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Ecuador + Galapagos 2B • June 22-July 5, 2024

Memories of Ecuador and the Galápagos!

July 5, 2024

The last two weeks have been unforgettable. First off, we want to thank all of our students’ parents for entrusting us with their children and allowing us the opportunity to create all the incredible memories and relationships that we did. It has been an absolute pleasure to travel South America with each and every student and watch them grow mentally, physically, and emotionally. This group has been special, and it has been immensely gratifying to witness them all create the experience of a lifetime. From the very beginning, our energy never waned, and we cherished every moment together. Reflecting on what we achieved as a whole brings the biggest smiles to our faces. Let’s not forget the laughter, love, music, conversations, and the people we met along the way.

In Moondance terms, we’d say our group was “norming and performing.” Day one, a travel day, required us to lean on each other to maintain positive energy. Right off the plane, everyone was buzzing with excitement. At the airport, we met Fabricio, our guide, who would go on to create countless memories and inside jokes with us. The wildlife encounters helped everyone truly grasp where they were and what they were doing. The following days on San Cristobal were filled with adventure and snorkeling—oh, the snorkeling. If there’s one thing that brought us closer, it was enduring the freezing waters together. We were lucky with wildlife sightings too. The group’s positive vibes seemed to summon good weather and luck. After a couple of great meals and one moderately bumpy boat ride, we arrived at Santa Cruz.

Santa Cruz was a pivotal time for us to solidify our reliance on each other. This is where the group transformed from friends to family. Long walks around town, numerous shopping trips, and beautiful beaches facilitated deeper conversations and relaxing downtime. Casual hangouts by the pool led to stories that will be cherished forever. Baby sharks and rooftop sunsets, coupled with the amazing Darwin + Wolf store, made the island unforgettable. Our last night on Santa Cruz featured a major shopping spree. Despite a rough wake-up call, a relatively calm boat ride took us to Isabela—possibly the group’s favorite among the islands we visited. Isabela offered diversity in landscapes and wildlife. The town was charming, and everyone felt welcomed and eager to explore. No one wanted to do anything alone; everything was a group endeavor. After a refreshing final morning spent surfing at the beach, we returned to Santa Cruz for last-minute souvenirs and some delicious Galapaganian chocolate. The next morning, we headed to mainland Ecuador for a laid-back travel day.

The journey back to Tababela was filled with laughter, pizza, and cheering for the Ecuadorian soccer team. Our last full day in Tababela was spent refreshing and spending quality time together. We started with a visit to the hummingbird sanctuary in the morning, followed by a relaxing afternoon at the local hot springs. It was a much-needed rest for both students and leaders before the final leg of our trip. That evening, we enjoyed an incredibly sweet homemade dessert before calling it a night. The next morning, we headed to Cotopaxi for horseback riding. Experiencing such a beautiful landscape in such a unique way was truly unforgettable. Seeing everyone embrace the Chagra lifestyle as they rode through the beautiful rolling hills at the nearby Hacienda was a sight to behold. James and his horse made a dynamic duo, seamlessly leading our group throughout the ride. For those unfamiliar, Chagra refers to an Ecuadorian cowboy. After a long bus ride and a nap, we arrived in Baños later that day.

Baños is an incredible place, offering stunning views, corner stores, markets, hikes, and restaurants at every turn. Our first night in Baños was a blast. Everyone was well-rested and eager to explore upon arrival. Our group loved shopping, and exploring each store was a delight. We kicked off our stay with an amazing dinner at a steakhouse, where ribeyes, T-bones, delicious pastas, lasagnas, and great salads filled our plates. After more shopping, wandering, ice cream, and crepes, we returned to our hotel for a moonlit gathering and late-night stories shared among the group. The next day was pure bliss. We slept in before enjoying a morning party aboard a traditional Chiva, heading to “el fin de mundo” and Casa De Árbol. The viewpoint at “el fin de mundo” offered the best city view, while Casa De Árbol provided an opportunity for everyone to swing over the edge of the world and preview our next adventure with a short zip line.

From there, we descended the mountain on the Chiva back to our hotel. After a taco lunch and exploring the town, we discovered the enchanted forest of Baños and visited the local chocolate factory, where we sampled chocolates ranging from banana and pineapple to ginger and guava. Our final shopping spree with the kids was followed by returning to the hotel, our home away from home, for some much-needed rest, reflection, and, of course, more laughter—laughter that never seemed to stop! On our last night, we hosted a banquet for the students, a final celebration as a group. The banquet, a beloved Moondance tradition, featured a unique twist: cross-dressing for our salsa dancing lesson and traditional buffet! The boys looked stunning in tennis skirts and LuluLemon athleisure, while the girls dazzled in camo, baggy shorts, and Howler Bros gear. Charles was a vision in his pink crop top and short-cut skirt—comfortable and confident among friends! After sorting out our outfits, we enjoyed private salsa dancing lessons just outside of Baños. Once everyone worked up a sweat, we took a break and sipped on refreshing frozen juices, bubble tea, and more salsa. It was quite the workout, but well worth it. Before our meal, Turner and Katie were crowned salsa king and queen, well-deserved titles for their natural talent on the dance floor! Dinner was a buffet featuring chorizo, sausage, pork belly, chicken, steamed veggies, rice, potatoes, corn, salad, and apple pie empanadas for dessert. It was the highlight meal of our trip, energizing us for a lively dance party where everyone showcased their moves. Turner even had a blast dancing with Georgie, our host’s son. To top off the night, we enjoyed a performance from local fire dancers and jugglers—a perfect finale!

This morning, we visited Parque Aventura San Martin for zip-lining and rock climbing through an incredible canyon. After the initial zip line, we crossed a swinging and bouncing bridge that pushed many of us out of our comfort zones. Rock climbing along the face of a 100m ravine was intense and challenging, but it brought out the best in us. Special shoutout to Watty and Towles, who conquered their fear of heights and completed the challenges with smiles on their faces! After the climb, we caught our breath before a short zip line to our final destination. A quick nap was followed by lunch, putting us all in a food coma for the start of our bus ride. The second half of the journey featured the “Bus Olympics,” celebrating the Fourth of July. The Olympics included fun events like cookie face (inspired by “Minute to Win It”), toilet paper fashion shows, and lip-sync battles—where Baylor and Watty rocked out to “Watch Me Whip” up and down the bus aisle. We wrapped up the Olympics at the airport with a hotdog eating contest, won by Shaffer, which also secured the red team’s comeback victory with Towles, Katie, and Mimi. The night concluded with a final moonlit gathering at the Quito airport, led by Zach and Watty—truly memorable moments!

This group has embodied what it means to be part of Moondance: forging lasting relationships, meeting new people, trying new things, embracing vulnerability, and finding comfort in discomfort. Pickett led by example, battling altitude and showing perseverance and leadership. Mary Kidd consistently brightened our days with her infectious smile, ensuring everyone else smiled too. We are incredibly proud of this group and eagerly anticipate staying in touch to see where life takes them. Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands are already amazing places, but it’s the people who truly make them extraordinary. To each student, we wish you the best in your future endeavors. Once again, parents, thank you for trusting Moondance with your children.

-Martin and Elizabeth

Greetings from the mainland!

July 2, 2024

An early morning of surfing for our last full day in the Galapagos was a great closing activity! We spent a couple of hours on the beach relaxing, swimming, and surfing together. Despite the cold water, many adopted a new love for surfing and showed off some skills from their past lives. Towles absolutely crushed it and was up on the first wave. By the end of the session, he was leading dance parties on the surfboard with the rest of the group. Charles described it as the highlight of his trip, which was evident from the huge smile on his face throughout. While some were learning new skills in the water, James tried his hand at photography and seemed to love it. It’s been incredible to see all the students so excited to expand their horizons and willing to try new things. Speaking of photography, Shaffer has been an incredible photographer and videographer for our group.

After our morning surfing lesson, we had a quick lunch and then took our final boat ride of the trip back to Santa Cruz for our last night in the Galapagos. A bit of shopping and dinner rejuvenated everyone for a sweet treat surprise in the evening. We visited the local chocolate store known as “Chocolapagos” where we tried 100% authentic Galapaganian chocolate. Turner tried the Sea Salt and Chili chocolate and let’s just say… he was not a fan of the spice.

The next day was our travel day back to the mainland. Mimi and Baylor kept us all laughing in the airport, making the travel day very enjoyable. The group also got into making friendship bracelets, with many of the designs taught by Katie and Pickett. A few friendship bracelets and some naps on the plane later, we reached our next hotel in Tababela. That night, Ecuador played Mexico in the Copa America. Our group went to Chester’s Pizza to watch the game and had the opportunity to watch it with the local owner of our hostel, cheering on Ecuador as they advanced to the next round of the tournament. I loved how into the game the students got, especially Zach, who put his new Ecuador jersey to good use! Ecuador definitely gained fourteen new fans! After the game, we had more time to relax before bed. Pickett used the Moondance guitar to learn a couple of new songs, including “Burn, Burn, Burn” by Zach Bryan and “Jersey Giant” by Elle King. Mary Kidd also shared her musical talent by adding incredible vocals while Pickett played.

On our last day in Tababela, we visited the Hummingbird sanctuary where we observed the beautiful coronets and woodstars in their natural habitats. After a short hike at the sanctuary and some time to wake up, we traveled to the natural Papallacta hot springs for a few hours. After a delicious chicken and shrimp lunch, we headed back to the hostel for some pool time! Our hostel was fantastic with a huge pool, hot tub, water slide, soccer, and volleyball court. Everyone had a blast. Watty led the group in a “friendly” volleyball game before a pasta dinner and an incredibly sugary dessert made by the students to close the night. Tomorrow, we’re going horseback riding in Cotopaxi and then transferring to Banos for the rest of our trip! Each and every student is extremely thankful for the opportunity they’ve been given by embarking on this journey with Moondance and wanted to leave their family members a message to share their experience so far! Also, a big thank you from Elizabeth and Martin for giving us the opportunity to share such incredible moments with your children.


-Martin and Elizabeth


Hi mom and dad, thank you so much for sending me on this trip. It’s the best!!! We’ve done the best activities and I’m having the most amazing time. Love you all so much.


Hi mom and dad miss you guys and can’t wait to see you all but I am having the best time and have seen such cool places and have so many fun stories to tell. I have met some of my new best friends and I am so thankful you have given me this opportunity to come on this trip! Love you!!!



I’m having the best time ever in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. Everything is so amazing and so fun and so beautiful! Moondance is the best thank y’all so so much for sending me!! I can’t wait to tell y’all all of my stories and mems! Also I found a guitar 🙂 LOVE YALL!


Hey Mom and Dad!!

I am having the best time. The Galápagos Islands are so beautiful. We went surfing and I caught multiple waves. I have met so many new friends. Thank you so much for sending me on this trip it is so much fun!!


Hi mom and dad and hays and Buchanan!! I am having sooo so so much fun. The Galapagos and Ecuador are both so gorgeous!!! I can’t wait to see y’all in Pawleys w/ the whole fam! I have met so many new people that I love and will keep in touch with forever. I am so grateful y’all sent me on this trip you guys are really the best!!! Love y’all!!

-Mary Kidd

Hi mom, dad, and Grady! Thank you so much for sending me here, it’s been so much fun! We returned to the mainland from the Galapagos a couple days ago and are getting ready to head to Baños and Cotopaxi. We visited three different islands in the Galapagos, spending lots of time on the water. In the mountains we’re going horseback riding, climbing, and zip lining. I hope everything is going well at home and I can’t wait to see y’all at the beach! Love y’all


Hi Everyone!

I am having an amazing time here and seeing so much cool stuff. I’m super excited for the rest of the trip and I can’t wait to tell you guys about it all. Love you all so much and see you soon!


Hey Everybody,

I am having a great time here and i am grateful for you signing me up for this trip. I can’t wait till I get home and tell y’all everything. I miss Dottie and Birdie a lot and miss them very much. We went to the Galápagos Islands first and it was really fun. Also sorry dad for spending the emergency credit card but you will see why I spent it. I love y’all so much and cannot wait to see you soon.


What’s up fam, the Galápagos Islands were sick. It was pretty hot down there so it reminded me of South Carolina. We got to see a sunset on the beach which was my favorite part. We’re horseback riding tomorrow because we’re in some place outside of Quito so it’ll be interesting. To be honest I’m not really missing home that much because I’m living in the moment here with the group. I love y’all so much tho so I can’t wait to see y’all at the beach. Also the shrimp here is insane. The only thing I wish they had was sweet tea. I love y’all and cashew ofc

-Charles Cannon Jr

Hey mom, dad, Jack, and Will. I have been having so much fun in the Galapagos and Ecuador and have made so many memories and friends. It’s been hard to miss y’all because we’ve been doing so much but I am super excited for Maine and to see y’all. At this moment I am sitting on a couch while this girl is playing guitar while we’re watching soccer. I’m in Ecuador right now and tomorrow we’re going horseback riding. I love y’all so much and I’m having so much fun here.

-Katie Martin

Hey Mom and Dad,

This trip has been so fun I have met so many new friends. Tomorrow the 2nd we wake up early and drive to Baños, Ecuador and go horseback riding. Watty and I had so much fun in the Galapagos we went snorkeling, looked at the turtles and hiked to the top of a volcano. Hope y’all are having fun at home or wherever you guys are.

-Towles Melton

Hey mom and Spalding,

This trip has been a blast. I have made so many new friends and never want to leave. As usual it is the best part of the year but I can’t wait to tell all of you about it. Love you see you soon.


First Few Adventures in the Galapagos!

June 28, 2024

¡Hola From EGP Session 2B!


What an unbelievable group we have for these next two weeks! We have never seen a group of students connect in such a way so quickly and we cannot wait to see the camaraderie between everybody by the end of the trip. After a safe arrival in Ecuador and some pizza for dinner, we had our first moon up as a group. Baylor and James were selected as our first set LODs due to how they brought the group together on the first night. A few hours of sleep and an early wake up later, and we were on our way to the Galapagos! While both leaders caught some Z’s on the flight, the students were ready to attack the day and thrive in this new location! We love that kind of attitude. One short flight and we were in the Galapagos!


Our first full day on San Cristobal Island was full of snorkeling and an unbelievable nature walk on Isla Lobos. We had a relaxing boat ride on the way to our nature walk. On the walk we saw frigate birds, lava lizards, marine iguanas, sea lions, and blue footed boobies! We had great luck with the snorkeling and then a great homemade traditional Ecuadorian meal with ceviche, balong, empanadas, and watermelon juice cooked by the students… it was delicious! The group was all smiles and laughs due to Turner’s incredible sense of humor and great ability to keep energy and morale high even after long, activity-filled days. WE all don’t know how he never runs out of energy or something to say to make us laugh. We then visited the highlands in order to see the Galapagos from a different perspective of living. We worked on San Angel Farm during the morning which was great for the students to experience such a form of cultural immersion. Katie led some of the group in delivering baby chickens from the incubator to the pen where it will continue to grow for a few more weeks until it is strong enough to live in the coop. Despite working with cow poop or having to pick sweet potatoes from stubborn roots at the eco farm, Mimi proved how she is able to keep an incredibly positive attitude through the toughest of times:). Following our time at the farm we prepared for our first boat ride to a new island. The waters were somewhat tame and for that, we were extremely thankful.


Santa Cruz brought some much needed early on rest and relaxation and some time in the pool as a group before dinner. Mary Kidd had the great idea to play star – the game where you guess movies and have to swim to the other side of the pool before others in order to win the round – in order to get to know each other better and have some laughs in the process. The next morning we visited El Chato Ranch to view the giant Galapagos Tortoises, and Shaffer gave us his best impression of one by doing push ups in the carapace of the tortoise. Long walks to Tortuga Bay and back left us with plenty of time for conversation and music where Pickett excelled in both and gave very well-received recommendations for the group’s Spotify playlist. A great reset at Santa Cruz and it was off to Isabela this morning!


Isabela is a popular favorite island that proves itself time and time again. Immediately off a bumpy boat ride we were blessed with Coca-cola and delicious empanadas. Some got chocolate, while others got cheese or chicken. A snorkeling activity afterwards woke everybody right up for another great day. As we continue to move around we’ve noticed a great quality of Charles’ is that he loves to help whenever he can, even when it’s just something small like moving the duffel bags so they’re easier to grab as you walk past them. Zach has become increasingly good at commanding and leading the group while also making sure that everyone is together at all times and decisions are made with input from everybody. We are extremely thankful for both Charles and Zach. The wildlife on Isabela is great though. Upon our arrival we got to see Galapagos Penguins and some more playful sea lions. We then had a great guided tour of the Galapagos Tortoise Breeding center from our guide Fabricio! Towles and Watty started a photography contest where a photo will be deemed winner at the end of each day by an impartial judge. Tonight was perfect. We walked from our hotel to the beach passing by the flamingo pools. We went to the beach about an hour before sunset and were able to share one of the most beautiful sunsets we have ever seen in a truly one of a kind place with some pretty one of a kind people. Thank you so much for giving us a chance to spend 2 perfect weeks in Ecuador with your amazing kids. We are so excited for the many more adventures and laughs to come.




Safe Arrival in Quito!

June 23, 2024

Hello Ecuador + Galapagos Families!

We heard from our leaders last night that all the students have landed safely in Quito and the group is headed to their first activity! The trip is off to a great start and we can’t wait to share more updates from their adventure.

Please remember our leaders and students will be unplugged during their trips, but we will be posting trip updates throughout the next two week! This will allow you to follow along with the trip. You can also follow us on Instagram, @moondanceadventures, to see more of what we are up to!

-Moondance HQ


  • Barnes
  • Baylor
  • Charles
  • Kate
  • Mimi
  • Pickett
  • Shaffer
  • Towles
  • Turner
  • Watty
  • Zach
