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California 1B • June 7-June 20, 2024

California Dreamin!

June 20, 2024

Hello one last time from California!

Day eleven was tubular! We quickly broke camp on the coast and headed to Pacifica Beach, where we hilariously struggled to put on wetsuits. Once we weaseled into our “super suits,” we braved the chilly Pacific Ocean with boards in hand. Our LOD Graydon showed us how it was done, standing up immediately and making it look effortless. Soon to follow was Jack, and everyone was riding waves and hanging loose before no time. On shore, we warmed up and drove on over to the Redwoods! Amazed by their stature, we set up camp and enjoyed some good ole burgers and hotdogs. We topped off our night with a camp classic: s’mores. Circled with gooey chocolate, we laughed until we cried from William’s one-liners and got much-deserved rest!


After a hearty brunch of French toast and bacon, the crew returned to the coast on day twelve. Blasting “Good Time,” we traveled across the Golden Gate Bridge, reminiscing about the same drive we had on day one. We couldn’t help but pull over for a quick photo-op before making our way to a pier in Sausalito. Greeted by dozens of friendly seals, we set sail into the Bay, where the magnitude of the Bridge was displayed. Frances, Elizabeth, and Campbell braved the wind, joining Ainsley and me at the bow while the rest of the gang sat snuggled in the back. Views from both were magnificent! Graydon entertained us with Alcatraz stories, making us wish we could all go with him as our tour guide. As the sun shined on the shimmering water, we pulled back into the marina with a new appreciation for the size of the Bay and growling tummies. Our obvious solution: a trip to Ghirardelli! There, Rhett’s sundae was bigger than his head, and Mary Frances and Francie stuffed bags of chocolate squares. With full stomachs and an incoming sugar crash, we loaded back into the van and said goodbye to San Francisco. Back at camp, Bowen cheffed up some warm Jambalaya as an ode to Vivienne’s city, and we fell promptly to sleep.


Day thirteen was a true highlight of the trip filled with giggles and good eats. After braving the chilly water again and a few wipeouts (shoutout Wells), we decided we needed to treat ourselves (are you noticing a pattern?) With souvenir Baja Blast cups in hand, we continued the tomfoolery by stopping at Plato’s closet with a serious mission: exquisite banquet outfits.


Campbell and Francie won in the accessories department, while Rhett, Graydon, Frances, and Francie battled it out for most colorful. While munching on some yummy food and getting some questionable looks from other guests, we ate our last meal together. On the ride home, we had one final jam session, blasting music at full volume and singing our hearts out. At camp, we refused to accept it was our final Moon Up, soaking up every last ounce of time as CAL 1B. Even after getting in our tents, laughter filled the campsite— a sweet sound to fall asleep to.


This brings us to today…day fourteen. After an early morning, we made a stop along the way to drop off William, our California local who helped us navigate throughout the trip. His goodbye made it feel all too real, preparing us for more tears at the airport as we said goodbye to the rest of the group. We hung on as long as we could, but the airport staff finally made us leave the gate— ha! As we sat and watched the last plane take off, we sat and reminisced on an unforgettable journey— one that blew our expectations out of the water. It truly was amazing to see how close we got in just 14 days. 



Madison, Ainsley + Bowen

The Adventure Continues

June 17, 2024

The adventure continues! Once we said our goodbyes to the serene waters of Lake Tahoe, we said hello to the magnificent mountainsides and valleys of Yosemite on day four. Front row card games of “Go Fish” and Campbell’s rendition of “Ice, Ice, Baby” made the van journey memorable. Upon arrival, a family of deer and prairie dogs gave us a warm welcome, as did the rising temperatures, which prompted an afternoon full of swimming at June Lake. We laughed harder than ever thanks to Graydon’s British accent and a game of try-not-to-laugh, which quickly transcended into a ruthless water fight. The girls insisted on a shower and accepted our proposal, taking Dr. Bronner’s back to the lake. Rhett and Bowen successfully reenacted “Dirty Dancing” lift and spin there. After drying off, we ate make-your-own pizzas and drifted to bed.

New heights were reached on day five…literally! The crew started climbing and belaying after making it to Yosemite’s Tuolumne Meadows. Thanks to encouraging comments from LODs Wells and Graydon, we braved the granite slabs in front and channeled our inner Spider-Man. Rhett, Graydon, and Vivienne couldn’t get enough and did every route. Although initially hesitant, Frances and George ended the day conquering the 60-foot climb and their fear of heights. It was awesome! To celebrate, we went to a nearby lake (we like swimming, can’t you tell?) where Mary Frances’ animal impressions made us laugh so hard we had to leave. Back at camp, we stuffed our faces with pitas to fuel for more climbing.

The following day, we continued to scale rock and make memories. William accomplished his goal of climbing halfway up while Jack mastered the art of belaying, and Liz overcame her fears and made it to the top. We did a short hike to move our muscles and spontaneously turned into the Mobil Restaurant- a Mobil gas station combined with a restaurant and general store-a mini Bucee’s, as Frances and Wells called it. We munched on chicken tenders and burgers before enjoying sweet treats and listening to live music. Afterward, we returned to camp, but not before buying some souvenirs, including Francie’s Mobil shirt, Graydon’s pit vipers, and Rhett’s bucket hat. Under the stars, we chuckled into the late hours, discussing boat names and the hilarious moments in Yosemite.

We started day seven bright and early, breaking camp and heading into Yosemite Valley. We were speechless as we drove below the magnificent El Cap, Bridalveil Falls, and Half Dome. Getting out for pictures made us truly appreciate the scales of the mountains around us. As soon as we parked the van, or “bus,” as the gang calls it, we started shedding our morning sweats to embrace the valley heat and embark on the Mist Trail. Some of us naively decided to ditch our rain jackets as the Mist Trail was more like the Pouring Rain Trail. At that moment, we were jealous of Jack’s clear Walgreens poncho purchase. With sopping wet hair and clothes, we ate lunch and sunbathed in rocks before the waterfall. Once dried, we chugged along to the American River, where we enjoyed quesadillas prepared by Frances and William and hit the hay.

Day eight was elite! After a pancake, bacon, and egg breakfast, we hit the river with paddles in hand. After conquering some class two rapids and enjoying lunch, we were ready to level up to a little more splash (or a lot.) Chilly water filled our boats while we excitedly squealed, chanting “1, 2!” to stay in sync. No one ended the day dry. Once back at camp, we surprised the kids with…a shower!!! The Frans (Francie, Frances, and Mary Frances) came back smelling each other’s hair and giggling over the amount of detox shampoo used while Jack finally unlocked a new pair of shorts. We enjoyed a delicious pasta dinner served by our raft guides that had everyone full and happy. They must have put laughing gas in the dinner because our MoonUp was the funniest yet! Every moment of silence became filled with Campbell’s laugh, Liz’s, and everyone’s. After concluding our debrief, a good night’s sleep was much needed. We went to bed dreaming of tomorrow’s class, three rapids.

Day nine’s rapids did not disappoint! We started right off the bat with huge splashes that somehow always found Frances more than anyone else. Girl power dominated the river today, with Francie, Liz, Frances, and Mary Frances leading the way. Graydon dominated the entertainment department afterward, performing skits for us before breaking into another water fight. We can’t seem to stay dry on this trip! After two long days of paddling, we decided we needed a treat, so back into the van we went! We checked off another bucket list item…In-N-Out! We made it to our campsite, still full from the burgers and shakes, but with no regrets! We ended the night excited to be back on the coast.

Thank you’s:

Hey y’all. I miss y’all and love y’all. I hope you guys are coping easily without me, your favorite child. Happy Father’s Day dad. I love y’all! – Vivienne

Hey mom and dad! Thank y’all so much for everything, and I love y’all so so much. A big happy Father’s Day to the best dad in the world. Love you! Heart, Campbell.

Heyy! What’s up? We went white water rafting and… We showered!!! I love y’all so so much and happy Father’s Day! – Mary Frances

Hey mom and dad! Thank you for everything, Moondance has been so fun and we Whitewater rafted today! Happy Father’s Day to the best dad! Heart, Elizabeth

Hi mom and dad. I miss you! Dad, have a good Father’s Day XOXO, William

Hey dad, I love you so much and have been thinking about you lots. I hope you love my card and my picture I drew. Happy Father’s Day and I love you so much. – Frances

Hey Dad! Happy Father’s Day! I love you so much! Thanks for always going out of your way to be the best father to me and Jack and the best person to everyone. I’ve been having such a great time! Love you, mom and Jack so much! ❤️, Francie

Hey mom and dad. I hope you have the best Father’s Day! Tell Charles hi and give Riggins a pet for me. Also, tell mom I miss and love her. I am having the best time. Moondance is the best! Love you tons – Graydon

Hey guys, I hope Panama is fun. I’m having a great time and we’ve been rock climbing and white water rafting. We showered for the first time in nine days- ha! Love y’all, Rhett

Hey fam!!! I’m having so much fun and I just showered for the first time in nine days!! Can’t wait to be in Michigan and see everyone! Love y’all! Also, happy Father’s Day daddy. I love you and miss you so much. You’re the best dad ever. Love, Wells

Happy Father’s Day! You are the best dad ever and I hope you have a great day. See you soon, love you bye! – Jack

Hello from California!

June 11, 2024

CAL 1B has been on the go! After a lengthy airport day (shoutout Vivienne for being our first arrival and waiting patiently for the rest of the group!), we collected the cards and hackey sacks sprawled across the floor and embarked to our first camp site. Piled into our van, we quickly connected as a group, belting “Revival” and “Unwritten” as we rode across the Golden Gate Bridge. Once at our campsite, we ate some local pizza and taught the kids an important lesson: tent building. With the help of Jack and William, everyone’s tents were looking tip-top! We ended the night circled up under the stars, swapping stories and laughing into the quiet hours.

Day two brought awesome bonding time in the van, but not before a pancake and bacon breakfast. Some pancakes were more cooked than others, however Francie did not seem to mind saying the crispness added flavor. After filling our bellies, we broke camp down and headed to Pt. Reyes National Seashore where the fog made an illusion of driving through the clouds. As we passed hills populated with cattle and horses, we jammed out to group song requests, including lots more Zach Bryan courtesy of Liz, Wells, and Campbell. Led by our Leaders of the Day(LODs) Liz and Jack, we made it to a lighthouse overlooking the Pacific Ocean, with Graydon taking pictures along the way. Later that day we made the drive to Tahoe! We stopped for gas along the way, prompting Rhett to return to the van with a bag of powdered donuts. With white fingers and lifted spirits, we arrived at our beautiful campsite where cook crew —Campbell, Mary Frances, and William— cheffed up yummy stir fry, but not without the help of Graydon, Vivienne, and George finishing our canned chicken. With full stomachs and hearts, we drifted off to sleep.

Starting our day three morning off with breakfast burritos, the gang fueled up for our two mile long kayaking adventure on Lake Tahoe. George was determined to defy the odds and catch air in a kayak, while the rest of us watched in amusement, including his kayak partner Campbell. As we paddled through the bright blue water, we could not help but stop and take in the magnificent snow capped mountains surrounding us. It was truly breathtaking; as Wells would say, we were “obsessed.” Rhett and Francie —our LODs— decided a treat run was deserved, tying us over until we enjoyed some spaghetti and a mesmerizing sunset over the water. The whole lake was illuminated in shades of pink and orange as Bowen broke out his guitar, serenading us into the night.

Day four was just as epic as George and Campbell led us back into the stunning water as our LODs, this time on paddleboards. Jack was the first one to fall into the chilly water, but he certainly wasn’t the last. Frances, much like Ainsley and I, took to sunbathing, until we braved the water. Soon, everyone was jumping in, squealing from the cold but going back for more. How could you not be in such clear water? Wells even went diving for a golf ball snuggled on some rocks. Back on shore, we drove to a general store where purchases ranged from Graydon’s stuffed animal to Rhett’s fishing game to Frances’ lotion. After a long day, the LODs deemed an ice cream parlor a necessity, and we completely agreed. Back at camp, William and Rhett finished some more chicken, allowing Vivienne, Liz, and Mary Frances to whip up fajita bowls for our growling tummies. After, we headed to a beach right by our campsite for our final Moonup in Tahoe. Circled up under the bright stars, we sang “Something in the Orange” and “Jersey Giant,” taking in the sound of the lake lapping on the shore and reflecting on our beautiful time in such a special place.


Shout outs!

mom and dad, I am having the best time at Moondance we’ve done lots of fun things and I am so excited to do more. I miss you and can’t wait to see you and I am loving this so much! Love, Graydon

Hey fam! I am having so much fun in California! I have been on so many fun adventures and I have made so many awesome friends. I love and miss y’all, don’t have too much fun without me! Love, Campbell

Hey fam! I am having the best time EVER! Lake Tahoe was sooo pretty and I have made so many new friends! Love and miss y’all, Liz

HOLY COW! This is so super fun! We went to Lake Tahoe and went kayaking one day and paddle boarding. My favorite was paddle boarding. Also we eat canned chicken and somebody had to “sump it” (aka drink the juice). I did it and it was GROSS!! Miss and love y’all, Mary Frances

Hey guys! I’m having a blast. It’s so fun! Tomorrow we’re rock climbing and we’ve already been paddle boarding and kayaking in Lake Tahoe. I’m getting along well with people and Francie, Cullen’s friend is so sweet. Love y’all, Rhett

Hey guys, love y’all so much and am actually having a lot of fun here surprisingly. It is cold at night which I love and my ground pad is really comfy. So far we have kayaked which was okay and gone paddle boarding which was really fun. The food is good and mom tell dad that I found his letter and Happy Father’s Day. Love y’all so much and I’m loving this so far. Love, Frances

Hey Mom and Dad! I sure do miss you but I’m having SO much fun. Tomorrow we are going on a really pretty hike and rock climbing!! I have met so many new friends and my counselors are awesome. Bowen sings to us and is so funny, Madison is so sweet and will always help you out, and Ainsley is literally always there for us and honestly keeps the wild ones in line in a good way! Love you, Wells

Hey mom and dad, I am having so much fun and I love the activities. Yesterday we went paddle boarding at Lake Tahoe. I will have tons of stories to tell you when I get home. Happy Father’s Day, sorry I will miss it. Love y’all and can’t wait to see you when I get home. Love, Jack

Hey Mom, Dad and Jack, Moondance has been so much fun so far it’s been some of the best few days of my life. It’s been so nice to get away from Charlotte and unplug. Of course I still love and miss y’all. Love y’all, Francie

Hey mom, dad, Henry and Andrew, Moondance has been some of the best few days of my life. I have made some really fun friends here. The other day we went paddle boarding and kayaking in Lake Tahoe, it was so much fun! I had a record of not pooping for 5 days. I also got braids in my hair. It’s really fun here! Love, George

I love you see you soon. I am having fun and can’t wait to see you. Say hi to the dogs for me. Love, William

Hey Mom, Dad and Nana, I love y’all so much and miss yall. I’m having an amazing time on Moondance. Lake Tahoe is so beautiful. Yosemite is gorgeous too. I miss Delilah. This is amazing and I’m making so many new friends. I love y’all and Happy early Fathers Day, Dad. Love y’all, Vivi


Safe Arrival in San Francisco!!

June 8, 2024

Hello California Families!

We heard from our leaders last night that the group has landed safely in San Francisco and is headed to their first campsite! The trip is off to a great start, and we cannot wait to hear more stories from their adventure!

Please remember our leaders and students will be unplugged during their trips, but we will be posting trip updates throughout the next two weeks! This will allow you to follow along with the trip. You can also follow us on Instagram, @moondanceadventures, to see more of what we are up to!

-Moondance HQ


  • Campbell
  • Elizabeth
  • Frances
  • Francie
  • Graydon
  • Jack
  • Rhett
  • Vivienne
  • Wells
  • William
  • Mary
