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Kilimanjaro 2 • June 10-July 2, 2024

Last hoorah from Tanzania!

July 1, 2024

Jambo jambo, KIL2 friends + fam!

As our time in Africa draws to a close, we couldn’t be more thankful for our journey together! Henry and I have truly enjoyed getting to know all of your students, and we’re incredibly grateful that they chose to be part of the Moondance family this summer.

After conquering Kilimanjaro, our sights were set on the Serengeti. Returning to our hotel, we enjoyed warm food, refreshing showers, and a restful night’s sleep before our upcoming travel day. Our hotel surprised us with a DJ and an Arusha BBQ dinner! Finn and Miles had fun requesting songs and learning about Tanzanian music. The next morning, we woke to a hearty breakfast with safari land cruisers awaiting us. We all piled into each car, blasting either Gracie Abrams’ new album or Widespread Panic (can you guess which leader prefers which?).

Arriving early at Ngorongoro Crater gave us ample time to explore inside! As we descended into the crater, we were greeted by zebras, emus, and flamingos. Lila was particularly thrilled, being the first to pop up when we opened the roof! Amelia, Blakely, and Flora entertained their van with a rendition of Justin Bieber’s “Peaches”. Driving deeper, our guides spotted two lionesses and their cubs, who approached us curiously—quite the sight!

After a day exploring, we returned to camp for the night. During dinner, Elise noticed an elephant right outside the dining hall window! We rushed out to see it, snapping plenty of pictures and marveling at the moment.

The next morning, we headed towards the Serengeti, spotting elephants along the misty road. Wildlife seemed to appear everywhere! Upon entering the park, we snapped a selfie at the national park sign and enjoyed a delicious lunch. Further into the park, we spotted giraffes, a leopard, cheetah, wildebeest, more lions, hippos, buffalo, and countless impala. Our first campsite provided relaxation, with Addy and Livvy leading lively tea and popcorn conversations. Lisle braided hair and started card games with the crew!

Our time in the Serengeti was filled with magical moments, from leopards in trees to a baby elephant sighting. Our knowledgeable guides ensured we saw it all, and their hospitality was much appreciated.

Returning to Arusha, we decided everyone deserved ice cream. Jack loved his Oreo sundae! We gathered in a circle to share favorite safari memories—it was a relaxing end to our Kili climb adventure.

Our final moonup was just under two hours. Our LODs thoughtfully gave each person a nug jug, and we shared our favorite things about each other in a circle. Witnessing each student’s character recognition was heartwarming! Their growth throughout the trip made us incredibly proud. Nights in our tents were spent reflecting on how much joy they brought to our journey. Thank you for letting us share this time with them.

To our students, we love you dearly. You are more than enough—wildly beautiful inside and out. Bring your Moondance spirit back home. Remember your greatness; if you can climb Kilimanjaro, you can do anything. Be kind, do good, and continue making a positive impact. Knowing you has enriched us.

Signing off <3,

Kate + Henry

Our Kilimanjaro Triumph

June 27, 2024

“Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory.” – Ed Viesturs

We are SO EXCITED to report that our ENTIRE crew safely completed our Kilimanjaro summit bid on June 24th. It wasn’t easy, but Henry and I are tremendously proud of the tolerance for adversity our group displayed. Their compassion and love for one another were awe-inspiring, and it certainly brought a tear to our eyes to watch them embrace one another at Uhuru Peak.

We awoke on the morning of our first day with butterflies in our stomachs. Our journey began at the Machame Gate in the rainforest zone of Kilimanjaro National Park. We met our guides, greeted our porters, and did one last gear check before starting our ascent! As we trekked through thick mud up to our first campsite (~9,000 ft), we recalled funny stories from our service section. Despite some heavy rainfall, our kiddos were in such high spirits! We were amazed at their positive attitudes. At camp, we enjoyed some warm, dry clothes and hot tea with a delicious dinner of fish and chips.

Our second day greeted us with a cool and misty morning. After a full breakfast, we made our way through the rainforest for day two. The skies opened up once again, but we were well prepared. Our trail consisted of less mud than the day before, but certainly more rocks as we headed towards the moorland zone. At camp, we huddled in the dining tent and enjoyed some reading and hair braiding time! Jack provided some thought-provoking conversation during dinner, and we all laughed as we described our favorite YouTube sensations. During our moonup, one of our porters politely interrupted to tell us that the clouds had cleared and we could finally see Kilimanjaro. By the way we all bolted out of the tent, you would have thought we were running for the last flat-screen TV at a Best Buy Black Friday sale. We cheered and hugged each other as our goal was finally visualized before us!

Days 3 and 4 were filled with even more beautiful views! Cate helped open up the morning of day 3 with a vivacious dance party to hype up the group. We hiked up several iconic Kili landmarks, including Lava Tower and Barranco Wall. Lava Tower sits at 15,000 ft and served as the perfect spot for lunch before we traveled back down to 12,800 ft. Our route provided us with the “climb high, sleep low” approach, which allowed for better acclimatization. Barranco Wall, on the other hand, provided us with the opportunity to try some scrambling. We are so proud of MacLean for pushing his way to the top despite his hurt ankle! He demonstrated excellent leadership skills and was certainly our group’s biggest cheerleader that day.

The sun rose on day 5 and we continued our ascent to base camp at 16,000 ft. This might have been our toughest day yet, but Amelia and Blakely kept spirits high with their funny banter. We absolutely love their friendship, and their laughter is contagious. After settling in at camp, we all rested and took some time to reflect on our journey. Dinner was served early, and we were in our sleeping bags fast asleep by 7:30 PM.

Midnight rolled around faster than we had realized. The electricity in the air was high, and you could feel the excitement rolling off of everyone. Our head guide could be heard shouting orders and getting everything into place. The day had FINALLY come. The reason we were all here: Kilimanjaro.

Our leaders of the day, Livvy and Addy, guided us at the front of the line. The cold wind whipped at our faces as we ascended from the alpine desert into the arctic zone. We took breaks every hour, allowing for hydration and some snacks to keep our energy levels high. Porters clapped and sang all around us as our headlamps illuminated the path. The sun rose just before 6:00 AM, and at that time we only had 100 ft of elevation to go until Stella Point. Bright rays of orange and pink highlighted the snowy peaks all around us. By now, most of us were fully awake and trying to encourage the others. Finn sang “Pump it Up” as we trekked, and it certainly pumped up the vibes. Elise also could be heard giving words of encouragement to all of us as we continued to climb on.

As we rounded our last corner, the end was in sight. Flora charged to the front of the group and encouraged others to do the same. It was amazing to watch her push through and conquer Kili with determination! We cried tears of joy, laughed, and hugged each other tight upon our arrival at Uhuru Peak at 7:52 AM. We also celebrated our sweet Lisle with birthday hats and ring pops! She and Lila squeezed each other tight as we made it to the official sign. How cool is it to be able to say you spent your 18th birthday successfully summiting one of the seven peaks?!

All of our hard work, determination, grit, and perseverance had finally paid off in the best way possible. Along the way, we leaned on one another for support. Our students gave each other shoulders to cry on and friends to laugh with. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience to witness their friendships grow even stronger while conquering something that most people would never even dare try. They are all wise beyond their years, and we are better for knowing them.

As we descended from the summit, the porters who didn’t climb with us greeted us at base camp with a special song and dance. They clapped and cheered for us before graciously helping us take off our layers and gear. Our crew also took a moment to realize what we had just accomplished. It still felt so unreal! After a hearty lunch that we very much appreciated and needed, we made our way back down to 10,000 ft for our last night on the mountain.

Day 7 consisted of a drop from 10,000 ft to 5,000 ft. Our work was not yet finished. Miles fearlessly took up the front of the group and safely led us back down through two out of the five vegetation zones. When we reached the Mweka Gate, we hugged our guides tight and thanked them for all that they had done for us. Some students even got to take pictures with their porters as well! We ate a delicious lunch before receiving our Kilimanjaro certificates from the national park ranger office.

We all are safely back in Arusha and are so excited to spend some time relaxing in the Serengeti. Our group is as tight as ever, now that we’ve accomplished Kili! We look forward to seeing giraffes, lions, and more and cannot wait to fill you in. Please see student shoutouts below…

All the Moondance love,

Kate + Henry

Jambo KIL2 Families + Friends!!

June 18, 2024

Greetings from Africa! We have had A BLAST getting to know your amazing kids. They continue to blow us away with their compassion, humor, selflessness, and all-around awesomeness. It has been a joy to watch their friendships grow as we end our service section and travel back to Arusha to start our climb!

Looking back, spirits were high as we made our way to Mto Wa Mbu to begin our time with the Red Sweater Project. On our first day, we woke up to an incredible breakfast of crepes, omelets, bacon, and toast! Our drive to the Mungere School was definitely a highlight each morning. Besides seeing beautiful views, local village kids would run out of their houses to wave as we passed by. When we arrived at school, each Moondance student was paired with a Mungere student. We raked old plants away, tilled soil, and planted new crops in the school’s garden, all while learning about the daily lives of our new friends. Many of the students gravitated toward Flora, and by the end of the day, she was able to tell us the majority of their names! Elise also made many new friends, and the Mungere girls loved braiding her hair with flowers.

After working hard in the mornings, we often would engage in an exhilarating game of soccer in the afternoons! It was absolutely unreal to play the seemingly universal game of “football” with a breathtaking backdrop. Many of the Mungere students would join us, and we most definitely broke a sweat trying to keep up with them. Blakely was always a star on defense, and she even scored some crucial goals for her team. Jack also surprised us with a few hat tricks and was eager to play with the Mungere students!

When we weren’t gardening or playing soccer, we were shooting hoops on the basketball court or dancing. MacLean has proven to be quite the coach and led his team to victory not once, but twice! Lila had the COOLEST three-pointer we have ever seen, which sealed the deal for a win. Finn also joined in on the fun and was our cameraman for most sporting events. We couldn’t contain our laughter after he made a mad dash for the ball with GoPro in hand. The footage is remarkable, and we can’t wait to show you! As for our daily dance party, Lisle and Cate were quick to show our students many American dances, including (but not limited to) Soulja Boi, the Dougie, and the cotton-eyed Joe. In turn, the Mungere students taught us some of their local line dances as well. “Kwikwi” by Zucchu has become a fan favorite!

Back at camp, we basked in the sun and played in the pool. We had lots of bonding, reading, and hackie-sacking time! “Fishbowl” and “3 on a couch” became our games of choice for late afternoons. All of us agreed that we hadn’t laughed that hard in a long time. With creative answers and some supreme charades, we continued to play while enjoying our daily popcorn and tea! Amelia has crafted the most beautiful and intricate friendship bracelets you’ve ever seen. Livvy continued to wow us with her natural leadership, always keeping conversation fun and making sure to include everyone. She certainly keeps our vibes high!

Our last day was jam-packed with fun! After a morning hike with our students through arching banana trees, we said our goodbyes. Tears were shed, but we are so grateful to have had time with each of them! We’d like to think that we became students while also teaching. Each of our kids, as well as Henry and me, learned so much about Tanzanian culture and traditions (we even picked up some Swahili words)!

We then loaded into the vans to visit the Masaai village. The chief’s son greeted us with a huge smile and had us form a semi-circle. Right as well settled, the men and women of the Masaai tribe emerged from behind their walls and performed a traditional song and dance. To say we were blown away would be an understatement! As they invited us into their village, each of our girls had a necklace placed on them. The boys were handed long poles, and soon, the fun began. The Masaai are known for their ability to jump incredibly high, and it was quite the spectacle to watch our boys try to keep up with them. However, Miles, already the tallest in our crew, leaped with ease. Our girls also joined in with the local women and danced in circles. Everyone was absolutely beaming! It was so fun to watch all of our kids emerge in a culture that is so different from our own.

After our village visit, we headed to the markets to collect some keepsakes. Addy scored a PERFECT pink and purple ostrich painting she plans to hang in her dorm. Many students bought Kilimanjaro t-shirts, African pants, and many other gifts to bring home. They loved seeing the more local side of Mto Wa Mbu, and did a great job of bargaining for their prices.

For our final dinner, we – along with our guide Samuel – surprised everyone with pizza! Over delicious ‘za, we discussed our experiences with the Mungere students and laughed as we recalled our soccer/basketball highlights. Now, we are bumping some Taylor Swift and making our way back to Arusha. Vibes are high, the sun is shining, and we are getting some much-needed rest before Kilimanjaro. Our group is certainly in its performing stage, and we could not be more excited for what lies ahead! See student shoutouts below…

All the Moondance love,

Kate + Henry



Lisle – I’m having a great time here! Everyone is so great, and I’m super excited to climb Kili. Love and miss y’all!

Cate- Hey y’all! The first week of the trip has been so fun and I am so excited for the rest of the trip! I love and miss y’all!

Flora- Hi mom and dad!!!!! The trip has been so so awesome so far and I am having so much fun🕺🏼🕺🏼I miss y’all lots and can’t wait to hear about all of otis adventures in Fiji!!! We start Kili tomorrow and I am super hype and can’t wait to tell yall all of the stories from my trip!!!!!😆🫶

Blakely- Helllllo Mom and dad👋🏼. Miss you guys a lot, but super excited to climb Kili tmr! Tell Camilla I miss her like crazy and can’t wait to see her!! Shoutout Martin&Natalie❤️😅😁LOVE YOU GUYS!

Amelia- Hi everyone! I miss you all very much! We are starting to climb Kili tomorrow and I am so excited!! 😁 Thank you for everything! Love y’all!!

Elise- Hi guys!! I miss you so so much! We’re starting our climb tomorrow, no elephant though. Ignore the credit card charges ❤️ I have good judgement. I love you guys so much you guys are the best!! Ps don’t forget to text his mom. ❤️ love you guys

Finn- Hello fam, miss you guys. I love you guys so much and hope all is well. I hope the half marathon went well for all participants and Europe was awesome. Love you guys so much! I am having the best time!

Miles- Hey guys! I’m having a ton of fun so far and we start climbing soon. I hope all is well with y’all and you’re having fun on your trips! Love you guys and miss you!

Lila- Hi!! I’m having so much fun!! We just finished our volunteering section which was so awesome! We start climbing tomorrow! 😁 I miss you guys and I hope you are well. I love you!! ❤️

MacLean- Hey family, I am having a lot of fun on the trip and enjoyed my weeks of service. I met a lot of great people and I am really enjoying my time here. I miss y’all and hope everything is going well. ❤️

Livvy- Hi y’all! I am having the best time here! Working with the kids and volunteering was so awesome. We start climbing tomorrow which I’m so excited about. Hope everything is great with yall. I love and miss you guys!!

Addy- Hey yall!! This trip has been so much fun so far, we just got done with service and start climbing tomorrow!! The kids were so amazing to work with and I am so excited to start tomorrow! Hi Nola and Collier if you’re reading this- I love you and hope Madeira was so amazing!! Love and miss y’all!

Jack – Hey everyone, so far this trip has been awesome and we have had a lot of fun hanging out with local kids and doing work with them. We start Kili soon and although I’m nervous, I’m excited. Tell Cullen, Charles, Doyle, and Matthew that I say hi!

All Arrived in Arusha!

June 11, 2024

Hello Kilimanjaro Families!

We heard from our leaders that the group has landed safely in Arusha! The trip is off to a great start, and we are so excited to hear more stories as they begin their service project in Mto Wa Mbu.

Please remember our leaders and students will be unplugged during their trips, but we will be posting trip updates throughout the next week! This will allow you to follow along with the trip. You can also follow us on Instagram, @moondanceadventures, to see more of what we are up to!

-Moondance HQ


  • Addy
  • Amelia
  • Blakely
  • Cate
  • Elise
  • Finn
  • Flora
  • Lila
  • Lisle
  • Livvy
  • Miles
  • Jack
  • MacLean
