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Machu Picchu 1 • June 8-June 21, 2024


June 21, 2024

As this first session of Machu Picchu comes to a close, we want to say thank you. Thank you for placing your trust in us, to care for your children over these past two weeks. Thank you for sending them on this once in a lifetime trip and allowing us to be a part of it. Each and every one of them played a crucial role in our group and made a clear impact on one another.


Grace taught us to always be ourselves. She wasn’t afraid to be her true, genuine self and this helped inspire the rest of us to do the same. Everyone looked up to and admired the way she found comfort in authenticity.

Mae showed us that life is all about finding joy in the little things. She consistently reminded us how lucky we were to have this unique Moondance experience and how important is it to appreciate the beauty that exists all around us. She left us all with the quote: “Be kind and Be brave.”

James is the toughest kid we know. Despite some sickness during our trip, James never once complained. Instead, he made sure to make the most of the situation and certainly inspired us to find the good in every circumstance.

Lilly taught us the power of excellent leadership. With or without the LOD title, she was constantly leading us to care for one another, to live in the moment, to bring the hype and so much more. We’re beyond grateful for her experience and leadership.

Tommy knew how to bring joy and laughter to every situation. He always made the people around him feel loved and appreciated whether cracking a joke or having an intentional conversation. He brought so many smiles to this group and knew how to make every moment brighter.

Miller taught us kindness goes a long way. She never failed to treat everyone around her with love and respect and this spread to the rest of the group. She brought a calmness to every situation that made you feel like everything would be okay, but also had radiant energy that made you want to talk to her forever.

Perry taught us resilience. Whether he was diagnosing our van trouble or taking on the challenges of the trip, he taught us the power of never giving up and the ability to conquer anything put in front of us.

Palmer showed us the strength of endless energy. She never failed to rally the group together for a laugh and showed us that being yourself is the most fun version of you! She is a pro at making people smile and we knew that if she was around, there was a guaranteed laugh in our future.

George showed us what true integrity looks like. Whether we were looking or not, we knew that we could trust him to do the right thing. This made him a role model to everyone in our group because he made it clear that he did everything in the best interest of others.

Fairfax taught us the power of connection. She was always interested in talking to the people around her and learning more about them. Talking to her was like talking to a best friend. She made you feel special in every conversation and could always put a smile on your face.


We are so sad to see this group go, but are so grateful for the two unforgettable weeks spent with them. They truly made this trip so special and we feel very lucky to have led them. Once again, thank you for sharing them with us and allowing us to create such special memories with them.

MPU 1, we miss you so much already! Hoping to see you all in our near future. We love y’all and safe travels home!



Caroline + John

A Trek Through Peru's Andes!

June 19, 2024

We began the trekking section of our trip on Day 8, ready for our next adventure… or so we thought.

On our way to the trailhead, our van experienced some issues. Fortunately, Perry was quick to the front to help diagnose the issue while Tommy and George made a fun game of throwing rocks across a creek. Our backup ride arrived in no time, and we hit the road once again! We drove straight to our campsite that night for a good night’s rest and played a fun game called “Three on a Couch” that soon became Tommy’s new favorite! Students would come to the front of the room in groups of three and tell us a story about “the time I…” but only one of the stories would be true! Our wonderful LODs, Palmer and Tommy, led a great Moonup with a closing ceremony that had us howling at the full moon in preparation for our toughest day of trekking ahead.

Waking up the next day, we all knew the challenge that was ahead: the Salkantay Pass. We hiked nearly 8 miles, reaching a maximum altitude of 15,131 ft. Our LODs, George and Lilly, did an incredible job encouraging our group throughout the entire day. While one was at the front helping with the pace, the other was at the back making sure everyone knew they were more than capable of completing this trek. We experienced some cold rain that could’ve put a damper on our group’s morale, but because of their determination, we put on our raincoats and kept moving forward. About halfway through the uphill trek when we reached flat terrain before another hill, Grace expressed how she simply couldn’t stop smiling. She said that she hadn’t experienced joy like this in a long time. The final uphill trek was a challenge, knowing we were so close to the summit, but also knowing we actually had to make it there. Thanks to the encouragement from the LODs and hard work from everyone on the trail, all 12 of us turned the corner and saw the final stretch leading us to the top of the pass! We celebrated with a big group hug, followed by lots of smiles and some pictures. We could not be more proud of this group. From their positive attitude in the bad weather to their encouragement on the long uphill stretches to their joy when they reached the summit, these students had grit like no other!

The second half of the day consisted of three hours of downhill trekking until we reached our campsite with a beautiful view of the snowy Andes Mountains. Mae kept emphasizing just how lucky we all were to be experiencing something as special as this! In honor of Father’s Day, our LODs asked the question, “what is a special memory you have with one of your parents?” It was very sweet to hear the stories that these students shared and learn more about each other’s families.

Day 10 brought another day of trekking and good conversation. Since this day was flatter/more downhill than the day before, there was a lot more talking on the trails. Palmer and Fairfax found themselves bonding over everything during our hike, and it’s been so special to see their friendship flourish. After arriving at our campsite in Santa Teresa, we headed to hot springs to pass some time before dinner. Once we returned, we indulged in some delicious steak, rice, and potatoes while listening to music. Miller, Fairfax, and Palmer all belted “Enchanted” by Taylor Swift, and George surprised us by knowing all the words to “Country Girl Shake it for Me.” All of this singing led us to an impromptu game of blind karaoke, where we would play the karaoke version of a random song and the students would have to figure out what it was then sing along! The guys started with a strong performance. The fan favorite was “All I Want For Christmas Is You” because they instantly knew the words and got everyone into it. The girls stole the show singing “Starships,” “Sweet Caroline,” and finally “Stay” by Rihanna, in which all the students got up to sing along! This led us into Moonup where our LODs, Perry and Grace, had us say the thing we admire most about the person to our right. It was a very sweet moment hearing the impact each of us has had on each other in two short weeks and what we will take away from each person.

On Day 11, we enjoyed a little more sleep and had another yummy breakfast before jumping into our last day of trekking. Before getting in the van to head to our trail, James got a picture with the parrot named Charlie who lived at our campsite. He had been jokingly searching for a parrot during our whole trekking section and was pleasantly surprised to find one here! We spent the day hiking along train tracks until we arrived at Aguas Calientes where we finally got to shower for the first time in 4 days! We enjoyed a big Italian dinner full of pizza and pasta before heading back to our hotel. During Moonup, our LODs, Mae and James, asked about each person’s favorite memory from the trip. It ranged from the truck ride home from the Inca ceremony to the feeling of reaching the top of the Salkantay Pass to the little moments of laughter and smiles.

This is such a special group of people, and we feel so lucky to get to lead them! As we prepare to finally see Machu Picchu, we are greeted with so many emotions. From happiness to sadness to gratefulness, we know that the end of the trip is near but are so thankful for all of the memories.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us these past two weeks, and we hope you know that they have made such an impact on us as leaders and as people. We will be forever grateful to know and lead them!


Caroline + John

Lilly: Hi mom and dad!! I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you both for these past two weeks and the opportunity to travel to so many amazing places. You guys have truly gifted me with memories for a lifetime and I will forever be grateful. Love you both tons and can’t wait to see you soon!!

George: Hey mom and dad! I have had a great time on this trip and seen and done some really cool things. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity and I can’t wait to see y’all soon!

Perry: Hey mom and dad! The second part of the trip was a lot different than what I anticipated, but it was enjoyable still. I also am talking to a lot of people in my group and have made some strong connections. Thanks for the opportunity for me to go on this trip and make the memories I have now. See you both soon!

James: Hey mom and dad! I have had an amazing time in Peru so far. I have built very strong friendships and made many memories. Despite me getting sick way more than I would like, I had an incredible time and definitely would come back here. Thank you so much for letting me go on this trip! Can’t wait to see you soon!

Tommy: Hello parents! Peru has been so much fun so far thank you so much for sending me and giving me the opportunity to see such a unique place. Love you guys see you soon.

Grace: hi my family!!!! No words can explain how grateful my heart is. Heavy with gratitude, joy, and peace! Extremely blessed to be able to come to a place like this surrounded by people like these. Thank you all so so much. Love y’all so much and can’t WAIT to see y’all in two dayssssss!!!!!!

Mae: Thank you for sending me on this experience, it has been the most amazing time and I am incredibly grateful I was able to come!!! LOVE U GUYSSS!!

Miller: Hi Mom and Dad!!! Thank you so much for letting me go on this trip it has been so fun!!! I have had the best time in Peru and I have met so many great people. I’m so excited to see you guys in two days!

Fairfax: Thank y’all so so much for letting me go on this trip!!! I have had SO much fun and met such great friends!! Love y’all so much and I’m so greatful for this experience!!!

Palmer: HEYYY YALL!! I have genuinely had so much fun this entire trip and have made such great friends. I am so excited to see y’all and watch sex and the city but will probably cry when I leave everyone 😢😭. Missing y’all but not too much xoxo

Caroline and John: So many thank you’s to Moondance, the HQ staff, and Hayes! You’ve given us this incredible opportunity and we are so grateful to be a part of this Moondance family!

Update from Cusco!

June 15, 2024

Hola from Cusco, Peru! We’ve been having a blast on our first session of this Machu Picchu trip and we’re only halfway through!

One by one the students arrived in Atlanta on Day 1 with a smile on their face and excitement in their eyes. We welcomed each of them to our Moondance family, asking them about themselves and what they’re most looking forward to on this action packed trip. George and Miller were the first to arrive and because of their excitement and kindness, they made us that much more excited for the rest of the students to come! We indulged in some airport Chick-fil-A and Chinese food before boarding our 6 hour red-eye flight to South America. Some of us slept, others listened to music, and the rest chatted with the people around them until arriving in Lima on Day 2, where we met the newest member of our group, Tommy! Not long after, we boarded our final flight to Cusco where our trip would officially commence. As soon as we arrived we hopped in our van to lunch then continued on a three-hour drive to the Apurimac River where we would begin the rafting section of our trip. We got to travel through the Andes Mountains at sunset which Mae said was the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen. We set up our campsite, ate dinner around a fire, courtesy of John and Perry, had our first Moonup, then got to bed early in preparation for a long, yet riveting rafting day to come! Despite our extensive travels the group agreed that we all felt like we had known each other for years, even though it had only been about 18 hours. The students were excellent travelers and we were extremely impressed. Everyone was too excited for the activities to come to even think about the long travel day!

Since we set up camp at dusk, we didn’t know we’d open our tent sitting between two ginormous mountains that create one gorgeous view! Our first Leader’s of the Day (LOD), George and Lilly, got the group ready for rafting with an encouraging and upbeat pep talk about working together during rafting to have the best time possible. The LOD’s numbered off the students, creating two even teams, both filled with smiles, competitiveness, and a good time coming their way!

Caroline’s raft had plenty of laughs, many that we can credit to Palmer, and some speedy paddlers, including George and Tommy. John’s raft was also filled with a lot of excitement and a few surprises. They got to see a baby mule on the side of the river, spotted by Mae! When the two rafts met along the river, we found ourselves having splash battles, which led to a sneak attack by Perry almost sending Tommy into the water! We got to stop at a beautiful island for lunch where we enjoyed some delicious sandwiches, which James later said was a highlight of his day! We finished the rest of our rafting day and got to our beautiful campsite with plenty of time for some fun games. We started off by playing Sister, Sister, a game where the students and their partners have to act out a scene that we call out (ex. Piggyback ride, Wedding Day, Paparazzi, etc.). Fairfax and Palmer had a stellar performance for “the dentist asking you about your summer vacation,” with Fairfax laying flat on the sand, fully committing to the game. We ate some popcorn as an appetizer before a yummy dinner, full of chicken, potatoes, and more veggies! James kindly grabbed everyone’s plates when they were finished eating and brought them back to get cleaned before bed! We concluded the night by sitting around the fire once again. Our LOD’s, George and Lilly, led a fantastic Moonup, asking us what is the greatest piece of advice we’ve ever received. It was so special hearing the students’ answers because it taught us more about who they are and why they are such great additions to the Moondance family.

We woke up on Day 4 with yet another breathtaking view right outside of our tents. We divided into the same rafting teams and trudged down the river. Caroline’s raft was filled with intriguing questions asked by Palmer such as what kind of dog each of us would be, our favorite ice cream flavors, and the list goes on! On John’s raft, Mae found herself bravely stationed at the front once again, and Perry was always checking in on the group to make sure everyone was feeling good! After about 3 hours of rafting we finished up with a delicious spaghetti lunch before hopping on the bus back to Cusco where Caroline and Grace bonded over their similar music tastes!

On Day 5 the group jumped right back in the van to drive to Ccorca, a small town in Cusco where we would begin our community service/cultural immersion section of the trip. We didn’t waste any time getting to work, so after lunch we took a 15 minute stroll down to the main square in Ccorca and started helping out at the nearby school. At an impromptu water break, we got to spend time playing soccer and other games with the school children. Mae and Tommy were showing off their fútbol skills and Grace was teaching some younger kids hopscotch! It was so sweet to see the interaction between two communities and it made us excited for the service days to come. We got back to our bunkhouse and indulged in a delicious lunch followed by some free time where the students continued playing their new favorite card game, Egyptian Rat Slap, with George usually coming out on top! The second half of the day brought a fun activity for the group: cooking class! We were preparing our meal for dinner and without the students help it would not have been possible. Fairfax made the pico de gallo; Lilly and George sliced the peppers; Perry cut the potatoes; Palmer helped prepare the steak; Mae, Grace, and Miller chopped up vegetables for our soup; James and Tommy were on green bean peeling duty. While dinner was being cooked, we decided that it’d be fun to set up a game of ultimate frisbee on the soccer field nearby. The LOD’s, James and Grace, chose the teams and the next hour was a blast! Grace liked to cherry pick, George looked like a pro out there, and Miller was always there for the short throw. After a delicious dinner, courtesy of our wonderful student chefs, we continued on with our night, answering a quite meaningful Moonup question: who is someone that you admire?

The next day was filled with memories that will stick with us forever. We started that morning of community service with walking around the town of Ccorca picking up trash. When we got about 10 minutes to the outskirts of town, we came across a farmer who was shucking corn in his yard. Our outfitters approached him and asked if we could learn about what he was doing. He invited us onto his farm and allowed us to shuck some of his corn. This was such a unique experience and something that was unplanned. The students loved it and if it was up to Tommy, we would’ve stayed longer because he enjoyed it so much! After some more soccer with the school children we surprised the students with a traditional Inca ceremony, thanking the Earth for its beauty and all that it provides. The students loved this because it allowed them to be immersed in the culture and hear from locals. On Moondance trips, we like to say there are moments where you can truly feel the Moondance magic. When you look around and realize how special it is to be where you are, and realize how lucky you are to be surrounded by such incredible people. It is a feeling that makes you feel the most alive. This is why we Moondance.

This feeling continued on our car ride back to Ccorca. As we drove through the Andes Mountains and saw rolling hills with cows, llamas, and just the most breathtaking scenery, all the students were singing, laughing, dancing, and smiling. We all agreed it was the most special moment of our trip so far and something that we will all hold close to our hearts for years to come.

We concluded our community service section on Day 7 by playing some more with the school children and cooking a particular style of potato. It was amazing to see the community come together to make build these natural ovens and cook potatoes. We watched as all the young children jumped right into the cooking. As the potatoes cooked, the students spent a lot of time playing with the games children. Lilly started pushing kids on the swing until there was a line of about 10 students that patiently waited their turn. The joy she brought to those kids was something very special. While not being fluent in Spanish, Mae was determined to connect with the students and was consistently seen helping someone out or holding someone’s hand. On the soccer sideline, Miller, Palmer, and Fairfax all engaged in conversation with one of the school children who eventually put a beautiful purple flower behind each of their ears. It was clear that these students were making these kid’s days! This activity was the perfect way to wrap up the second portion of our trip. We headed back to Cusco afterwards where we enjoyed a bit of shopping: the girls got matching ponchos and the boys got matching hats! We are so excited to start our trekking section and look forward to seeing Machu Picchu so soon!

This group is incredibly special and we are so lucky to lead such awesome individuals! We are excited to continue this adventure! All will be returning home with plenty of incredible experiences and stories to tell.

More updates to come! Cheers:)

Caroline + John


Grace: Hey family! I miss y’all so so so so much! I’m having so much fun and can’t wait to tell you guys all about it…truly life changing. Counting down the days til I see yall!! Tell my girls that I miss them and can’t wait to see them 🙂 Happy early Father’s Day, Dad! Love you guys the most.

Tommy: Hello all! I hope London was fun! Happy early Father’s Day! How’s Emmet doing? Can’t wait to see you guys and play some golf!

Miller: Hey guys! I miss you all so much but I hope you guys are having fun on your trips. Happy early Father’s Day and I hope Chip is doing well and not killing any other animals!

Palmer: HEYYYYY YALL! Or maybe I should say hola 😏. Currently loving my group and having literally so much fun. I had to climb up literally one stair case and it made me rethink kili because the altitude is killer. Text my friends I miss them! Love you daddy and mommy happy Father’s Day 😘😘

Fairfax: Heyyyy y’all!!! Miss y’all lots but I’m having so so much fun!! This group is so amazing and everyone gets along so well! This altitude is a lot different than Baton Rouge lol!! Hope y’all are are well and see y’all soon!! Also happy Father’s Day!!!!😊💕

George: Hey mom and dad! I am having a great time and doing some really cool things. Hope Italy is awesome and happy early Fathers Day!

Lilly: Hi guys!! Peru is a blast and we’ve already done so many cool things! The views are great and everyone is so awesome and friendly. Miss you all tons and can’t wait to share all the stories and photos when I’m back! Happy Father’s Day and love you all!

Perry: Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that we are about to start trekking, and have spent a lot of time in Cusco, which is an amazing city. I’ll be sure to tell you all about it when I get home. I can’t wait to see you guys and happy early Father’s Day!

Mae: Hi everyone!! I miss all of you guys so so so much! I am having the most amazing time and have met the most amazing people!! I got a cool poncho can’t wait for y’all to see it! Happy early Father’s Day miss you all so much!!!

James: Hey mom and dad! Happy Father’s Day! I am having a great time so far in Peru. I got a little altitude sickness but am feeling amazing now. I have made lots of friends and am super happy here. Can’t wait to see y’all soon! 🦂🦂

John: Happy Father’s Day! Hi family + KP! Missing you all + Teddy! It has been an AMAZING first session. Excited for what’s ahead! Talk soon

Caroline: Hey fam!! Miss y’all so much but having such an awesome time in Peru!!! Feeling very grateful that I get to do this! Happy Father’s Day, dad! You deserve the world. Fam FaceTime soon! Love y’all:)

Safe Arrival in Lima!

June 9, 2024

Hello Machu Picchu Families!

We heard from our leaders this morning that the group has landed safely in Lima and is off to Cusco! The trip is off to a great start, and we cannot wait to hear more stories from their adventure as they dance around the island.

Please remember our leaders and students will be unplugged during their trips but we will be posting trip updates throughout the next week! This will allow you to follow along with the trip. You can also follow us on Instagram, @moondanceadventures, to see more of what we are up to!


  • George
  • Perry
  • Palmer
  • Miller
  • James
  • Fairfax
  • Grace
  • Lilly
  • Mae
  • Thomas
