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Trip Updates

Fiji 1B • June 7-June 24, 2024


June 24, 2024

We woke up excited for a morning dive with sharks! We quickly ate breakfast and got on the boat. Everyone was nervous to get in the water with the sharks, we even saw one on the surface! Bravely, Audrey jumped in the water first. We all swam down below the surface to watch the feeding frenzy. While we were down there, Otis found an old knife, using it to protect us from the sharks. We got back to the surface and everyone was raving about what we just saw. Clementine couldn’t wait to get back in. Half of the group went back down for the swim, and the other half chilled on the boat, enjoying the sun. We headed back to the shore and couldn’t even believe what we just saw. We had a delicious lunch then headed over to our favorite beach. Henry took the lead in a game of death-volleyball-sack, where we kick a volleyball three times then the first person to grab it has to throw the ball at someone to get them out. It was a blast! LucyHolt, and Collins played around with the frisbee. Merritt showed off his penmanship by writing “Moondance” in the sand for everyone to see. We then headed back to Club O for showers then a delicious dinner at our favorite spot: The Establishment. David went to the live music and showed off some dance moves. We headed home for an early night after a long but successful day.

Another great day began with an early morning as we left Club O and headed over to Fiji Gateway Hotel. Even though this is our last stop, we were excited for a catamaran island tour! We arrived just in time for a pick up to head over to the port. We got comfy on the front of the boat, played the Fiji 1B playlist, and headed out for a great day. Once we arrived at the Malamala, we got to anchor to swim and snorkel. Lawson showed off her diving skills and everyone was impressed. We soaked up the sun for a few more hours then headed back to Gateway. We got ready for banquet then headed back to the port. The car ride was fun, with Henry playing music for the whole group. We finally got to our destination then had some delicious Mexican food for dinner and New Zealand ice cream for dessert!! We went back to the hotel for a final Moonup. It was bittersweet as we recounted some of our best memories from the trip.

Another day began early, but sad because it was our last day together as a family. It is crazy how it only took two weeks for everyone to get so close. We got back our catamaran from yesterday, this time to go fishing! We headed out and played more music, then casted our reels while we all hung out and talked. It was the perfect last day. After our fishing tour, we went back to our home at Gateway to soak up the last few moments together. After a long day, it was unfortunately time to head to the airport. At the airport, we had a bittersweet goodbye then sent the kids through security. I truly love this group so much. And I cannot wait to keep in touch with them and see where they go in life!! Thank you so much for sharing them with us these past few weeks, it has been the best first session I could imagine!!


Vinaka Vakalevu,

Caitlyn & William

Island Escapades in Fiji!

June 20, 2024

We woke up in our new paradise after a great night’s sleep, feeling ready for the day! Our only planned activity today was surfing, scheduled for high tide at 12 pm, so we had plenty of free time to relax and hang out. After days filled with activities, this downtime was much needed. We took advantage of the morning to explore our new home. Within the “resort,” as we’ve been calling it, there’s a shop filled with cute souvenirs and even a cafe. Everyone browsed around; some of the kids bought banana bread and coffee. Later, we gathered in the kids’ room to chat and hang out, lounging around due to the cloudy weather until it was time to surf.

We geared up in our surf shirts and headed to our lesson with Bruce, a Kiwi (which we recently learned is the term for someone from New Zealand). Bruce taught us how to stand up properly on the waves and how to choose which ones to catch. Thanks to his lesson, we all felt confident heading into the water! Loading our boards onto small boats, we made our way to the wave break. Once in the water, Audrey proved to be a natural, catching wave after wave. Everyone had a blast watching each other surf and trying to ride party waves (where multiple people surf on one wave). The surf conditions were just right for learning—not too big, making it a perfect day for us. After about two hours of shredding waves, we were all hungry and headed back to the resort for lunch. The kids ordered Shirley Temples as appetizers, which were a hit with the group, and then split off to play cards or ping pong. We played hearts and presidents, and Lawson showed her skill at both games, impressing everyone. After showering off the saltwater, we gathered to watch the sunset, capturing its beauty in a mini photoshoot. Dinner followed, and we ended the day with a moonup, where Otis discovered the largest hermit crab any of us had ever seen. Wildlife here is unlike anything in America!

The next day greeted us with sunshine, and we were up early, eager for a boat trip to a nearby island for snorkeling and a barbecue. We took a truck to the boats, enjoying the bumpy ride as the waves tossed us around and soaked a few unsuspecting passengers. Arriving at the island, we marveled not only at its beauty but also at the stunningly blue water, akin to a sports drink! Dropping off our gear, we set out to snorkel. Initially, it seemed like there wasn’t much to see, but once we swam over to the coral, the underwater world came alive. Lilly spotted numerous rainbow fish, bright blue fish darted around, and the coral reefs were breathtaking. This was just a preview for our upcoming scuba diving adventures, which we couldn’t wait to begin. After snorkeling, we relaxed on the beach until lunch was served—a delicious spread of chicken, steak, pineapple, potatoes, steamed vegetables, and sodas. Full and content, we mingled with locals, exchanging stories about life in Fiji and America. As our time on the island came to a close, we headed back, singing along to American music played by our boat crew. Back on the main island, we rushed to our surfing lesson with Bruce, who briefed us before hitting the waves. Lucy, having mastered the basics, opted for a shorter board this time, craving a challenge. The waves were bigger and more challenging than the previous day, but our group of surfers handled them expertly. After a few hours, some of the kids were exhausted and returned to play volleyball and cards with William, while Merritt stayed in the water, showing remarkable determination and catching wave after wave. We rejoined the group for card games; I taught them my favorite, Dutch Cup, and David proved to be a natural, winning round after round. Dinner was pizza, and we ended the night with a moonup in the rain, calling it an early night after such an eventful day.

Waking up to yet another adventure, we returned to Club Oceanus for our scuba diving session, a highly anticipated part of our trip. After ordering lunch, we visited the local arts village for shopping, where the girls found cute bracelets and the boys picked up snacks and souvenirs. Back at Club Oceanus, we enjoyed lunch before lounging in hammocks, a favorite hangout spot for the kids. Later, we hit the local beach, where the kids relaxed, reading and listening to music, soaking in the relaxation before our scuba lesson. Dinner at a local restaurant brought us together as a group, enjoying a meal we’d been missing from home. Our moonup under the stars at our accommodations prompted a deep discussion about influential people in our lives, fostering meaningful conversations.

The next morning, everyone was eager for scuba diving. We started with a buffet breakfast at Club Oceanus, where Collins impressed us with his expedition behavior skills, helping out and earning a reward for his efforts. Half the group, already certified, joined those learning to dive, donning swimsuits and heading to the pool. While they learned about diving equipment and safety, the rest of us played cards inside. Everyone caught on quickly to the games, showing impressive strategy. Afterward, we gathered to soak up some sun and listen to music before lunch. Lathered in sunscreen, we lounged near the scuba pool, fueling up for the afternoon’s ocean session. The kids in training practiced their skills in shallow water, mastering the challenge of equalizing their ears with ease. Nervous at first, they emerged from the water transformed, excited about their newfound abilities. Back at Club Oceanus, card games continued, with William teaching hearts and spades to eager learners like Holt, who quickly became a natural. Time flew by as we enjoyed each other’s company, eventually showering off the day’s adventures and heading to The Establishment, a favorite restaurant. Spicy chicken tenders were a hit, and a surprise treat of ice cream from the leaders capped off a perfect day in the sun.

The next day began with music and breakfast before heading to the dive shop, where we learned our diving would start at 2 pm. With time to spare, we walked to a local beach through a resort, finding ourselves on our own private stretch of sand. After lounging and playing in the ocean, the boys even enjoyed a game of pool. Returning to Club Oceanus for lunch, we left nothing behind before relaxing in hammocks until scuba time. Those learning to dive embarked on their final lesson, while the certified divers, except for Henry, who joined us, opted to snorkel. Henry and I were lucky to spot a white-tip shark, making our snorkeling adventure unforgettable. With certifications complete and stories to share, we returned to land as the sun set, celebrating a successful day with a pizza dinner.

Thank you for reading,

Caitlyn and William


Otis- Thank you mom and dad for sending me to Fiji it is great

Lucy- Thank you so much for sending me here I love it 🥰

Clementine- Thank you so so much for sending me on this trip! We have been scuba diving and you guys were right, I’m obsessed with it! We saw so many sharks today. Dad you have to try and get certified so we can go next vacation. I have met so many new friends and have done so many cool things. Can’t wait to tell you guys all about it in a few days😘

Henry- Thank you mom and dad for letting me go to Fiji, I’m having a great time amid y’all were right when you said I would have a great time. Love y’all!

David- Thank you guys 😘 I miss you both so much. Dad, I hope Umma is doing better and tell her I love her more than the world. Also I want to take Lisa and Margaret to the boat. Mommy, I can’t wait to spend time with you in Harbor. The farmers market will be lit. I need a pedicure in a bad way. My feet are ratch Xoxo, DBB

Audrey- hey mommy and dad! I miss y’all so much. Fiji is so so cool and I’ve met so many awesome friends. Thank y’all for sending me here I’m having a blast. Today we scuba dived and saw sharks and it was so cool! I can’t wait to tell y’all all about Fiji!

Holt- Thank you mom and dad for sending me to Fiji I am having a lot of fun, love you guys.

Lawson- Hey Mom and Dad! Thank you so much for letting me go on this trip and having the opportunity to spend a part of my summer in Fiji. I love you both so much and can’t wait to see you in a few days. Tell B I said hi too and Watson if he is not at camp yet. Love you both🥰

Merritt – Hey Mom and Dad. Fiji has been great so far. Trip update: We just went scuba diving and we saw a bunch of sharks and other fish 🦈. My tan is really good but I have 2 very distinct lines and one of them is really white and the others is dark it looks strange. Thank y’all for sending me on this trip it’s really fun. Love y’all so much can’t wait to see you guys.

Collins- Hey mum and Dad. I really miss y’all and am more than thankful and I am really blessed that y’all let me go to Fiji 🇫🇯. I am having a fantastic time. We just went scuba diving and saw several sharks. I hope cc is swell and not swollen. Hope Clayton is having fun doing what ever Clayton does too. Thank you for letting me go to Fiji and can never thank you enough. Love y’all!

Bula Bula from the beautiful island of Fiji!!

June 14, 2024

Bula Bula !! We have been having a great time on this trip so far, and we can’t wait to update y’all on everything that has happened!


The trip began with a fast start in the Fiji airport as the whole group made it from LAX with no travel issues. The whole group was finally together as I joined them right as they walked out of baggage claim. We went to the airport hotel for a quick breakfast and the kids were able to freshen up after their flight before the real fun began. While we waited for the van to come pick us up, the kids got to know each other and we played a quick game of Contact. The van finally arrived and after about two hours and many naps, we finally made it to Club Oceanus: our home for the night. Everyone got settled in and changed into their swimsuits and we began exploring our new home. Otis and Henry were quick to find a dock to jump off of, and it wasn’t long before everyone else in the group followed their lead! After seeing how many ways we could possibly jump into the water, we went to go spend some time in the sun. We got the group together to play a game of Nukem and then capture the flag. The capture the flag game is still unfinished, as lunch was ready in the middle of it so we had to take a quick intermission. Everyone ate their lunch quick, but the boys stayed and talked for about an hour after they finished, sharing stories and laughing. Right off the bat we knew this was going to be a special group! Feeling full and jet lagged, we went to go take a shower and play some card games. It was a game filled day, as we played BS then mafia until dinner time rolled around. We stepped outside of our bunk room to see the clouds filled with orange and pink hues! This was only the beginning of the beautiful views! We walked over to the Arts Village only to realize it was a Sunday and not many things were open. But our great day continued, as some locals pointed us to what seemed like a coffee shop, but actually had a full dinner menu! Most of the kids ended up getting pizzas, so we took those and walked back to Club O for a dinner on the dock. We had a little picnic, then after everyone was done eating, William and I began our first moonup of the summer! Moonup is a great tradition that happens in every Moondance trip where the group has the opportunity to get to know each other and reflect on the day. We reflected on our day, and everyone was in disbelief that they had just arrived in Fiji that morning! Needless to say, the jet lag was catching up. We wrapped it up quickly, and headed to bed. Within minutes, everyone was conked out.


The next day began with a bang as William woke the kids up with some music! We had an early start to our morning because today we began our community engagement section. The kids packed their backpacks for the village, then headed over to breakfast provided by Club O. We scarfed down the food, then loaded everything up into the truck and met our guides, Una, Zac, and Simele. The kids made a playlist of some of their favorite songs and we were able to play that in the van. It seemed to make time fly by as everyone sang along and continued to get to know each other. On the way to the village, we made a stop at a store that seemed to have everything in one. And when I say everything, I mean everything: a grocery store, a souvenir shop, a watch store, a cafe, and a shoe store. The kids picked out some snacks and got Fiji hennas then we were back on our way! We took the van all the way down the main road before meeting up with the other guides who drove the trucks. We switched transportation and we got to ride in the outdoor truck, just like locals! We had a scenic ride into the heart of the island, then finally arrived to the Draiba village! Rather than staying in the village, we stayed at a campsite across the river from the village. After settling in, the guides let us pick out our zulus, and we walked across the river to the village. We were greeted by the chief who performed a kava ceremony for us, which allows the village to acknowledge our presence and asks if we are allowed to be invited in. They accepted us with open arms, and after the ceremony we know that we will always be welcome back to the village. We went and explored the village after the ceremony, and it wasn’t long before the kids had connected with the local kids. Audrey is so caring with the kids, and they all seem to run towards her immediately. Immediately they were passing the rugby ball back and forth and racing the kids who were half their size, but still seemed to be challenging competition. Collins took the lead as team captain, and scored numerous goals for his team. He was a force to be reckoned with! We eventually all moved to their large field to play a game of rugby. The Fijian kids were flying around but they seemed to be invincible. Eventually, the sun was setting and we had to go back to our campsite to have dinner. The kids walked us back across the river and we ended up swimming in the water with them as the sun was setting. It was a surreal moment that everyone will remember for the rest of their lives! We had to tear the kids apart from their new friends, and as we walked back alone everyone was talking about what a great afternoon they had had. Once we got back to the camp, everyone rinsed off then met in the meal room while we waited for our dinner. While we waited, some locals from the village who had come to hang out with us taught us some of their games. We played one that was similar to little sally walker, then one that was similar to down by the banks. Even though we are halfway across the world, the kids were still playing versions of games they had grown up on! Soon enough, dinner was ready. And after a busy day, everyone was hungry. We chowed down on noodles, rice, vegetables, chicken, and fish. The food was delicious, and everyone ended the day with full bellies and full hearts. We finished up the night with Moonup, and a common theme was recognizing how we can live our lives like local Fijians when we go back to the United States.


We woke up ready to seize another day in Fjii! Today’s activities were all about living a day in the life of a local Fijian in a rural village. We started the day with breakfast, where we were excited to learn that cake is a staple for them every morning! After fueling up for the day, we got ready to go on a short hike through the jungle to get firewood. On the way, we stopped by a cacao plant. Everyone passed around the fruit and tried it. It tasted nothing like the sweet chocolatey dessert we are used to having. No one could even believe it was the same thing! We then got the firewood and headed down back to our campsite. After dropping the firewood off, we went down to the river to meet some of our friends we met from the village yesterday (who happen to have the same name as our guide): Simele and Simele! They were our fishing instructors for the afternoon, and they explained to us how the Fijian men fish for their families. We had two fishermen, then the rest of the group splashed the water to scare the fish upstream and into the fisherman’s spears. It was a cool process to watch, and be a part of! After catching a bunch of fish, our Fijian friends built a fire and prepared the fish for us. They laid it right onto the firewood which made the outside of the fish nice and charred, but the inside fell right off the bone. We all agreed it was some of the best fish we had ever had. It was cooked in chiles and Una insisted that we tried them. Everyone thought they were overwhelmingly hot and could not get enough water. However, Holt ate an entire pepper and didn’t even seem to be fazed! Everyone was impressed. We ate the rest of our lunch then cleaned up and headed back to our campsite to rest after a long days work. The girls all worked to make bracelets for the village kids so they could always remember the friendships they made. Although it was not originally in the plan, the kids insisted on going back to play with the kids in the village, even if it was only for a short period of time. So, we headed back across the river to hang out with them one last time before we had to say goodbye. We started off playing rugby with the kids, but somehow slowly transitioned into a huge game of duck duck goose. Everyone was dying laughing trying to catch each other around the circle, and the Fijian kids gave us a run for our money!! Soon enough, it was time to say goodbye and head back for dinner. Lilly was so sweet and made so many bracelets to give out to the kids, and they couldn’t get enough! The kids said bye to their closest friends, and we thought that was it until they all came running down to the river to swim for one last time! Everyone was so excited and played and splashed around in the water until the sun set. We had to say our official goodbyes and everyone was heartbroken. It is crazy how much of an impact the little Fijian kids had on our group in such a short period of time. After taking quick showers, we went to help prepare dinner-continuing learning how to live like a Fijian! The main course of dinner was chicken cooked in Taro leaves, in an “underground oven”. It took a while to cook, so we played the same Fijian games that we had learned the night before. And it wouldn’t be a Moondance trip without a little dance party! The kids showed the locals their favorite songs and danced with them until dinner was ready. We bit into the chicken made by the oven, and couldn’t even believe how delicious it was. The Fijians sure know what they are doing! We ate up all of our dinner, then finished up our night with another great Moonup.


This morning was bittersweet, as we had to pack up our stuff to move to the next village. We were sad to leave all the friends we had made, and the home we had created, but couldn’t wait to experience more of what Fiji had to offer! Rather than taking a car to the next village, we got to get in the water and kayak down the river! We loaded up into the kayaks after a quick breakfast and got ready for a long journey ahead. The river pushed us slowly down the river, so the kids took charge and paddled their way to each stop. Our first stop along the way was to have a little snack. The guides brought local snacks for us-twisties and chicken flavored peas. The twisties were super similar to American Cheetos and were a hit with the group. Everyone was apprehensive of the peas at first, but after trying them we couldn’t get enough. We hopped back in our kayaks for a short ride down some rapids before stumbling upon a perfect swimming spot. We obviously had to stop and hang out. The boys took initiative and walked up the river so they could relax and float down like a lazy river. The girls took the opportunity to soak up some sun and chat in the water. It was just the refreshing break we needed to power us through to lunch. We stopped on the river for lunch where local villagers nearby prepared us a delicious meal. We even got to have the same fish we had the day before! And, the kids were excited when they pulled out a cooler with refreshing sodas. The day continued to get better and better as it went on. After lunch, we hopped back into our kayaks for a final push to the village where we would be staying for the night. Lawson took the lead and I don’t think she stopped paddling the whole time she was on the river. We had to tell her to slow down!! We finally turned a corner and saw the villagers welcoming us, and we were overjoyed to finally be there. The kayaking was challenging, but it was worth it for the rewards we got along the way. The local kids came and helped us bring our kayaks up the hill, then half of the group went to change, and the other half went to swim in the river. After swimming and changing, it almost felt like routine to go play sports with the local kids. At the first village they mostly played rugby, but here they were playing with soccer balls. It was such a fun switch up, and it didn’t take long for things to get competitive. The kids couldn’t get enough of Clementine, and latched on to her for every possible second. After a little bit of play, it was time for us to do the kava ceremony. This is done anytime a village has visitors, as they must be welcomed in by the community. We did the ceremony and introduced ourselves to the chief, then went to have some dinner before a good night of sleep. We all put our mattresses together and had one big sleepover as we took in our last night living in the village. Everyone has fully enjoyed experiencing life as a Fijian, and it will be weird going back to our usual way of living.


We had the opportunity to sleep in today, but everyone ended up waking up early as usual, so we decided to get a head start on our day. We rolled up our mattresses and packed up our things before having one last breakfast in the village. Everyone loaded up their things into the van, then we headed back out for a half day of kayaking to the end of the river. Our arms were sore from the previous days’ work, but we knew we could push through for one last time. Today, our slogan was taking it slowly slowly. So that is just what we did. We allowed the river to push us as much as possible, and only paddled when we slowed. It was super relaxing, and the kids loved using the time to chat to each other about their lives at home. We started our journey passing around chocolate bars and Doritos, trying the different flavors they had in Fiji. Everyone was shocked to discover that the salsa flavored Doritos tasted exactly like a tortilla chip dipped in salsa. After a few hours of floating, paddling, and talking, we finally made it to our stopping point. We took the kayaks out of the river and loaded them onto the boat. The kids got into the truck for a little surprise-a cave tour! We got to go into one of Fiji’s largest cave systems and learn about the history of the cave. At one point, we all turned our headlamps off and it was pitch black. We screamed Bula!! as loud as possible then quickly turned our lights back on as the cave echoed Bula!! back to us. We left the cave and headed over to a picnic area where we had a delicious barbecue lunch. Everyone agreed that this was their favorite meal yet, and it was the fuel we needed to keep going for the rest of the day. We rode to our original starting point, got our bags, then changed and headed back to Club O for the night. Along the way, we stopped back at the all-in-one store, and William and I were excited to surprise the kids with ice cream! They had earned it after all of their hard work in the kayaks. However, we made our stop quick so we could go to a souvenir shop that happened to be along the way. Everyone got something that they could take home and have as a reminder of the great times we have already had on this trip! We loaded back into the van and finally arrived back at Club O. It was a completely different experience than the first night, as everyone has already gotten so close over the course of the past 5 days. We had a dance party, played some pool, then all sat down for a delicious meal together as a family! After we ate, we had moonup where we couldn’t stop laughing about things that have already happened in the trip. We finished up with a Fiji B on three, then said goodnight, excited for our next adventure.


Today began bright and early as we had to get on the road quickly to go white water rafting!! We headed down to raft the Upper Navua River. It has class II and III rapids which are pretty chill, but what we were all really looking forward to was the views. After a long car ride, some banana bread, and a little hike through the jungle, we finally made it to the put-in spot. The kids got into groups then got into their rafts with their respective guides. The beginning of the river was super narrow and had tall rock walls that everyone craned their necks to continue watching. As we rafted down the river, the guides kept us safe while also singing with us and teaching us more of the Fijian language. We stopped for a sandwich lunch, and everyone couldn’t get enough. After lunch, it seemed as if everyone had doubled their energy, and we started having raft wars. Holt, Henry, Lawson, and Audrey’s boat were conducting fake interviews. Otis, Lilly, Collins, and William’s boat were being entertained by William’s random stories and pop culture references. On my boat, with Lucy, David, Merritt, and Clementine, we were laughing at our guide and just seeing what would happen next. At one point, Lucy even took over as our guide and started rowing the boat for us! It was so unexpected and it had everyone laughing so hard they were in tears. We stopped at “natures waterfall” and Merritt and David were brave enough to climb up the wall and go under the waterfall. It was super refreshing after spending time in the warm sun. We continued down more rapids and the shenanigans continued. After jumping from raft to raft and taking time to swim in the river, our white water rafting had unfortunately come to an end. We said thank you to our guides for the amazing experience, then headed back to Club O to grab our duffel bags then head out to a new spot! Our ride to Fiji Beach House had no windows, so all the kids had their heads out the window and were saying “Bula!” to all the locals we passed. Everyone is so friendly here, and we have all noticed. We finally made it to Beach House, and everyone was amazed by the place and we cannot wait to stay here for another three nights! We all ordered dinner then had a quick Moonup before heading to bed. We can’t wait to see what’s in store for the rest of this trip!!


Thanks for reading, and here are some shout outs from the kids!!


  • Caitlyn and William


Merritt – Hey guys. We just left the Villages with the kids. They were so nice and welcoming. We are on our way tomorrow about to surf. Happy Fathers Day Dad I hope you have a good one. Thanks for sending me to Fiji. Love you.


Collins – Happy Fathers Day dad! hope you have a good golf day and I hope your having a good time too mum! Let C.C. Know I miss her too and hope she gets better. Thanks for sending me to Fiji, I just left the village and playing a rugby game with the kids. I love y’all and hope C is ok.


Holt- hey y’all. Hope y’all are having a good time, I’m having a blast. Happy father’s day Dad, I miss all of you. Love y’all can’t wait to see ya


David- Hey Mom and Dad! I’m having a blast in Fiji. We just left the local village and the kids were so sweet and cute. I love you guys so much and can’t wait to see you soon. Have a great Father’s Day Dad! I can’t wait to give you both big hugs when I get home! Much love, DBB


Lilly- Hey everyone! Fiji is gorgeous, we just wrapped up the village section of the trip as of today. The kids were adorable, and they loved the friendship bracelets I gave them. I miss you guys a ton, but I’m sure Connor is having so much fun at golf camp (hopefully learning a lot) and Dad is golfing himself into oblivion in Scotland. Mom- I’m sure you and Bandy are having lots of quality time. Mimi, Gigi, and Jagee- I miss you guys tons as well. When I get back I need some Asuka. Happy Father’s Day Dada. Love you guys!!


Lawson- Hey Mom , Dad, Barrett, and Watson I miss y’all so much. I am having a great time in Fiji and we just finished doing service. Happy Father’s Day Dad, I wish I could be there with you. Watson I hope you had fun in Vietnam and have fun at camp I miss you a lot. Barrett I hope you are not getting too bored with your internship and not having me and Wats at home but I miss you too. Mom I hope your hip is feeling alright and I miss you the most, and take care of pearl and sugar while I’m not there. Don’t worry I got you guys some souvenirs. See you guys in 10 days and don’t have too much fun without me.


Hello parents im enjoying Fiji the sunsets are super cool and the village was sick I will tell y’all more when I get home happy Father’s Day dad sorry I miss it every year love y’all – your favorite child Otis


Clementine- Hey mom and dad! I am having so much fun! Fiji is beautiful and we’ve done so many amazing things already. You guys would love it here. I miss all of you lots…tell the boys I love them and miss them. Please give Irish lots of love for me I hope she is feeling better. Tell beck I said good luck at b ball camp! Give everyone lots of hugs for me. I love all of you. See you soon!


Lucy- hey mom and dad miss y’all so so much I am having a great time in Fiji we just finished staying in the village and tomorrow we are going surfing I can’t wait I was most excited for it I miss y’all and else i hope y’all had fun in California and wish I could if been there with you LOVE YALL!!


Audrey- hey mom and dad! Fiji is soooo much fun. I’ve made many friends our group is super fun. I love our leaders they’re so cool. We our driving back from the villages they were such a neat experience I can’t wait to tell y’all all about the trip!! I hope y’all are having so much fun on y’all’s trips. I got y’all a gift from here HAPPY FATHERS DAY DAD I LOVE YOU!! I can’t wait to see y’all. Love Audrey


Henry-Hi mom and dad I miss y’all I am having a great time in Fiji. Happy Father’s Day dad! Sorry I couldn’t see your for it. I’ll tell y’all about my trip when I get home. Love you!

Safe Arrival at LAX and en route to Fiji!!

June 8, 2024

Hello Fiji Families!

We heard from our leaders last night that the group arrived safely at LAX and is currently in the air on the way to Fiji! We are so excited for the group to get there, and can’t wait to hear all about their exciting adventures over the next couple of weeks!

Please remember our leaders and students will be unplugged during their trips, but we will be posting trip updates throughout the next two weeks! This will allow you to follow along with the trip. You can also follow us on Instagram, @moondanceadventures, to see more of what we are up to!

-Moondance HQ


  • Audrey
  • Clementine
  • Collins
  • David
  • Henry
  • Holt
  • Lucy
  • Merritt
  • Otis
  • Lawson
