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British Columbia 2B • June 24-July 7, 2024

Goodbye from BCO!

July 7, 2024

Hey friends, family, and loved ones!

The last time you heard from us we were in Tofino and we’ve done a lot since then so let’s catch up! We woke up on our last morning to an amazing breakfast of hashbrowns and bowls with bacon. We set records for our efficiency in packing up camp and getting on the road to head to Squamish. Eddie fearlessly drove us over the curvy (but beautiful) mountain roads to Nanaimo where we caught the ferry to Horseshoe Bay. On the ferry, we grabbed lunch, explored, gift-shopped, and soaked up the views. Aubrielle rocked her super sweet French-themed pajama bottoms on the ride, opting for both maximum style and comfort. We had a quick drive from Horseshoe Bay to Squamish along the Sea to Summit Road where we were treated to some amazing views. After setting up our camp and some card games, we commenced our dinner of pita pizzas. Aubrielle led the charge with her controversial (but I would say delicious) pineapple and ham toppings. After dinner, Gus and Catherine busted out some sick dance moves in a very impromptu dance party. The night ended with some communal gluten-free cookies in honor of Brennan which everyone argued were even better than normal.

The next day we woke up ready for an epic day of rafting down the Elaho and Squamish rivers. We grabbed some breakfast from a buffet spread and headed to Canadian Outback Rafting. After we packed our belongings into our dry bags, we had a snack spread of watermelon, goldfish, oranges, chips, and guac. Feeling fueled for the day we headed up the river! In their matching pink helmets, Brennan and Catherine fearlessly guided the girl’s boat with James and Gus leading the boy’s boat. James, Catherine, Lila, Fraser, and Lauren all rode the bull (Gus attempted but immediately fell in). Lila and Lauren both jumped into the 40-degree water and floated down a rapid. Margot made a deal with our guide to have him reveal a diner element for every rapid we traversed. After some big splashes, we hopped out on the island and set up camp. Sawyer, Gus, Griffin, Fraser, and James all took a wetsuit-free cold plunge into the river before our delicious steak and salmon dinner. After piggyback rides with Griffin, McNairy, Lauren, Lila, and Sadira, we had Moonup and a little stargazing. Many of the boys went on a quick pre-bed mouse hunt before we were knocked out for the night. We woke up to the sounds of pots and pans clanging, our signal that breakfast was ready. After some delicious French toast and berry compote, we hopped back on the river and floated our way down to the pullout. The weather was perfect, and we were able to see all the beautiful mountains along the way. We made our way back to camp to set up again before setting off on a hike by The Chiefs! This 4km hike climbs 1700 feet and ends at a stunning view of the Squamish Harbor and surrounding mountains. Everyone crushed the hike and felt very accomplished at the top. We ended our day with a Fourth of July burger cookout! Eddie grilled burgers, Griffin grilled some immaculate hot dogs, McNairy expertly prepared salmon, Lauren made the world’s best mac and cheese (with measuring assistance from Catherine), and James sizzled up some French fries. We ended the meal with a Happy 248th Birthday cake decorated beautifully by Palmer. Fraser received the honor of blowing out the candles in honor of the great United States!

The next day we started with some fresh muffins and bananas after an early wake-up to head off for our last activity: Canyoneering! We met up with our awesome guides, wetsuited up, and learned how to “walk like a guerrilla.” We did 2 large rappels, one zip line, and one rappel/jump into a deep pool. Lauren and Lila faced their fears of the zipline and Margot and Aubrielle conquered the final rappel while staying positive and encouraging to the group. Once we hit the bottom of the largest and final rappel next to a large waterfall, McNairy, James, and Fraser greeted us with the proposition of a waterfall shower. Everyone in the group stood under the pounding water and got clean (including our guide Paul). After canyoneering, we were treated to a surprise pizza dinner before spending a cozy night in Bellingham, WA. As always it was nice to be back inside the good ol’ USA but Canada will be missed! The final full day of our trip began with a drive into Seattle! We got to see Mount Baker and Mount Rainer which James lovingly called “Mount Trainer.” We made it to our hotel and organized all of our clothes and goodies.

After students wrote letters to their future selves and made a list of 25 things they wanted to do within their lifetimes, we headed out. Our first stop was the carwash where James and Aubrielle put on the waterworks making our van, “Collette,” shine like new. Others re-organized the U-haul, and after a productive work session, it was time for some fun. We headed to Goodwill to pick out outfits for our final dinner. Brennan and Catherine dressed like dads in matching Seahawks jerseys while McNairy and Fraser sported suits. With that, we headed to a Mexican restaurant, got some looks in awe from strangers, and continued with our meal. We ordered chips, queso, and salsa and scanned the menus for more. Our feast came and went, and we were deeply satisfied and headed back to the hotel. We changed into some more normal clothes then had our last Moonup of the trip and discussed what we had learned throughout the journey.

We woke up early this morning and headed to the airport. As our students depart, we are appreciative of the weeks we spent together. It has been a journey in all of the best ways, activities, ice-cream stops, and funky outfits to top it all off. We have loved getting to know each of the students throughout this trip, each of them is exemplary. Thank you so much for sharing them with us, and we cannot wait to see where they go next!

With all the love,

Palmer, Sadira, and Eddie

Adventures in Tofino!

July 2, 2024

Hey everyone!

Happy (late) Canada Day! We all agreed this one was our favorite yet, which might have something to do with the fact that we were actually in Canada. However, there have been so many reasons to love the past few days!

So, where did we leave off? Ah, yes: the bear. We felt immensely thankful and humbled to see the incredible creatures that roam this land alongside us. We continued to carve our way through the Pacific Rim Reserve, up onto the peninsula that had been our home for the last three days. Driving into town, we jammed out to some highly requested (thanks Brennan!) Sia. Palmer checked in at the campground, and then we weaved our way up to our campsite, draped with old-growth trees, which left us all admiring the world around us even more. After settling in, we had a feast fit for kings and queens. Catherine and Brennan started the preparations by cooking up tortellini with extra love. Next up was James on the broccoli, and though he may have been reluctant at the beginning, his contribution to the dish left us all wanting more. And to everyone’s delight, McNairy found himself at the head of the kitchen once again and whipped up some dazzling chicken. As the night winded down, we had Moonup and some soft cookies, the kind with colorful icing that satisfied our sweet tooth to a tee.

The next morning we awoke with spirits high, ready to conquer the legendary Tofino surf. To fuel up, leaders prepared bacon and bagels with cream cheese. Before we knew it, we were fitted in wetsuits on the beach. Our guides, Christy, Charlie, and Ryder, were mapping out the area, noting the large rocks to avoid and making sure we were all brushed up on our rip current safety protocol. Next, we drew surfboards in the sand and practiced jumping up (basically doing burpees). Once warmed up, it was time to hit the waves. We marched triumphantly into the surf. Sawyer caught the waves with such style that we nearly confused him with the guides. We all enjoyed paddling in and out of the surf and screaming “I WANT THIS WAVE” as we took four big and powerful strokes (which McNairy mastered as an experienced swimmer). Lila also became a shining star in the surf. It seemed that every time we looked up, she was gliding towards the shore with a giant smile slapped across her face. Once our surfing time had come to a close, we chowed down on some chicken Caesar wraps. It’s hard to believe that was only the first half of our day, but loads of fun still awaited us in the afternoon.

If anyone was tired after the surfing section, they hid it well! We quickly skipped over to our paddle-boarding outfitters, met our guides Robby and Albi, and got nautical again. Each of our students was a great paddleboarder, although the sport quickly devolved into games of knocking each other into the water. Eddie seemed to steer clear for quite some time before Margot led a charge to chase him down, and don’t worry, she was successful. After a short paddle, we arrived in a kelp forest that looked as if mermaids might reside in it. In reality, though, there were hundreds of crabs clinging to the kelp. Our guides showed us how to pull strands out of the water and locate the many crabs that crawled within them. Then, with the kelp anchoring us down, Robby led us in some yoga and even posed the challenge of doing a headstand on the board. He made it look easy, but it was not. After a fun afternoon of play, we headed to the beach for a relay. In the final leg, Brennan and Aubrielle raced to make up for their team’s deficit. While Brennan fended off the competition, Aubrielle fearlessly paddled around the obstacle (Eddie), resulting in a victory for the team. Such an exciting event called for ice cream, so we headed off to Chocolate Tofino, the best shop in town. Each of us got a double scoop of deliciousness and recapped how much we loved Tofino. Upon returning to camp, a cook crew assembled to serve up Asian stir fry. Lauren chopped away at veggies, which we later deemed the highlight of the meal. And as if we hadn’t had enough going on, a fire was set up. S’mores were roasted, and James hosted a debate about which method of marshmallow roasting was the most advantageous. As we gathered around the fire, our LOD, Gus, told a hilarious story about how he found the nug jug (if you don’t know what it is, just ask!), which got the ball rolling for another great Moonup.

The next morning we woke up to blue skies and a bright sun shining down as hard as it has thus far, much to the delight of the group. We had a light breakfast at camp and made our way back to North Chesterman Beach to catch some more waves. We arrived to find larger swells than the day before, and Fraser used his best Aussie accent to shout about how radical the swells were. After a brief safety refresher from our guides, we headed back into the waves. All the boys lined up just offshore and attempted to surf the same waves all day, yelling in excitement when a big one was coming. Sawyer and Lila joined Eddie and Palmer farther out, and the crew did their best impression of Chicken Joe from Surf’s Up. After a few hours in the waves, the crew was exhausted. We headed back in, thanked our guides, and made our way back to camp. We ate a delicious lunch (pasta salad) and took a few hours to relax on the beach. A game of football was played while some of the group laid out and listened to music. We then made our way down the beach to the surf shack and squeezed back into our wetsuits for the final time in Tofino. Another great afternoon was spent on the paddleboards, which concluded with a race by lining up each board one by one and going over and under each board. Gus and Fraser proved to be dominant. Sadly, our time on the beach had come to an end, and we headed back up to camp for a quick shower and change. Finally, it was time to explore the beautiful town of Tofino, and we spent a couple of hours checking out surf shops, candy stores, and the local park. Griffin made sure to represent us on Canada Day by buying a clean-looking hat and encouraging us to end every sentence with “eh”. We all embraced it and took time to appreciate the beautiful setting we found ourselves in. Dinner on this glorious day of celebration in the land of moose (or meese, as James says) and maple syrup was a treat. We ate immaculately constructed poké bowls, many of us for the first time. The tuna was fresh, and the teriyaki sauce sweet, which was the perfect combination for a feast. The group was full and happy, so we made our way back to camp and had our last Moonup as the sun set on Mackenzie Beach, looking west at the islands and open ocean. We are all so grateful for the opportunity to travel to such an incredibly gorgeous place, and the rest of the trip leaves nothing left on the table! Here’s to a great last stretch of time in BC, but until then, signing off!

Palmer, Sadira, and Eddie


Hi Madre & padre, I’m having a great time (seriously) the activities we did and the activities to come are all gonna be great, I hope dropping taite off wasn’t too hard, I miss the animals and I can’t wait to see you all when I get back. Love you!




Hey mom and dad! I am having such a great time up’ere in BC, I think you all would love this place so much! We only have white water rafting and canyoneering left. Happy 4th of July! Love you guys so much.



Hey Mom, Dad, and Frazier! Happy early 4th of July! I’m having a great time here in British Columbia. I miss y’all but everything we’re doing is so fun. Give Milly lots of pets for me!



Hey Mom, Dad, Amy, and Jonas,

I just wanted to you to know that I am having an amazing time out here. I have made some good friends. Eddie, Palmer, and Sadira are amazing counselors. Happy Fourth of July and Canada Day.



Hey mom and dad

I’m having a great time, and I can’t wait to come home and tell you everything. I miss all of you. Tell the dogs and Timmy that I said hi and see you on Sunday!



Hey mom and dad

I’m having so much fun! I miss you guys so much and can’t wait to see you. My leaders are so good! Have a good fourth of July! Can’t wait to see you Sunday!



Mom, dad, ford, olive

I miss and love you guys so so so much. The counselors are very nice and kind. This trip is cool and the people are so funny. See you soon, I love you



Hi mom and dad, and ellie, Georgia and anna. I am having a delectable time in the bc and am embarking on a tremendous adventure leading to many moments of joy. So far we have done many things that are joyous and it has been a great time. The people on the trip are awesome and the leaders are great. It is very beautiful up here and it’s super duper fun. If you don’t mind could I please be in a one way flight home, and tell the dogs I said hi. Love you guys see you soon.



Hi mom, dad, Liam, caroline, and charlotte

I am having so much fun in bc and we went rock climbing it was super fun and we just went surfing in the morning and paddle birding in the afternoon and it was really fun, we also went sea kayaking and we are about to do white water rafting tomorrow I hope it is fun. Tell button I said hi.



Hi mom,

I’m really excited to come home and see all of you guys. I miss you all so much and I don’t miss Fellini or Winston. I’ll see you guys in a couple days 🙂

⁃ Aubrielle


Hi mom and dad, I am having such a great time in bc. I have made many friends and the I made a best friend named catherine. We went surfing in the morning and paddleboarding in the afternoon today and it was very fun. I miss you guys so much. Love y’all so much, have such a good time in sea island.

– Brennan


Hey yall! I’m having a great time. I met friends and I’m really close with one girl named Brennan. We wanna go on Fiji next year. We’ve been climbing,seakyaking, surfing,and paddleboarding. Surfing has been the best. Missing my bed and shower and you guys! Love you


Update from British Columbia!

June 30, 2024

Hiiiii from Canada!!!

The first few legs of our trip have been nothing short of EPIC and we are so excited to fill you in. Each of the leaders has loved getting to know these students. They are each unique and a joy to be around. So you may be asking, what has my son/ daughter/ friend/ family been up to in British Columbia? Let me tell you.

On day 1 we woke up full of anticipation for the weeks to come. We headed to the airport and set up shop with snacks, music, and games. As students started rolling in we played many games of hacky sack. In this game, there are no winners or losers, the rules are simply 1) no self serves 2) don’t say sorry if you mess up. Many students tried the game for the first time while others (especially our soccer players) added experience. After each of the students had arrived, we shuffled out to the van, loaded up the U-haul, and hit the open road. We sang songs and got to know each other as we headed north past downtown Seattle. We headed thru green tunnels of trees and saw wide open farm fields boasting American flags, the last we would see for the coming weeks. Upon arrival at our first campsite, leaders taught us a lesson on how to set up tents. Once our humble abodes were built we made snack mixes for our looming road trips. After getting ourselves prepared, we headed down to the beach. Gus and some of the other boys gathered crabs named Jerry, Larry, and Barry. We dined on some cheese and pepperoni pizzas by the water before heading up to a green near our campsite. Brennan and Lila showed their sporty volleyball skills. Meanwhile, Fraser answered Sawyer befriended another boy at the campsite who had a baseball game and joined in. Once we had played to our heart’s content we headed back up to camp for Moonup. Each of us shared the best (high), worst (low), and weirdest (buffalo) parts of our days and discussed how we thought those who knew us best would describe us. Margot and Fraser were chosen to be our first LODs (leaders of the day) and students got some new Moondance swag. With hearts and bellies full we headed off to bed with dreams of a smooth border crossing dancing in our heads.

On day 2 we awoke bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. As leaders prepared bacon, egg, and cheese English muffins, students packed up their duffels and tents. We dined and then hit the road, catching a few last glimpses of America before reaching the border crossing. Each of us gave a big smile to the border patrol agent and we were welcomed into Canada. Our next leg was a ferry that felt more like a cruise ship. We made lunch on the top deck before students set out to explore. As our seven-story ship glided across the channel we embraced the mariner spirit. James even asked if he could drive the ship because of course, he had his boater license! Sadly, the answer was no. On the luckier side, Eddie Aubrielle spotted a whale far off in the distance! After a nice trip across, we loaded back up to (you guessed it) drive more! We finished up our drive to Lake Comox and even procured a fishing rod. As we rolled into the campground we learned that we had been granted the best site on the lot and headed back to see our private pavilion, beach, and massive space. It didn’t take long for Griffin to jump in the water and for many others to follow. Sawyer put the fishing rod to use and caught a rainbow trout to show it! Students walked up and down the old logs floating in the lake like tight ropes. Soon enough, our stomachs were rumbling and it was time to eat. Chili was on the menu and we ate the meal family-style. After many rounds of passing, a cleanup crew (Margot, James, and Fraser) of legends took the dishes and returned them sparkling. We had cookies at Moonup then drifted off to sleep.

On day 3 we awoke to start our activities. Rock climbing was the first on our docket. After some yogurt parfaits we took a quick stroll to meet our guides, Steve and Tom. They fit us for shoes, harnesses, and helmets and then we headed up to the crag. Steve gave us a quick safety talk and taught us how to use a gri-gri to belay each other. When it came time to climb, Brennan was the first on the wall. She climbed until reaching the top, admirably overcoming her fears and setting a great example for her peers. Further down the wall, students began to scramble up and down. Griffin aptly noted that each time someone said they would try a wall one last time they would make it to the top, and for that we couldn’t be more proud. Before lunch, Palmer, Sadira, and Eddie raced up the wall and Sadira took the crown. After that, we rested and recovered over some lunch on the crag. Steve and Tom set up a rappel in which students bravely lowered themselves over the edge and descended. After lunch, many students executed this rappel while others continued climbing routes set up earlier in the day. As the on-and-off drizzle became more consistent, we decided it was time to head back down to camp and some enjoyed warm showers. Sadira led a game of Clue and many rounds of go fish were played as well. After that, Palmer and Sawyer drew on mustaches and prepared for our Italian dinner with French accents. McNairy prepared meatballs as Catherine toasted buns for subs and cheesed them while they were still hot, chef’s kiss! After a good Moonup, the drizzle of rain continued and we set off to bed. Anticipation was high for another day of setting down even more cliffs the next day.

In a (not so) shocking turn of events, we awoke to the same drizzle that sent us off to bed. However, we rallied quickly to meet our guides. We were met by a new guide, Julian, who was quite possibly one of the coolest people we have met. He does it all including clam farming and creating the very routes we would climb and rappel later that day. James scurried up and down the walls shooting some awesome footage on his Go-pro. Julian set up the rappel and Eddie joined him at the top to say Sayonara before rappelling the 30-meter (that’s right 98 feet) cliff. Gus floated down looking like a character from the moon landing, and Lauren set a speed record for our group. The rappel left us all feeling like we could conquer the world, especially Sawyer who did the whole rappel in Crocs (sport mode of course). After grounding ourselves, we headed off the crag and said thank you to our guides. And what better way to celebrate our accomplishments than with ice cream? So we headed to Loves, a local creamery. After that, we caught the ferry to Quadra Island. After setting up camp Catherine and Brennan cooked us honey siracha chicken. Aubrielle led others in decorating the van with markers drawing pictures and writing messages to our fellow travelers.

On day 4 we awoke with strong arms to paddle off into the sun. The crystal clear waters of Quadra Island welcomed us. We headed up to the Yak shack where our guides, Phia and Alex got fitted up with skirts and PFDs. After that, we took a stroll down to the dock where we admired thousands of bait fish, sea stars, salmon, and kelp clinging to the dock. These creatures excited us for what was to come. We paired off into teams of one boy and one girl then hit the water. It was a calm day, looking down into the water was almost like looking into an aquarium. We paddled through narrow channels of rock before landing on Turtle Island for lunch. After lunch, we took a “hobbit” hike up to the top of the island. The hike earned this name because anyone who was taller than a hobbit had to duck under branches the entire time. After a nice rest, we all headed back to shore. As we docked our boats some lucky stragglers even got to see a river otter. Back at the Yak shack we dined on popsicles and said goodbye to Alex and Phia. Upon arrival at camp, we took a still on the beach where Gus found a piece of driftwood that looked exactly like a whale which quickly became a mascot for the group. We made tacos for dinner and Lila did the perfect sautee of veggies to top them off. Cook crew has quickly become an advantageous job for members of the group. Each new chef has excelled at his or her dish and we cannot wait to see what is to come.

When we woke up on day 5, students and leaders both remarked on how fast the trip was flying by. We packed up our duffels, made fresh GORP, and feasted on pancakes before hitting the road. Midway through the drive we stopped for a hike through an epic old-growth forest known as “the Cathedral.” It had some of the clearest water known to man, and some of the widest trees too. After a nice afternoon stroll, we headed into the van and Palmer spotted a bear on the roadside. Things are pretty much always exciting in British Columbia!

We seriously cannot express how much we have gotten to know each of the students. We anticipate that this next week will be one for the record books, but for now, we’ve got to go.


Sadira, Eddie, and Palmer

Safe Arrival in Seattle!

June 24, 2024

Hello British Columbia Families!

All students have landed safely in Seattle and the group is headed to their first campsite this evening! Their leaders are so excited to have everyone together, and we are excited to keep you updated on all the awesome things to come on their trip.

-Moondance HQ


  • Aubrielle
  • Brennan
  • Fraser
  • Griffin
  • Gus
  • James
  • Lauren
  • Lila
  • Margot
  • McNairy
  • Sawyer
  • Catherine
