When we got on the water, the leaders were wildly impressed with the kids. It took them fifteen whole minutes instead of five to begin flipping each other’s paddle boards. Bronson and Whaley dubbed themselves “the pirates of the sea” and performed impressive naval tactics to add ships to their armada. Meanwhile, over in smoother seas, the girls decided to do as mermaids do and swim with the neighborhood turtles. Paddleboarding was a huge hit among the group and tired everyone out. For lunch, we returned home for sandwiches and fruit under our favorite tree. We talked there for hours and enjoyed a lazy afternoon in each other’s company.

After resting up, it was time to prepare for one of Moondance’s most important traditions: thrift store and banquet night. The kids rolled up to Goodwill in quite normal human attire and left looking like they’d be rejected at any respectable establishment on planet Earth. Smith and Brodie rocked matching bedazzled hats, and all the girls looked ready to work on Wall Street with their power ties. Laughing at each other’s ridiculous outfits, we hopped back in the van for our banquet dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. Out in the parking lot before dinner, the kids looked like Project Runway models and Derek Zoolander for the Maui 1A fashion show hosted by Ms. Willma and Ms. Sanders. The leaders were filled with joy seeing the kids laughing and dancing together on their last night. Our Mexican dinner filled us up, and we only got a few funny looks from locals and fellow tourists.

We ended the night with one last sleep in hammock village, but as always not until we had one final moonup. Tonight’s moonup was made extra special due to s’mores and a few games of Family. For tonight’s questions, we asked the kids to consider their goals for the next 5 months and the next 5 years, as well as what surprised them most about going on a Moondance trip. We hope every kid knows that they can reach out to all three of us leaders at any time and that our first session as leaders will always be special to us.

On our last day in Maui, the kids assisted the leaders in many important end-of-session tasks such as camp clean-up, van washing, and arcade games before going to the airport. At the airport, we said our sad goodbyes and laughed at all the amazing memories we made along the way. We are so proud of the growth that this group showed and their compassion for one another. Each and every one of the kids is so special and brought their own unique character to the group dynamic. The memories from this trip will live in the pictures we’ve taken and the stories we’ll tell, but what we’ll remember most are the relationships that we built along the way. 


Here’s to Maui 1A, Mahalo!

Maddie, Thomas, and Will

Aloha again!

June 18, 2024

Maui 1A checking back in after an amazing three days in and out of the water. While it may have seemed impossible to follow up our first couple days on Maui, the past three have been incredible. The group radiates laughter and joy wherever they go on the island, with several locals taking notice of their polite manners and “aloha spirit”.

Starting off the second part of the trip off strong the mob hopped into the van and rode out to Honokowai Valley to visit the Maui Cultural Lands for an ecological restoration service project. Upon arrival, we met with Eukolu who manages the land and leads the restoration. The primary issues that his team face include invasive and flammable grasses, deterioration of the rainforest canopy, and drought. Despite this, the Maui Cultural Lands’ property is beautiful. It sits within a valley on the west side of the West Maui Mountains which are over 2 million years old and 5,000 ft high. From the bottom of the valley, surrounded by native Maui forestry and sheer volcanic rock faces, Eukolu taught us about the importance of coral reef maintenance, the life cycle of water, and how to remove the invasive guinea grass. Before we began our work, Eukolu included us in a Maui ceremonial chant that would help set the intention of the work we were about to do. LODs Kirby and Whaley took charge by passing out tools and gloves as the group began to conquer the guinea grass and help prevent future fires in the area. Brodie and Jack were fascinated with Eukolu’s knowledge, and we were proud of Kirby and Kate for asking great questions. After the service we packed the van and headed to Baldwin Beach where Smith and Kate were already in the water before we could blink. No wave went un-bodysurfed, no chicken fight ended in a tie, and everyone had a great time in the sun. Anna, Elaina, and Natalie won the award for best tan of the day. Post Baldwin Beach, we headed back to camp where LODs, Natalie and Whaley, led cook crew in making a Moondance classic, pizzadillas. We concluded the day with a heartfelt Moonup by the water, this day was one for the books, and a good night of sleep.

Clocking in on yet another early morning, the group really showed their ability to adapt and make decisions as a team. With our original plans of sea kayaking being switched due to high winds, we pulled aside LOD Kirby and LOD Bronson to create a game plan for the day. Utilizing their creative and adventurous spirit, we decided to step out of our comfort zones even further and go cliff jumping! Acting on the recommendation from our super chill surfing outfitter, we chose cliff house as the ideal spot to get some sick air. After a leisurely stroll alongside the beautiful resorts near the Kapalua golf course, we reached the meeting point between sand and cliff. Thomas and Will jumped first to ensure everyone’s safety, and once they flashed the green light, everyone else jumped without hesitation. With our need for adventure met, the leaders surprised students with a trip to the laundromat. I’m sure many parents reading this will be shocked at the excitement we saw in their eyes when we pulled into the parking lot. However, as you may know by now, Moondancers can’t sit still for too long. After a couple rounds of cards and writing postcards home to family, we were off to our next destination with a much fresher smelling van! During a day filled with adaptability, the surprises weren’t over yet. When LOD Sanders shouted to the group “wait… are we playing mini golf?!” the entire van erupted into a euphoric frenzy. After splitting into two groups, friendly competitiveness endured all eighteen holes. Elaina was at the top of the leaderboard early due to her wild hole in one, but in the end Sanders and her back 9 rally led her to the women’s championship. Meanwhile in the boys championship, the guys might’ve set a record for the most balls hit out of bounds ever. Recounting unlucky shots and hilarious fails fueled the van ride back to camp, especially those who got to tell the story of Whaley having to “go fish” for his ball in the pond. Upon arriving home, the competitiveness and energy continued throughout the day during our Spike ball tournament on the beachside lawn at our campsite. (This area has been nicknamed “The Island”). This area is home to handstand lessons for Bronson from Maddie and the enforcement of a Moondance rule that anytime you see a body of water you are able to jump in, you have to! Luckily with this group, that doesn’t take much convincing as Kirby and Kate took off running into the waves. Dinner tonight brought to you by Kirby, Whaley, Jack and Anna, flipped the script by cooking breakfast for dinner which was a huge hit. The LODs did a great job leading our moonup, and the leaders emphasized to the kids how proud they were of the group’s adaptability throughout the day.

FINALLY!! The group got to go sea kayaking after an awaited time. After waking up early the group piled into the van with a Nalgene, sunscreen, and cliff bars. We were blessed with a beautiful sunrise and a great aux thanks to our LODs, Jack and Anna. When we met Griff (AKA Moondance Legend Griff Dempsey and owner of Aloha Kayaks Maui), Sanders and Kate wasted no time to hop in the water and kick off the crew’s morning. As we kayaked through the ocean, Griff showcased his knowledge of the island by pointing out landmarks and teaching us about Maui history. Once we got to our destination, the group threw on their snorkeling gear and jumped out of their kayaks. The crystal blue water was filled with all sorts of fish, octopuses and even sea turtles!! Jack got some awesome GoPro footage, and Brodie was the first to dive all the way to the bottom. After a nice wash off and dry, the group headed back to camp where we took naps in ENO village and ate delicious mac and cheese thanks to Kirby, Whaley, Jack and Anna. Natalie brought the lunch to the next level thought with her creative idea to use our leftover bagels and pizzadilla ingredients to make bagel bites for the group. After a relaxing lunch and afternoon, the mob headed up the volcano towards Waliku for a cooking class. As we pulled into the gates, we were welcomed by Winsome and her sweet dog Basil. Winsome gave us a tour of her beautiful farm which is home to native fruits, veggies, and trees. Winsome is inspired by the goal to promote restorative farming that builds healthy soil. After seeing the farm we got to use the food from the farm to cook our dinner. Kate, Whaley, and Jack worked hard at the Kui station so that everyone could enjoy their first Taro taco shells. Meanwhile, Brodie and Smith blessed us with a refreshing homemade limeade to go with our dinner. To round out our dinner, Eliana and Natalie worked hard on the salad as Bronson dialed into his previous chef experience to make a delicious coleslaw. Everyone enjoyed being involved in dinner, and learning some tips and tricks such as proper knife use and how to disposal of waste. After all of our preparation, we got to taste the reward of our hard work, miso pumpkin and venison tacos. The uniqueness of this dinner pushed everyone outside their comfort zone and tasted excellent. Tired and full from our dinner, everyone fell asleep in the van on the way home, but we still ended the day with another special Moonup.

After a good nights rest, the Maui Mob had their earliest wake up yet for Redline Rafting! Waking up to the crow of a rooster (literally), we eventually marched our way to the van. Upon arrival at the boat ramp, we were surprised and shocked to see CLAY THE MOONDANCE PHOTOGRAPHER. Clay is currently on a summer tour called #catchclay where Maui 1A was fortunate enough to find and catch him. Clay had no hesitation to hop on the boat and explore the Mokulani crater with us. The guides were sure to bring the good vibes to the early and choppy ride with music, fruit cups, and warm cinnabuns. Kirby and Whaley immediately jumped in the water once it was okay and set the tone for the group. Brodie and Thomas weren’t far behind and successfully dove 30ft to the bottom of the ocean. Kate and Jack pointed out a white fin shark while Maddie found the group’s first puffer fish. After our first snorkel, we hopped on the boat to check out the backside of the crater where we jumped in the “elevator” and swam above the 150 foot drop off! Once we left the crater, we went to “Turtle Town,” where the mob swam with turtles for about 30 minutes while the guides made sandwiches for everyone. Sanders, who very much enjoyed her sandwich, chips, cookie and ice cold Coke let everyone know that swimming with sea turtles was her new favorite thing. After snorkeling the group went back to camp to nap, eat, and play before heading to Baby Beach. On the way there, the group stopped at a local farmers market for some fruit and nuts. When we got to the beach, Sanders and Brodie were quick to set up spike ball while Jack started to cut up the Pineapple and Mangos for everyone. After another great day in the water body surfing, chicken fighting and playing spike ball, the group packed up and headed down the road to Paia. The LODS, decided to use our local food stop at the Paia Fish Market. We all got some amazing seafood and burgers which was a nice break from cooking and cleaning at camp. After our group dinner in town, our car ride back was filled with laughter and smiles followed by the reliable backseat nap. Once back at camp the mob showered up and headed towards “The Island” for our Moonup featuring Clay. Once again to all the families, thank you so much for letting us have these memories with your kids. There is no place we’d rather be.

With love,

Will, Maddie and Thomas


June 14, 2024

 MAU1A has hit the ground running and loving every second of our Hawaiian adventure. All of our students brought the energy to Kahului airport as soon as they arrived at baggage claim. Jack was our first arrival where he shared with us his love for music and showed us how he has the longest playlist in the world, (5 million+ hours)!! Soon after, we had seven kids arrive from one flight which led to handstand contests, ice breakers, and rounds of monkey in the middle. After Sanders arrived, we departed the airport and celebrated a late birthday for Anna with cookies, pizza, and decorations on the van, our exciting mode of transportation around the island for the next two weeks. Driving into our beachside campsite for the first time and seeing the mountains that surround our new home was unforgettable. After a delicious dinner, Jack and Sanders led the charge with setting up the designated hammock area while the rest of the group declared war on the invasive chicken population and their leader who was dubbed, Robiscus. We ended the night with our first moonup sharing reasons why we wanted to come on this trip and what our ideal days in our hometowns look like!

Day two began bright and early with yummy breakfast burritos prepared by our Leaders of the Day (LODs), Bronson and Sanders. They both have a knack for leadership and a flare for cooking. After fueling up, we piled into the van for a quick jam session with song requests from Whaley and Kirby that got the whole group pumped for our first activity, windsurfing. After a safety briefing from our amazing outfitters, Anna was the first to volunteer to give it a go. After a couple of trial and error runs the entire group was zipping up and down the beach with big smiles across their faces, especially our “jibe queens” Kirby, Kate, Natalie, and none other than our very own Will. After a tiring morning, we decided to celebrate with a trip to the beach for the afternoon. As soon as our feet hit the sand, everyone was body surfing and seeing how many turtles they could spot. After our oceanfront lunch and beach session, we began the trip back to camp where the party continued. The night’s designated cooking crew: Kate, Elaina, Sanders, Anna, Kirby, and Natalie whipped up some fresh chicken pesto pasta as Smith, Brodie, and Jack tossed the football around. Shortly after another impactful moonup, everyone was sound asleep in their tents as the jet lag finally wore off.

Day three began with the kids fully adjusted to Hawaiian time. Despite the later start to the day, the kids were up at the break of dawn and elected to drag the leaders out of their cozy sleeping bags. Kate made us her famous quesadillas for breakfast that nicely complemented Bronson’s bacon. While the rest of the crew prepared for the day, Smith, Jack, Whaley and Thomas went for a swim in the ocean and soaked in the sunrise over the mountains. After breakfast we packed up the van and headed to Canyon Rappelling which was everyone’s favorite activity so far. After winding down the scenic road to Hana, we arrived at the Garden of Eden where we were greeted by the beautiful peacocks. While Elaina and Kirby plotted the best way to get them to plume their feathers, Kate made friends with the cat that resides among the waterfalls. Our guides, Jonas and Shuana, helped us slowly complete our practice repel which boosted everyone’s confidence for the tougher repels later on. Upon arrival at the second rappel, the boys took the first waterfall face while the girls started on the dry face. Natalie stepped up and volunteered to go with the boys down the waterfall side where she impressed everyone with her bravery! Near the bottom of each waterfall rappel, everyone got the daring opportunity to jump off the rocks and land in the pool of water below. After the activity the group set out to the town of Paia where we got to enjoy a little gelato as well as pop in a couple of local shops. Jack, Smith and Brodie completed their duffel bags with a pair Hawiian shirts that suited them well. After our afternoon in town, the “Maui Mob” set out to Walmart where Brodie and Anna got hammocks so they could join the “cowboy camping” crew. Once back at camp, Smith, Elaina, and Kirby led dinner crew in cooking burgers and hot dogs which gave the rest of the group a comforting meal that reminded them of home. It’s safe to say that rainforest rappelling tired everyone out and helped us get a good night of rest before our exciting activity the next morning.

Surfing Day 1!!!! Although it was an early morning, the mob was pumped up to get on the water and catch their first waves. Everyone looked like naturals right from the get go due to the tutelage of our awesome guides at Maui Beach Boys. Surfing veteran, Bron “Son of Poseidon,” crushed the waves and had to get upgraded to a more agile board while Brodie and Sanders ripped 180s after only a few swells. Across the waves, Jack and Anna fought through some tough waves that put their GoPro filming skills to the test. Throughout the entirety of the activity everyone had a smile on their faces whether they were catching a wave, laughing amongst each other, or hanging out with the sea turtles that loved to beach up on our boards. After surfing the group enjoyed a nice lunch in the park where Bronson led the group in various games that he knew from his past Moondance experiences. Afterwards, the group prepared for our afternoon activity that contrasted our chill surfing morning. We all packed up our hiking clothes and headed to Wai’hee Ridge. The 2.5 mile hike didn’t seem like a daunting task until we hit the trail and realized our final destination was above the clouds 1500 ft. up. Whaley and Natalie led the way and motivated the group to fight through the pain by focusing on the beautiful mountain ridges and valleys below. Once at the top, the group enjoyed a nice snack as a cool cloudy mist rose upon us from below. When the mist turned into a cold rain during our descent the entire group began to laugh and slide through the mud down the mountain. Our fearless leader, Maddie, pointed out that it might have been a bad day to wear white shorts. Before we returned to camp after the tough hike, we made a quick pit stop at Costco where the two LODs Smith and Anna went in to get some supplies for the next couple of days. The rest of the crew, nestled in the back of the Costco parking lot, blasted music and used markers to add some character to our van. Natalie and Elaina helped us jam out to some Calvin Harris and Justin Timberlake, and we all agree that Sanders might have a future in the Moondance marketing department considering the impressive Moondance mural that she put on our right window. Once back at camp our LODs for the day, Kirby, and Whaley, cooked steak, veggies, and rice for hibachi which was a consensus favorite. After a nice moonup and a new selection of LODs, Brodie and Kate, the mob decided it was time for some rest while also delegating Elaina as the MVP of the day for hiking 5 miles in crocs!!!

Surfing day two!!!!!!!!!!!! Surfing day two was yet another early wake up call for the group, but our leaders of the day, Brodie and Kate did an amazing job getting the group energized and motivated for a chance to become one with the waves once again. The LODs also excellently prepared the group to learn more about agricultural sustainability and the ecological landscape on Maui through a service activity at Pono Grown Farms. When we dropped back into the waves on day 2, Anna and Elaina set off a shockwave of their own when they successfully hopped on a gnarly wave in tandem while on the same board! Whaley and Maddie refused to be washed aside, so they showcased an impressive tandem ride of their own. Our newfound friends, the sea turtles of Maui, made yet another appearance in the water with us. Thomas and Jack were the first to spot one, luckily with their GoPros in hand! As our time with the amazing surfing guides winded down, Kate wow-ed the group with her balancing skills, as she attempted to teach Will how to do a headstand on the board. After our lesson, we explored the local market and the group discovered a new local fan favorite treat, Hawaiian shaved ice! After some souvenir purchases, the most fun of which being our van’s new mascot, Stewart the Shark, which Jack kindly surprised us with! Next, we stopped in the park for a picnic. Our lunch stop highlights included eating a full watermelon, catching some rays, and playing some intense rounds of all our favorite games; “Big Booty”, “Birdie on A Perch”, and “Ground Beef”. This is such a special group of students with an amazing dynamic that really shined during our visit at Pono Grown Farm. The owner and husband of a former Moondance employee, Evan, mentioned that this was a standout group and appreciated the student’s sincere interest in the farm’s sustainability initiatives around the island. After planting cucumber and leak plants with Evan, we were all left with plenty of dirt under our nails and sweat on our foreheads. Of course, we couldn’t have done any of this without the oversight of Kate and Kirby’s new feline pal, Mamacita. After the work was done, it was playtime on the farm! Whaley bravely volunteered to be the first down the massive water slide and splash into the pond. The rest of the kids followed suit and found creative ways to make their grand entrance into the pond below. After endless trains, speed runs, and funny GoPro videos, we headed back to camp for dinner. This night’s dinner was chicken fajitas brought to you by our most efficient and clean cook crew yet: Kate, Brodie, Bronson, and Sanders. We are continuously impressed with the student’s cooking skills and love to see them work together as a team to get our meals served by sun down. As always, we finished by circling up for Moonup under the palms and stars to swap embarrassing stories and discuss people in our lives that inspire us. We are so grateful to all of the families that shared their amazing kids with us this session, Mahalo.

With love,

Will, Maddie and Thomas

Anna: Hey Mom and Dad, I can’t believe a week has passed! I am having the most amazing time, and I can’t wait to see you both!! Maui is the most fun trip ever!!

Brodie: Hey guys can’t wait to see y’all in a week. Having so much fun!

Bronson: Hey, it has been so much fun on this trip. Thank you guys so much for this trip. It has been the best few days every. Can’t wait to see you guys soon. Love Bronson.

Elaina: Hey guys! This trip has been so much fun, I can’t believe we only have one week left. I can’t wait to see you next week! Love you – Elaina

Jack: Hey guys, Maui has been so fun! Thank y’all so much for giving me this experience. I miss y’all and can’t wait to tell you guys in about a week. Love y’all so much!!!

Kate: Hey guys! Maui has been so much fun! We have a super good campsite with ENO spaces, showers, and real toilets. We’ve cooked dinner every night which has been surprisingly good. I am so excited to see you but I’m having a great time. I love you all so much!

Kirby: Hi Mom and Dad, I’m having a lot of fun in Maui. Thanks for sending me here! I can’t wait to see you guys and the dogs.

Natalie: Hey mom and dad, I’m having so much fun! Instead of tents we sleep in our ENOS under the stars, it’s so pretty here and the water is so warm. I miss you guys so much and can’t wait to see you! Love you

Sanders: Hey everyone! Maui is awesome, we sleep in ENOs every night and they are so comfortable. Time has been flying by- even though I don’t know what time it is. I can’t believe it has already been a week! I miss you guys so much and can’t wait to see y’all. See y’all soon! Love you forever and always.

Smith: I love you guys and I miss you. I’ve been having the best time meeting everyone.

Whaley: Maui has been awesome, and I can’t wait to see y’all in a week.

Safe arrival in Maui!

June 10, 2024

Hello Maui Families!

We heard from our leaders this afternoon that the group has landed safely in Maui and is headed to their first campsite! The trip is off to a great start, and we cannot wait to hear more stories from their adventure!

Please remember our leaders and students will be unplugged during their trips, but we will be posting trip updates throughout the next two week! This will allow you to follow along with the trip. You can also follow us on Instagram, @moondanceadventures, to see more of what we are up to!

-Moondance HQ


  • Anna
  • Brodie
  • Bronson
  • Elaina
  • John
  • Kate
  • Kirby
  • Natalie
  • Sanders
  • Smith
  • Whaley
