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California 2B • June 24-July 7, 2024

Last check in from California!

July 8, 2024

When day 11 came around, we were in full patriotic swing! After waking up to Katy Perry’s “Firework,” the gang stumbled out of their tents, sporting their best red, white, and blue. Our Stars and Stripes cowboy hats, bought days prior, were finally being put to appropriate use, with Cam winning best outfit of the day. On the road again, Peppin wowed us with her 90-degree sleeping position, which carried her off into a deep slumber until a crucial pit stop…In-N-Out. Rather than going one by one, the crew clobbered into the restaurant, chanting in excitement. After all, what is more American than some good ole fast food? The car ride entertainment continued as Cam somehow started a toothpick trading empire with Charlie as his competitor. It was a hilariously awesome way to spend the Fourth on the road, to say the least. Once back on the coast, we wasted no time running to the waves, with those not opting to swim burying Lela in the sand. Meanwhile, we whipped up some chicken sliders, hotdogs, baked beans, and mac n cheese and finished the day extra thankful.

It was time to hang ten again on day 12. Back in our beloved wetsuits, Morgan stunned us with a board headstand and Grady sought out each and every wave. Being back on our boards was déjà vu in the best way possible, allowing us to reflect on how far we’ve come as a group since the last time we caught the Half Moon Bay waves. All of our paddling worked up our appetites, with the only logical solution being the Taco Bell Cantina right on the beach. Dozens of Crunchwraps, tacos, and Baja Blasts later (watch out Ashlin), we finally felt satisfied enough to return inland. There, we jammed out to Macklemore’s “Thrift Shop” and raided a local Plato’s Closet, scouring the aisles for the perfect banquet outfit. While Charlie’s won in shock factor, honorable mentions were given to Cole’s sick leather vest, Grady’s cheetah shorts, and Lela’s American flag heels. Back at camp, the energy continued as two teams competed against each other in a game of Iron Chef. Julia’s decision to use the mac n cheese flavor packet scored her team the win in the entrée department, while Kat’s presentation of s’mores Oreos won her team in the dessert category. Just when we thought our stomachs couldn’t handle anything else, we surprised the kids with a watermelon eating contest against the other two California sections. But you know what they say…B is for best and we won fair and square! With watermelons over her head, Sam threw rinds in excitement before participating in a celebratory cold plunge. Warming up by the fire, Bowen serenaded us as we reminisced on an unforgettable day in the Golden State.

We wasted no time on our final full day together, heading straight to the Golden Gate Bridge and into Sausalito’s harbor. After being welcomed by seals, we set sail into the Bay, gaining a whole new appreciation for the infrastructure around us. Onboard, Charlie lent a helping hand to our skipper, earning him and the others a sweet treat on the side of the Sausalito streets. A quick drive and outfit change later, we made it to our reservation at an English pub, getting questionable looks and smiles as we passed other customers. There, over fish and chips, we played two truths and a lie, cackling over the jokes and memories we made the past 14 days. We took our sweet time, refusing to accept that our final Moonup was upon us and our adventure was coming to a close. Going one by one, we spoke “nugs” to each other, illustrating the power of being unplugged for two weeks. It truly was a night filled with exceptional laughter and tears.

And just like that, we were back at SFO Terminal 2: a place where we gathered awkwardly for the first time just 13 days ago. As a group, we transformed completely. The surface-level introductions transcended into deep bear hugs and streams of tears, as we weren’t ready to part ways. As we got in some last-minute shenanigans, including a human luggage cart race, we finally accepted defeat and walked toward our opposing gates. Watching the last plane take off, we found beauty in the bittersweet nature of the situation at hand. How lucky are we that we have something so hard to say goodbye to? Thank you for an unforgettable adventure, Charlie, Cole, Julia, Kat, Peppin, Cam, Ashlin, Morgan, Grady, Sam, and Lela. Until next time!

-Madison, Ainsley, Bowen

The journey continues for CAL 2B!

July 5, 2024

The journey continues for CAL 2B! Day six brought the splashiest adventure yet as we coasted the lower American River in two rafts we named USS Baja Blast and Taco Bell. Charlie and Sam were a mean machine up front, keeping Baja Blast in sync, while Peppin and Ashlin were the dynamic duo in Taco Bell. Thanks to their leadership, the day was even more epic! Back at camp, we had the luxury of a shower, preparing us for a yummy dinner and a Moonup I’ll never forget.

We spent our halfway mark doing what we know best—getting wet and having fun. Feeling more comfortable on the river, we ventured onto the upper American River’s class threes. After countless paddles and laughs, the guides handed the steering to some volunteers. Ashlin jumped at the chance and looked like a natural, instructing us through some class two rapids. Soon to follow were Charlie, Peppin, Cam, Grady, Cole, and Morgan. We said goodbye to the American River and hello to the magnificent mountains of Yosemite, making it to camp just in time for another starlight Moonup.

Day eight was led by Collier and Julia, who decided we must go back to the water. Of course, no one put up a fight, and we slipped into our suits and trucked over to Lake Horseshoe. There, we sprawled across the white stone beach, and Kat led a game of BS while others took to sunbathing and swimming. When we had enough of the clear water, we hit local shops and indulged in some ice cream. Morgan inspired me and others to try the banana chocolate chip, and it did not disappoint! We ended the day with five new group members: Kat’s stuffed dog Murphy, Grady’s bear Maple, Lila’s purple hippo Lilac, Morgan’s bear Coco, and Collier’s 4ft dog Mammy. Back at camp, another game of Red Rover brought out some healthy competition, earning us much-needed rest to prepare for the rock climbing ahead of us.

We headed straight to Tuolumne Meadows bright and early on day nine. There, we faced 70-foot granite slabs; however, Peppin, Charlie, and Collier were far from intimidated. They paved the way for their peers, encouraging everyone to conquer the wall ahead of them. A special shoutout to Kat for conquering her fear of heights and making it to the top! Back on the ground, Ashlin mastered the art of belaying, and Lila congratulated Morgan on her feat with a hug. Exhausted from our climb, we traveled back to camp where creativity struck, and sticks and a pine cone turned into a game of field hockey. Meanwhile, Julia helped cook a delicious dinner of Greek gyros. We ate and laughed into the quiet hours.

Day ten brought more time spent in higher elevation. Cole and Sam continued climbing every possible path while Charlie took his turn at belaying. After conquering another rock wall, we journeyed through the mountains down to the Valley. As temperatures rose, so did our anticipation for our upcoming hike. The van filled with “oohs” and “ahs” as we passed El Cap, Half Dome, and Bridalveil Falls for the first time as a group. As we inched our way further up the trail, we welcomed the mist from the waterfall to combat the California sun. At the top, we watched in amazement as Charlie and Collier befriended a squirrel they named Rascal, while others joked about rafting the waterfall. In that moment, we felt on top of the world and didn’t want to come down. Alas, we did, just in time to watch a sunset and say our goodbyes to the glorious Yosemite National Park.


-Madison, Ainsley, Bowen


Dear Mom and Dad, thank you so much for sending me to this amazing camp! I get to do so many fun things here. Thank you. ❤️ Lila


Dear Mom, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I have seen and done things I never knew I could. I am covered in dirt and have developed a southern accent, but I’ve never been so happy! ❤️ Morgan


Dear Mama and Dada, I cannot thank you enough for this trip! Whilst I am covered in mud, it has still been insanely fun. I love you guys and can’t wait to tell you all about it! Love, Peppin


Dear Mom and Dad, thank you so much for sending me and pushing me to come to this camp! I am having so much fun and miss you guys too! Love, Ashlin


Dear Mom and Dad, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to go to Moondance! I’m having an amazing time here! I love and miss you guys! Love, Kat


Dear Mom and Dad, thank you for sending me to this camp! It is so much fun and I’m having a great time! Love, Julia


Dear Mom and Dad, thank you so much for sending me on this awesome opportunity! Not every kid gets to do this exciting trip and I am so thankful. Love you guys. — Grady


Dear Mom (give to dad after), thank you so much for letting me go on this trip. It’s been lots of fun and it’s a great opportunity to make friends and explore different places. I love you and thank you! Love, Cole


Dear Mom and Dad, I would just like to say thank you for sending me on this trip. I have made a ton of friends and tried new things. The bottom line is that I am very appreciative that I got to experience Moondance! I can’t wait to see you and I love you so much. I don’t know when you’ll read this but happy Fourth of July! Your favorite child, Herbert


Dear Mom, thank you so much for letting me come to camp! Moondance is like nothing I have ever done, it is truly amazing. I can’t wait to see you! Love, Sam


Dear Mom and Dad, I am so happy to be back. Thank you for sending me on this trip. I’m having so much fun! Happy Fourth of July. Can’t wait to see you. Love, Collier


Dear Mom and Dada, thank you for sending me here! I am having fun! Love, Charlie.

Keepin' It Gold

June 29, 2024

Cal 2B’s adventure has officially begun! After the bustle of arrivals and drop-offs, we entered our 15-passenger van and headed to our first campsite. Along the way, we jammed out to song requests per Cam and Grady, including “Ice, Ice, Baby,” to which Cole rapped every word. With tents set up, we wasted no time and ran to the ocean. As the Pacific waves crashed on the shore, we enjoyed local pizza. To top off our night, hot cocoa was served, and Collier demonstrated excellent expedition behavior, serving Kat and Lila. We ended the night full of enthusiasm, stoked to explore the Golden State for 13 more days together.

We jumped right into the fun on day two. After breaking camp, we wiggled into our wetsuits and hit the chilly water. Morgan channeled her inner Bethany Hamilton, surfing the waves like a pro! The rest of the gang soon followed, catching epic waves and laughing together. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing Red Rover, Pterodactyl, and Mafia, where Ashlin’s poker face and Peppin’s storytelling had us rolling on the floor. That night, Cam and Grady volunteered to be on the cook crew and made some mean grilled cheeses to pair with our tomato soup. The comfort meal warmed our bellies and hearts as we went to bed under the stars.

Group bonding continued on day three. With the sun out, we found our way back to the shore, making the short trek to Pt. Reyes lighthouse. Charlie, especially, enjoyed the scenic views and the whale skull on display. We said goodbye (for now) to the Pacific Ocean and headed to another breathtaking body of water: Lake Tahoe. The crew was giddy upon arrival, running down to the clear, blue water. Sam put us to shame with her rock-skipping skills there, working up a sweat just in time for the “best meal yet”…tacos! We stuffed our faces before a special Moonup where Kat pointed out the Big Dipper. We gazed in amazement up at the night sky, thankful for our long car ride bonding and a new location to explore together.

 Day four allowed us to appreciate Lake Tahoe on a whole new level. Despite some powerful winds, we conquered the water in double kayaks, riding the waves about a mile out. Back on shore, we sunbathed while Cam and Cole battled it out over an intense game of checkers. Even at camp, we couldn’t get enough of the deep blue water and walked to a nearby beach to continue swimming. Squishing in our water shoes, we wandered into a t-shirt store where notable purchases include Peppin’s bear claw slippers, and Julia and Ashlin’s bear pajama pants. Circled up, we ate one too many s’mores, and cried laughing from Lila’s skit of the night. The sound of Bowen’s guitar serenaded us to bed.

We returned to the water on day five, this time, paddleboarding. Some took to relaxation, like Julia, Lila, and Ashlin, while others decided to be a bit more rowdy…soon everyone was flipping into the lake and Morgan and Peppin even showed off their headstands. This bunch loves water! Afterwards, we headed back into our “home” and added more miles on the California highway. We ended the night setting up tents in the golden hour, playing with our new water gun purchases, and dreaming of rafting the rapids.

Hi Mama and Dada,

I love it here and I made friends. How is swizzle and bay? I miss you guys so much and I’m keeping a journal for you. I love you!


Dear mom and dad,

I am having lots of fun on Moondance and can’t believe it’s already day five. I miss y’all. Say hi to Reggie, Zippie, and Sugar. when y’all see me, there will be something waiting for y’all.

Love, Cam


Dear Mom,

I think about you every day. I love you so much and though I do miss you (and walls) this is the best thing I ever did. I am so tan and happy and I love my friends. Thank you for allowing me to have this experience.

 Love, Morgan


Hi fam!

 I miss you guys so much but I’m having so much fun! I love the group and the leader so much. Today we went paddle boarding but so far we have surfed, kayaked, and tomorrow is white water rafting! I love y’all and we’ll see y’all soon! Also, it is so pretty here and I bought a T-shirt. Yay!

Love, Kat


Hi family!

Moondance is so much fun! My favorite activity is paddle boarding. My favorite meal so far was tacos. See you guys soon!



Hi Mom, Dad, and Charlie,

Moondance is great. I have made great friendships and memories that I can’t wait to tell you about. Tell the dogs I miss and love them. Love you!



Hi Mom,

I miss you so much, although I love Camp! The leaders are awesome and all the other campers are great. Lake Tahoe was so pretty and I even spent some of my money on Lake Tahoe merch. I love you so much.

Love, Sam


Hey Mom and Dad,

I am having fun! I think about you a lot. I got a camera so I can share you photos. Love you lots!

Love, Charlie


Dear Mom, Dad, Finn, and Dillon,

I am having so much fun and I miss you guys! We did so many fun activities and I’ve made so many friends! We all went surfing, went on a walk to a lighthouse, went kayaking, and stand-up paddle boarding. Love and miss you! 

Love, Ashlin


Dear Mom and Dad, 

I am having a blast doing many activities such as surfing and paddle boarding! I love and miss you so much. Can’t wait to see you!

Love, Grady


Hi Mom and Dad, 

I miss y’all. I’ve been doing my best to talk to new people and I’ve made friends. I love y’all and hope everything is going good at home.

Love, Cole 

Safe Arrival in San Francisco!

June 24, 2024

Hello California Families!

We heard from our leaders last night that the group has landed safely in San Francisco and is headed to their first campsite! The group is excited to finally be together, and we are so excited to hear more about their adventures over the next couple of weeks!

Please remember our leaders and students will be unplugged during their trips, but we will be posting trip updates throughout the next two weeks! This will allow you to follow along with the trip. You can also follow us on Instagram, @moondanceadventures, to see more of what we are up to!

-Moondance HQ


  • Ashlin
  • Cam
  • Charlie
  • Cole
  • Grady
  • Julia
  • Kat
  • Lila
  • Morgan
  • Peppin
  • Sam
