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Iceland 2B • June 30-July 13, 2024

So Long from Iceland!

July 13, 2024



Our final few days across Iceland were nothing short of spectacular, continually filled with unforgettable adventures and breathtaking scenery as usual! One of our last stops was at the Silfra Fissure area in Thingvellir National Park, where we bravely snorkelled in the 30-degree water, surrounded by stunning rock formations of the tectonic plates, crystal-clear waters, bright silly string moss, and deep crevices. Annabel and McLaine had a dance off in their dry suits. Carly and Annie made a new best friend, our snorkeling guide Isa! They brought ALL the energy in the girls group. Wyatt got some cold water up his sleeve but that never changed his attitude! The experience was truly magical, and we also took the time to explore the park, learning about its rich history and admiring the famous church that royalty stays in (on special occasions) along the way. Michael led the group from sign to sign and was always the first to read off the fun facts. 


Next, we embarked on a scenic bus ride through the Icelandic landscape, soaking in the awe-inspiring views that seemed straight out of a postcard – because they were! Miller gave us a full on concert to “Our Song” by Taylor Swift! It was a performance to remember. As the day came to an end, our guide, Herdis, treated us to a delicious meal of grilled chicken fingers at the cozy Dalur Hostel, where we unexpectedly stayed due to the inclement weather approaching the southern coast of Iceland. Joe and Sawyer battled it out in multiple games of chess in the game room! 


The following day, we embarked on a short but incredibly beautiful hike up to Glymur, the tallest waterfall in Iceland! The sight was truly breath-taking and served as a perfect conclusion to our adventures. Clay took some of his favorite photos of the whole trip on this hike, specifically Maria and Thomas perched overlooking the stunning views. River and Camille took a break in the van to jam out to some classical music, Rivers’ favorite! Our journey continued with a surprise visit to Herdis’ house, where we were greeted by majestic horses wandering in her backyard. The girls frolicked through a field of wind blown wildflowers led by Hazel. It was a special moment as Herdis allowed the kids to interact with the horses up close, adding a memorable touch to our trip. 


We felt immensely grateful for Herdis’ hospitality and guidance throughout our journey. She went above and beyond, from cooking and cleaning to being an exceptional guide. Her home island, with its resident puffins, added another layer of enchantment to our experience. 


In Reykjavik, our final stop, we explored the city, immersing ourselves in the Icelandic culture and discovering unique stores. Our farewell dinner at Bryggjan Brugghus was awesome! We savored juicy burgers and ice-cold sodas which were a great conclusion for our final meal as a group. 


As we gathered for our final Moonup, the conversation was deep and heartfelt. Hearing each other’s reflections on the trip and realizing that we would soon part ways left a bittersweet feeling in the air. Our shared experiences and the bonds we formed made this journey truly unforgettable. Iceland had woven its magic on us, leaving us with memories to treasure for a lifetime.


By the time you all are reading this, all your kiddos are in the air and headed home. Maybe some of them are sitting with you as you read this final update together! From the both of us, and from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU. Thank you for sharing your favorite people with us for the last fourteen days, thank you for the ways you encourage them, and thank you for giving us the opportunity to love and be loved by each of them. Every second with each of your kids was nothing short of a gift. Even though our session officially ends today, we look forward to cheering every member of this group on in every endeavor and to keeping in touch! And to all our kiddos: always remember you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. XOXO, Maggie and Doug (; 


Cheers! All our love and then some, 


Clay and Camille

Icelandic Paradise

July 10, 2024


What a time it has been thus far. Days 3, 4, and 5 of trekking were an absolute dream, followed by white water rafting on the Hivtá river on day 9 of the trip. More good food, more belly laughs, more mountain views, more rivers to cross (and drink from), and more miles on our hiking boots. Overall, we made it back from the highlands and got to swim in a local pool in Selfoss to enjoy the slide and hot tub with a well deserved ice cream stop after. 

Day 4 of trekking consisted of another 12 beautiful miles through huge valleys and dark sandy plains. We were blessed with sunshine and a cool tailwind to keep us moving. We had another lunch spot that you can’t find back home overlooking a snowy mountain range and the main attraction known as Unicorn mountain. Thomas ate 3 sandwiches! As the day went on, it seemed the grass got greener and the sun got stronger. Michael touched almost every trail marker along every mile – commitment. The Icelandic highlands are so pure and untouched you can drink from virtually every river or stream you come across. Lest to say, we stayed hydrated. We stayed at another awesome campsite in a vibrant canyon between jagged basalt mountains. We had salmon and rice for dinner, prepared by our amazing guide Herdis. After moonup, midnight rolled around and that meant the sun was starting to set. Carly noticed the orange sky and we knew what we had to do. GO UP THE MOUNTAIN! Everyone ran to the top and we were greeted with heavenly rays shooting across the sky over the horizon. Some happy tears were shed as we all knew we were exactly where we needed to be. The boys found a super soft mossy patch on the side of the hill and just had to roll down it. The rolling fiasco was led by Joe and Miller, of course! What a great way to end a great day. 

Last day of trekking was arguably everyone’s favorite. Another day of sunshine and blue sky. Carly and Thomas were our LOD’s and they did a phenomenal job keeping everyone’s pace up to speed while not leaving anyone behind. We had another 11 miles ahead of us! Again, blue skies and clouds rolling over our heads kept spirits high. The hike was going all according to plan as we moved step by step closer to the end. Around mile 8 we discovered our first view of trees! As majestic and green as Iceland is, we figured out trees are not too common; early settlers extensively cut them for charcoal, tools, houses, and ships, so seeing them out in the wild was quite a cool sight. We made our way through a few more mountain passes and across our last river crossing in great time. As we neared the last mile, we popped out of the woods into a well known area known as Þórsmörk (Thorsmork). Clay believed it was the prettiest place he’s ever seen. The lush peaks towered over the valley as children and families enjoyed the fresh cut grass. Scenery of the wide river running through the canyon and sporadic waterfalls flowing over the edge of mountain tops eased our tired legs and soaring minds. It was Icelandic paradise. We sat in the sun and enjoyed the view for a small amount of time before walking the mile upriver to Basar, our final campsite of our trekking section of the trip. It was a special night; every Saturday in the summer the Icelandic locals build a giant bonfire for everyone to enjoy and watch the sun go down. The kids all made new Icelandic friends and bonded over the differences between their cultures. We even lucked out with another semblance of a sunset! We took the opportunity to relish in the breathtaking view by doing moonup on the shore of the river where we shared how we grew and what we learned from the trekking section of our trip shrouded by pink and orange clouds that tinted every mountain and glacier just so. Annie shared how much she enjoyed the trekking section in ways she wasn’t expecting, and we loved hearing from Maria the ways she grew closer to other members of the group through trail talks and games. After moonup, Sawyer led the boys on a “midnight hike” on a trail atop a peak we could see from our campsite, and it wasn’t long after that everyone’s heads hit the pillow and we dreamed of being able to take a shower again. 

Upon waking in Basar, we were greeted by a friend that was becoming pleasantly but surprisingly familiar: the sun! The group excitedly laid out clothes, towels, and swimsuits to dry in the grass as we ate breakfast and packed up camp to head back into civilization. After compiling a shopping list, we all crowded into the van and drove down the road to the Seljalandsfoss waterfall, a truly breathtaking sight featured on many postcards. The group rushed behind the waterfall to feel the spray and see a rainbow created on the pool by the rushing falls. Wyatt, being the good samaritan he is, protected Joe from the mist as Hazel basked in the view, not caring at all that her rain jacket was getting soaked. Thoroughly amazed by the sight, and thoroughly satiated by the cinnamon buns and donuts from the refreshments stand right outside, we piled back into the van and drove a few hours into Selfoss, a cool town with a community pool that we enjoyed together given the blazing sun! We weren’t the only ones with the idea, so the group continued to make Icelandic friends while enjoying alternating between the hot tub and the cold plunge. After showering off and drying, we walked down the street to the coolest ice cream shop called Groovi’s, where we enjoyed ice cream, donuts, slushies, milkshakes, and cotton candy galore! River led the group to a sunny spot outside where we enjoyed our treats before heading to a warm indoor hut where we’d stay for the night. The group was elated to have a warm bed and a roof over our heads for a change, and the giant bottom and top bunks made for a giant slumber party punctuated by all of us finally getting that shower we were waiting for. For dinner, our guide, Herdis, truly outdid herself by grilling four legs of lamb! Paired with gravy, sauteed vegetables, and baked potatoes, we were truly feasting like kings at a long dinner table as we looked out the window at the lovely view. McLaine helped Camille in the kitchen with the potatoes and the vegetables, and as soon as they were done, the table was a flurry of activity. We are, indeed, thankful every day, but that dinner was a meal where it was impossible not to feel gratitude with every bite. After a cozy moonup, the group got to bed ready to move into new, exciting activities! 

Day 9 of our trip greeted us bright and early because of our zeal to go whitewater rafting! After a quick breakfast and an all-hands-on-deck effort to clean the hut and pack the trailer, we hit the road ready to tear up some rapids! Our guides at Arctic Rafting, Arnold and Arjun, greeted us with enthusiasm as we got suited up in some pretty heavy-duty wetsuits before hopping on the bus to the entry point. The group split into boats of boys and girls (and the members of each boat will tell you yours was the better one). Annabel and Maria served the quintessential role of paddle captains in the girls’ boat, keeping the paddling on pace and spirits high. What the boys may have lacked in paddle discipline they certainly made up for in creativity, constantly paddling up to attempt to hijack the girls’ boat and even flipping their raft on purpose to approach the girls’ raft like a pirate ship. Despite everyone staying in the boats through every rapid, McLaine ended up in the water during a scuffle with the boys, and Arnold, the guide in the girls’ boat, successfully bamboozled Camille in a way that ended with her being flipped into the glacial river as well. Needless to say, songs and laughter echoed off the walls of the canyon as we floated down together. In an exciting moment of the good kind of peer pressure, the group stopped on the river at a cliff jumping spot, where we are ecstatic to report that every member of the group took the leap (literally) and loved it! After an action-packed morning on the water, our group gratefully soaked in the hot tubs at the whitewater rafting center before enjoying a delicious lunch of burgers and fries in the sunshine. Heading to our new campsite, we certainly had a tired group in tow, but spirits quickly rose again when we caught a glimpse of our new campsite at Skjol Camp: complete with a soccer pitch and a trampoline, this place was sure to entertain us for the next three days! We quickly set up camp and prepared dinner, a delicious tortilla soup, and Thomas promptly challenged Clay to an eating competition! Thomas won this round, impressively downing five full bowls of soup, before we prepared for bed and shared our favorite songs and why they’re meaningful to us during Moonup. Exhausted but fulfilled, we hit the hay ready for more fun and excited to have our feet planted at a campsite for longer than one night. 

Even though today is a Tuesday, this morning’s vibe in the dining tent heavily skewed to a Sunday morning as everyone in the group enjoyed some much-needed sleeping in before we made pancakes for breakfast! Icelandic pancake mix was a hit with our group, and we loved to lounge around for a bit and have a lazy morning together playing cards, sharing stories, and listening to music before we headed to the Kerlingarfjoll mountain range for a day hike. Despite only being 2 miles in distance, we saw views for literal days. “Ooohs” and “aahs” filled the mountain pass as we traversed down stairs and up the snow through rocks. We can’t wait for you all at home to see the pictures from this one! Snowballs from the ice flew through the air alongside steam from the hot springs in the valleys, and despite the cold air from our heightened elevation, no one was quite ready to leave when the time came. After our hike, the group jammed out to some oldies in the van on our way to the Golden Waterfall in Gulfoss, a truly scenic sight that we enjoyed over hot chocolates and donuts from the gift shop. 

Heading into the last leg of our trip, we truly can’t wait to make more memories and soak up every last second of our time together here in the land of fire and ice! We can’t wait to update you one more time on all our adventures. Talk later, gotta go snorkeling between two tectonic plates tomorrow! 

Thank Yous: Hazel – Hey mom and dad, thank you so much for getting me here because it has been so incredible. I’m having the best time, I have made so many new friends, laughed a lot, and seen so many cool things. Love you guys, see you soon. 

Mclaine: Hi mom and dad! I am having the best time ever and I am so thankful that you guys gave me this amazing opportunity. I am also so grateful for y’all because without you I wouldn’t be here in this beautiful country, doing things that are so cool. This trip will always have a special place in my heart and thank you for that! I have made so many great friends and I can’t wait to tell you about it! Love y’all! 

Maria – Hey mom and dad! This trip has been so fun and I am so glad that you guys sent me here. I have met so many new people and have seen so many really cool things. I have so much to tell y’all. Love you and see you soon. 

Annabel – Hey mom and dad thank you so much for sending me on this trip! I’ve met so many amazing people and I’m having so much fun. I can’t wait to see everyone! 

Annie – Hey mom and dad! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to come on this trip! You have given me the chance to meet so many new people and see so many places! This trip has made me realize how to be grateful for everything! I couldn’t have done it without y’all! Wish you guys could be here to experience this with me. Thank y’all so much, can’t wait to see y’all and tell y’all everything! 

Carly – Hi mom and dad!!! Thank you so so much for sending me on this trip! I appreciate that you gave me the opportunity to experience such a fun, beautiful place. I have seen and done things that are so special and I could not have done it without you guys. Not just because you got me here, but also because of the strength and excitement you have taught me to always have. You always talk about gratitude and I want you to know that I have been feeling an overwhelming amount of it since being here. I have made so many friends and memories that I’m so excited to tell you all about when I get home! I am so grateful to have such amazing parents that make it so easy to miss talking to and being with!!! Love you so so much! 

Michael – Hi guys, thank you so much for sending me on this trip! I have been able to see so much of Iceland and it’s such a cool country. I met some Icelandic kids at one of the campsites that we were at and I added them on snap. We’re staying in a campsite for a few days right now that has a restaurant and trampoline which is fun. I’ll see you guys soon and I can’t wait to see the dogs. 

Miller – Thank y’all so much for sending me to this camp and convincing me to go. It’s great and one of the best experiences I’ve had. I hope y’all can do the things I’m doing one day. Love y’all. 

River – Thank you mom and dad for being able to send me to Moondance. I am having an experience of a lifetime and I have met such a great group of people. I can’t wait to see you guys soon. Love y’all so much. (Love you too Carson). 

Thomas – Hey guys! Thank y’all so much for letting me go on this trip to Iceland. It HAS been amazing and I have met so many new people and seen some amazing places. I can’t wait to tell you all about it! Love, Thomas 

Wyatt – I’m having a great time and it’s starting to warm up so I can start wearing shorts. I have met so many new friends. I have seen so many amazing views. Thank you so much for letting me go to Iceland. Love you so much 

Sawyer – Hey y’all, I am having so much fun in Iceland. The weather has been pretty nice, and I really like my group. This is the prettiest country I have ever been to, and thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to go on Moondance. I love y’all so much see you soon. 

Joe – Hey, I miss all of you so very much and have been thinking about you this whole time! My group is great and I’m having a lot of fun! I’ve seen a lot of crazy stupid cool things only an adult should get to see so thank you so much for giving me this awesome opportunity! I’ll be home soon to tell you all about it and I love you guys so much!

First Hello From Iceland!

July 8, 2024

Hello from ICELAND!! We started our journey with a relaxing afternoon at Sky Lagoon! There, we enjoyed the warm pool, indulged in the sauna followed by a steam room, and prepared our bodies with a cold plunge for our upcoming trekking adventure. Annabel really enjoyed the exfoliating almond salt they gave us for our skin. Then, we hopped on the bus and headed to our hostel for the night to get some much-needed rest after a long day of travel. Our adventures have just begun! Mile by mile, or kilometer by kilometer, driving across the southern coast of Iceland, spotting waterfalls, long-haired horses, native sheep, and spires of volcanic rock covered by vibrant green moss along the way. Everyone is already stunned by the uniqueness of this beautiful country—Michael was taking pictures out the window almost the entire time. Stoke is in the air!

On the way to our first trekking point, we stopped to explore one of Iceland’s most iconic waterfalls, Skogafoss. We threw on our rain jackets and started up the 542 stairs to the top. Stretching 197 feet high and pouring over the edge of the giant basalt face, it was indeed a breathtaking sight. Joe, Sawyer, and Wyatt got closest and wettest after coming back down to explore the base of this magnificent feature. Back in the van, listening to good tunes, we kept on our way to start trekking. Arriving at Holaskjol, we began our 4-mile warm-up hike, crossing one river and enjoying countless green views on our way to our campsite in Alftavotn. Leading the way were our fearless guide, Herdis, and our first LODs (leaders of the day), Joe and Maria. They made sure everyone stayed hydrated, kept a good pace, and set the tone for the day! We hiked through mossy rock canyons and had our first experience dipping our toes in a glacial river. Hazel, Carly, McLaine, and Annie linked arms and crossed like champs, filling the canyon with cold, happy screams!

Day 2 of trekking was our biggest and wildest day yet! We had 16 miles ahead of us, with rain and wind in the forecast. That didn’t change our attitude—positivity filled the air and never waned! Leading us were Sawyer and Hazel, who did an awesome job of keeping spirits high and minds off the rain. Around mile 4, we encountered our biggest river of the trip, and boy, was it cold! However, camaraderie and good conversation kept us warm. Everyone made it across, and though our toes were numb, they quickly thawed as we continued hiking up hills and through valleys. Lunch was enjoyed under Herdis’ emergency shelter to escape the elements. It was packed full of laughter and thoughts of how insane this trip was, thanks to Annie’s infectious smile and big personality! After a few more miles and mountain passes, we walked across an Icelandic desert to dip our toes in a natural hot spring and take a good break to refuel. It was truly an unforgettable experience. 16.9 miles later, we arrived at our second campsite with a pleasant surprise—instead of sleeping in our tents out in the rain, we would be staying in a hut! We piled in, hung up wet clothes to dry, and enjoyed a phenomenal Icelandic lamb soup, prepared by Herdis, of course. Even though it was late at night, there was still plenty of light to enjoy a heartfelt moonlit chat about our adventurous day. River talked about the green views and positive attitude of the group that kept him pushing through the weather, followed by Thomas with an uplifting reflection on how happy he was to experience this group dynamic. Miller kept everyone laughing with potential trail games and funny stories from the past few days. Camille did what she does best—keeping an eye on what matters—and everyone grew closer through each passing day. Clay had his camera ready at all times, capturing plenty of memorable moments.

Until next time.


Much love.

Clay and Camille




Hazel- “I miss you mom, dad and girls! See you soon. I LOVE it here! We had lamb last night, it was awesome!”

Maria- “I miss y’all, Iceland is incredibly pretty!”

Annabel- “Hey mom and dad, miss y’all so much. I’m having so much fun! Love you.”

Carly- “Hey mom and dad! I miss you and Charlotte! Thanks for getting me here! Tell Jake and Jeffrey I’m ready to see them, even though Jake probably doesn’t know I’m gone! Love y’all!”

Annie- “Hey mom, dad, and boys! I love y’all so much I’m having a great time! We’re going whitewater rafting right now, and I wish I was doing it with you and the Carico’s”

McLaine- “Hey mom and dad and MB! Miss y’all so much, I’m having so much fun here”

Michael- “Hi guys! I’ve taken so many cool photos on my camera that I’ll show you when I get back, we trekked 42 miles over 5 days! Headed white water rafting. Jack I hope you loved California! I’m having a lot of fun, I’ll see you soon!”

Miller- “Hi mom and dad, I’m having fun! Tell grandma I’m still alive! Love y’all. Food is good!”

Thomas- “Hey mom and dad and Will! Can’t wait to see you guys. Will, I hope you had a great time on your trip, I know I am! Love y’all!”

River- “Hey family! I’m having a great time in Iceland! I haven’t gotten hurt yet! Can’t wait to see you guys soon!”

Joe- “I miss you! I love you! I’ll be home soon, so don’t fret!”

Sawyer- “I miss y’all so much, I love y’all! Everything’s good in Iceland! See you soon. Food is great!”

Wyatt- “Dear mom, I miss you! I’m sorry I ever argued on what to pack, you were so right, I would’ve been miserable if I packed what I wanted to pack. I love you! Dear dad, happy late birthday! Sorry I couldn’t call, I love you! I’ll get you a present! Dear Dyer, I saw how messed up your face was, I hope you made lots of friends with that bruise! I love ya!”


  • Annabel
  • Annie
  • Hazel
  • Joe
  • Maria
  • McLaine
  • Michael
  • Miller
  • River
  • Sawyer
  • Thomas
  • Wyatt
  • Carly
