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California 2A • June 24-July 7, 2024

Our Final Days in California!

July 9, 2024

Hey friends! This session has flown by and we cannot believe that the end is so near! It feels like only yesterday we were learning the names of these kids! For us and for them it seems like we’ve known them forever.

After arriving at Camp Lotus on Wednesday night, we were met with some California heat! Although just a few hours from the bay area, we were now in 100 degree heat! Dallas and Jack cooled off with an ice cold shower at the campsite! We quickly set up our tents and prepared dinner. As per usual, Marian absolutely killed it in the kitchen! She’s never failed to offer a hand when needed! Although not super refreshing, we treated ourselves to some penne alla vodka. However, it was the filling dinner we needed for a busy next day of rafting! The girls absolutely killed, cleaned up and made fun out of the campsite chores! We went to bed early, hoping to rest up for a crazy fourth!

Thursday brought the best Fourth of July EVER! Evi and Zoe’s favorite holiday is the Fourth, and we knew we couldn’t disappoint today! George and Chad woke everyone up with silly-string and blasting fun music. With a sunny 104 degree day of rafting ahead, we knew we needed a huge breakfast and a LOT of water. We had sausage, eggs, and cereal. Jake was full of energy and kept the group excited for the day ahead! We definitely used enough sunscreen to cover a small army. Late morning we headed over to meet our raft guides and get ready for the rapids. After a quick meeting, we were off moving down the American River. Boy, it was crowded! Evi and Ellie did an awesome job navigating the tricky waters! It is safe to assume that everyone west of the Mississippi knew that rafting was the best way to spend this summer holiday. After taking on the summer heat, we headed back to camp to have a wonderful dinner made by the rafting guides! We had it all! They made spinach artichoke dip, steak, chicken, pesto, roasted peppers, AND brownies! It was the feast we needed after a long day. Afterwards, we went down to the river to cool down and play while the sun set. Max, Dallas, and Jake loved swimming in the river! We brought our glow sticks, decorations, and candy! Emory had so much fun talking and spending time with Chad and George. It was the perfect end to our busy Fourth of July.

Friday was an early start with another amazing meal made by our rafting friends. With full stomachs and plenty of water we headed to the river to attack another day of rafting! Our second day would be our most challenging day of rafting with several class 3 rapids. The most daunting rapid: Troublemaker. Marian and Evi took on the challenge of leading their raft in the front. Jake, Max, and Jack even took a stab at being a raft guide. We can definitely see them being guides in the future! We conquered Troublemaker with expert skill. We then had a lunch of sandwiches and chips on the riverbank. Eve had fun tanning alongside the river with the girls! Once we finished on the river, we got in the van and made the journey back to Half Moon Bay. The kids were especially grateful for a break from the heat. The cool climate definitely offers refuge! It was serendipitous that we shared our last campsite with the other California groups. Jack made fast friends with all of the new students and was quickly throwing the football with a few boys. For dinner, we decided some comforting tacos were a necessity. The students loved getting to walk on the beach after dinner and soak up some cherished moments with each other. Ella, Zoe, and their new girl friends couldn’t be pulled away from the beach. We closed off the night with a bonfire and watermelon eating contest! It is so much fun! Ellie carried our group to a close victory!

It was hard to believe Saturday was already here! Although we were saddened that it was the last day, we knew we could not let a moment go to waste. We treated the students to a sweet last breakfast and took them to Sausalito for a sailboat ride! We had the privilege of driving over the Golden Gate Bridge on the way. Everyone sat in the front together and it was so much fun. Emily loved lounging on the boat and watching the water. Captain Rod was a wonderful tour guide. We ate lunch at a delicious local market. It was fun to view the Bay Area from our seats. Then, we hit the thrift store to find some fun clothes for our dinner. Ellie bought an awesome gold leotard. She was strutting! For dinner we went to a local burger and sandwich spot in Pacifica. Everyone sat at a picnic table together. It was so sweet to watch all of them share one last meal together in their funny outfits from the thrift store. They truly have become best friends. After a long dinner with each other, we had ice cream sandwiches and Welch’s sparkling cider. We watched the sunset while we ate. Zoe had so much fun in her silly outfit and eating sweet treats with her friends. This was the most perfect way to end our California adventure.

And now, as we sit in the airport and say our goodbyes, we reflect on how perfect this has been. Thank you to all the parents that made this trip possible for their kids. Thank you for allowing us to spend these last two weeks with your wondering children. They were such a joy and such a spot of light on our summer. We couldn’t ask for a better group.


Signing Off For The Last Time,

Chad, Catharine, and George

Hello from California!

July 6, 2024

It’s another beautiful day in CA! We’ve been booked and busy, moving towards every activity at breakneck speeds. This trip is going by fast, and we wish it would slow down! Emory has had the time of his life! Just today, he was wishing he had more time with everyone!

Saturday morning began early with a quick bite of oatmeal and cereal. We hit the road and headed into Yosemite to begin our first day of rock climbing. Yosemite is known to have some of the best climbing, and we took full advantage of the opportunity. With the help of our climbing guides, we were harnessed up and ready to attack the day. It was a small hike to the rock face, but man was it worth it! Jake was awestruck at the beautiful view we had as our background. It was clear blue sky, masses of trees, and rolling mountains—the perfect encouragement for the challenging climb. Everyone quickly got the hang of the technical skills, and soon we were climbing without the need for help! Max was able to get up a difficult part of the rock before anyone could blink! After a quick lunch and many more hours of climbing, it was time to pack it up and hike down. We were exhausted! Well, except for Jack—he could have gone all day! Once we got back to our campsite, the group spent time together. They are all such fast friends that we are sure they could talk all night. For dinner, we had ramen! Ellie did a wonderful job helping Catharine cook. It was a massive crowd-pleaser, with everyone going back for seconds. We went to bed early Saturday night with anticipation of our early climb the next day.

Sunday brought us back to our same rock-climbing spot, but with a new area that was far more intense! We weren’t intimidated; this was nothing we couldn’t handle. We attacked the rock face with the same excitement as the previous day. After a quick sandwich lunch, we headed down from the rock. Our climbing guides suggested a beautiful hike just a short distance from us that we couldn’t possibly pass up. Although steep, we took on the challenge! Emily killed it at the front of the hike with Chad and George. Ella was a voice of encouragement for everyone, providing positive words of encouragement. Once at the top, we knew our effort was worth it. The view surrounded us. There were mountains as far as the eye could see. The last push to the top had us practically crawling! Jack, Dallas, and Max showed off their push-ups at the top! Jack and Dallas counted 115! Once we hiked back down, we couldn’t stop the fun there. Marian knew what we needed: a trip to a nearby lake to swim and cool off! And she was right! The stunningly blue lake was a perfect mirror for the scenic view. After a few hours of playing, swimming, and tanning, we headed back to camp. For dinner, we had a feast! We chose Mexican food to finish off our perfect day. We had it all: two kinds of chips, queso, salsa, guacamole, and quesadillas. And because that wasn’t enough, we had to have s’mores, too!

On Monday, it was with heavy hearts that we had to leave our Yosemite campsite. It was a wonderful four days! Yet, we had Lake Tahoe waiting for us! We hopped back in the van and made our way to the not-so-little lake. The drive proved adventurous. We drove through Nevada on the way, which was a fun surprise. Even better was our quick In-N-Out rendezvous! We had milkshakes, burgers, and SO MANY fries! Many of the students got matching shirts! Eve looked especially awesome in her new swag! I think we were pretty jealous! We got back in the van and shuffled along to our campsite at Tahoe! We were so lucky to be right on the water with sailboats in sight! After a short period of setting up tents, we decided to order pizza from WhiteCaps and head down to the beach to eat while watching the sunset. Of course, Dallas made the night even better by cracking jokes and including everyone at his picnic table! Our first night in Tahoe was easily one of our most fun.

Tuesday morning brought along our group’s favorite: chocolate chip pancakes. Who doesn’t love a morning looking at the lake with a delicious breakfast? Emory, Dallas, and Jack absolutely killed it helping out in the kitchen. Without them, we wouldn’t have had so many delicious flapjacks to fuel us for kayaking! Special shoutout to the girls who instantly helped clean up and did it with a smile. We didn’t even have to ask. Not only have our students shown awesome attitudes, but we’ve also never been without help from any of them. Evi never failed to smile all morning. She has brought out the best in everyone, especially us leaders. We headed to the beach absolutely stuffed with pancakes and ready to hit the water. Our guide was hilarious, and the students loved learning about his fun and anecdotal history of the lake. Who knew Mark Twain used to live on Tahoe? Zoe and Max killed it as kayaking partners. They flew past us, leaving only white water in their midst. An arduous kayaking journey created some hungry kids, so after we gorged ourselves on an early dinner of hamburgers, we settled in for a good night’s rest to recover before our busy next day.

Wednesday morning came quickly as we prepped to go stand-up paddleboarding before we made a quick turnaround and set off towards the American River for our whitewater rafting adventure. The morning brought many smiles and an infectious feeling of excitement but also a very special visitor! While Chad prepared a breakfast feast, Jake alerted everyone to someone rustling through the campground! It was Mr. Bear coming to wish us all luck as we departed from Tahoe. He mentioned that it was a good day for ice cream, and we agreed, so after a few hours of enjoying Lake Tahoe atop paddleboards, we made a stop before a long drive. The scoops we were given were significant and comparable to baseballs. It was a joy to sit and enjoy our treats together and share stories, jokes, etc.

This trip has proven to be touched by some kind of magic, and it’s been bittersweet as it has flown by.

Sending the most positive vibes,

George, Chad, Catharine

Update from California!

June 30, 2024

Hi everyone! We’ve have had an eventful and fun start to the trip. This trip started off at the SFO airport. ALL the kids met each other and started bonding instantly. Once everyone had arrived, we packed up our van and headed for our campsite in Half Moon bay. We were incredibly fortunate to have some extra free time to get to know everyone. Our campsite is right on the beach, where we hung out for the evening and Emory, Max, Dallas, Jack, and Jake swam in the not-so-warm ocean water🥶. It is definitely not Caribbean water! The weather at camp was foggy and chilly, however, some hot, local pizza from Verrazzano’s was a great first dinner for the trip. We went to bed early, excited for surfing the next day.

We started the next morning with a breakfast where Evi helped chef up some amazing eggs. She amazed everyone with the cooking skills she brought from home. Marian was one of our first LOD’s (Leader of the Day) and she claimed the role with great excitement. Around mid day, the group loaded up in the van and we left for surfing in Pacifica. The water was cold! Lucky for us, the sun was shining and our guides provided us with wetsuits to keep us warm. Max truly thrived while surfing. He caught some great waves and showed the rest of us how it’s done! After surfing, we treated the kids to frozen Baja blasts at the worlds most scenic Taco Bell right on the beach. Jake was especially excited. They were delicious and was the first time Emory and Max had ever tried one! Once we finished our sweet treats, we proceeded north to San Francisco and explored Lands End. The girls loved talking and enjoying the views. We walked through the beautiful park and admired some amazing views of the bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. Emory enjoyed trekking through the park and pointed out some dolphins he spotted in the bay! After concluding at Lands End, our squad headed back to camp in Half Moon bay. For dinner, Eve, Evi, and Jake took the lead in cooking burrito bowls for our very hungry team. They were wonderfully delicious and filling! We couldn’t stop eating!

We woke up on Wednesday with enormous cravings for pancakes. The only proper solution to solve our needs was to cook chocolate chip pancakes! After enough flapjacks to feed a small army, we hopped in the van and headed to surfing. The weather was especially glorious. Dallas hit the waves with the skill of a pro surfer. It was hard to get him out of the water! After finishing our afternoon surfing, we headed to our second campsite at Point Reyes. The students loved this site! The girls were excited for a much earned shower. Ella and Emily loved sitting at camp and taking the time to talk to everyone in the group. It is so special how quickly all of our kids have bonded so fast. We concluded the busy day with some Italian pasta for dinner! It’s easily to say we rarely have leftovers.

Thursday morning was an exciting one. Today was the day that we make the trek over to Yosemite. Although long, Ellie embraced the road trip and encouraged the group to enjoy the views and time spent together. It was awesome leadership! Catharine loved sitting in the front of the van and talking to Jack. He is so funny and an awesome conversationalist! We made a quick lunch stop in Oakdale at a local restaurant called Jc’s. It’s so fun to sit together and enjoy food we cannot normally have at home. The views on this drive were easily the most beautiful the leaders have seen the entire trip. The mountains and clear blue sky provided a scenic view that we will think about for years to come. It looked like a postcard! We made it to our campsite just outside of Yosemite later that evening. Zoe and the girls enjoyed playing volleyball at our new campsite. We decided to introduce the students to a Moondance staple: SPAM! Although a little hesitant, everyone found that they couldn’t stop eating it. Eve and Dallas loved it! Marian killed it as head chef and cooking for everyone! Exhausted from our long day of travel, we crawled into bed and fell asleep instantly.

Friday morning brought anxious anticipation of what Yosemite was to bring. Being in such a beautiful place brings out the best in everyone. We had a slow morning together, we made eggs and oatmeal at our new campsite. We decided the only way to make the most of the beautiful was to do two hikes! We hit a trail at Horseshoe Lake first. The girls loved hiking and talking together. We know we’ve said it already, but they have all became instant best friends. It’s fun to watch! Dallas and George spent some time bonding on the trail and talking about previous adventures they have done. Our lunch spot right on the lake with the mountains in the background was a spot to behold. The water was crystal blue and glistening in the sunshine. Emory loved pointing out fish that he saw! He is quite adept in his knowledge of animals and particularly wildlife. Our next hike brought us to Dog Lake Trail. Although steep, it brought us the reward of a cool lake to swim. The boys hit the water instantly! They’re wonderful at embracing every opportunity. Once we got back to camp, we knew we had to have a classic camp dinner: hotdogs and s’mores. Everyone was happy with our gourmet campfire classics. It was the perfect end to our first full day at Yosemite.

Talk to you next time!


Chad, Catharine, & George

Safe Arrival in San Francisco!

June 24, 2024

Hello California Families!

We heard from our leaders last night that the group has landed safely in San Francisco and is headed to their first campsite! The group is excited to finally be together, and we are so excited to hear more about their adventures over the next couple of weeks!

Please remember our leaders and students will be unplugged during their trips, but we will be posting trip updates throughout the next two weeks! This will allow you to follow along with the trip. You can also follow us on Instagram, @moondanceadventures, to see more of what we are up to!

-Moondance HQ


  • Dallas
  • Ella
  • Ellie
  • Emily
  • Emory
  • Eve
  • Evi
  • Jack
  • James
  • Marian
  • Max
  • Zoe
