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Big Wild 1B • June 11-June 22, 2024

Pirates on the high seas of the Salmon!

June 21, 2024

What’s crackalackin’ Big Wild 1B families?! We are back again to update you on our big wild adventure, and let me tell you, it has been quite the series of events.

After finishing up our backpacking section we returned to the great Teton National Park to take on our next challenge: two full days of rock climbing! After an early morning and some hash brown bowls we set off and met our amazing Exum rock climbing guides to prepare us for some treacherous climbs. The day started with some introductions and a safety lesson to help us be safe on the rocks. Jackson and MV impressed the group with their competitive rope stacking skills dusting everyone else. We then hiked up to the base and did a three pitch climb where we got to climb one after another sharing ledges and views with each other. To celebrate overcoming adversity we went into town and got some yummy and creamy local ice cream from Moo’s! Tommy couldn’t stop raving about the huckleberry ice cream. Following our delicious treat we had a backcountry hair salon where Tibbie and McLean showed their hairstylist skills and bleached James’ hair.

Day two of rock climbing was an adventure for all. We divided up into five different teams, each taking on a different route. Every student had the opportunity to climb a real multi-pitch climb and rappel down the rock face. Michael, Tommy, and Thomas were spider monkeys as they scaled their difficult route along with Carter and Robert crushing their engaging and steep route as well, the two learned a lot as they asked such great questions of their guide. Jackson and McLean pushed themselves on some technical top ropes and Addie, MV, and Story shared a rope as they enjoyed views of the waterfall and a cool breeze on their multi pitch romp that wound around the face of the rock. Later in the afternoon, Addie and Robert ran as many laps as they could on the rappel station; zipping down and then running back up to do it all over again with big smiles on their faces. After climbing we went home to get ourselves cowboy-ed up. We were off to the races aka the Rodeo where many students rode the mechanical bull and bought some stylish headwear to fit in with the Jacksonian crowd. We had a celebration for Thomas’ 15th birthday with boisterous serenading, a brookie cake, and bomb pops. McLean and Michael may have had too much fun at their first rodeo as they cheered on the bull riders- they most definitely won the most invested fan at the rodeo.

The next day was a driving day. So of course. My cow was played. I am sure you remember “My Cow!” (see previous trip update for instructions as you may need to prepare to play upon their arrival back home). After 11 hours in the van we safely arrived in Idaho, the farthest West Carter had been so far, just in time to rest up for our next chapter of Rafting.

Day one of rafting was hard! H-A-R-D and a little chilly, by a little chilly we mean cold rain and hail (a first for many) but that did not stop this group. With high stoke and freezing fingers we took on the Salmon River. The group crushed 27 miles in the first 6 hours. We feasted on a tasty asian chicken salad and continued on to our first campsite, where we warmed up and put some scrumptious burgers and hot chocolate in our hungry bellies. Everyone was eager to get to sleep and rest up for another big day of rafting. We woke up to some french toast and reunited with our friends, Story and Addie, and with the group back together we were back to full force. Our old friend the sun came out and provided the group with some motivation and excitement for another day on the river. After much needed splashing we landed on our next beach just in the nick of time before another storm bustled in. The storm provided the perfect nexus to nap. Awakened by the dinner bell, the crew skittered to the kitchen tent to devour some fajitas and amazing strawberry shortcake. Once our bellies were full we enjoyed some beach games and a moon up full of laughs under some finally clear skies.

We rose on our last full day of rafting to s’mores pancakes and crispy bacon followed by some big rapids and even bigger wrestling matches. In laughter, ships were flipped and truces were broken. The boys pirated the girls’ boat, confident in their ability to get everyone into the water but alas their plans were spoiled as MV blocked and protected her teammates till she herself was snatched and brought to their boat as captive. She didn’t stay there long as she was quickly launched overboard. It is unclear who had the longest time in the water, but McLean, Henry, and Jackson sure got plenty of swimming and laughs in the Salmon River. Story and James stayed dry despite the eleven motivated pirates that continually tried to throw them in. After taking the biggest rapids yet and high siding some waves, we touched down at our last campsite where the kids’ got some tanning in and the leaders read Calvin and Hobbes in the shade. Our guides informed us of an ice cream shop just up the road where we got a cold melty treat. Reinvigorated with sugar we had a round robin Spikeball tournament. Henry and Thomas took the W and won the ultimate Spikeball tournament that lasted between multiple beach campsites. Dinner was a divine pork chop tenderloin, brown sugar and butter carrots, seasoned potatoes, croissants and Tommy’s infamous PUD: Pineapple Upside Down Cake. The students flocked to the kitchen not once, not twice, but thrice, to get as much cake as they possibly could fit in their bellies. After sunset, the kids finally got their opportunity to cowboy camp on a moonlit beach.

The group crawled out of sandy sleeping bags the next day to a warm egg scramble and breakfast theater. Each student performed a smattering of skills, showcasing their gorgeous singing voices, dynamic dance moves, and even a little bit of juggling. Our last bit of rapids took us to the take-out all too quickly where we were treated with fresh fruit and sandwiches. After goodbyes, we set off on the road again back to the Tetons which we missed so dearly. Eager to prove his abilities, Michael “The Garbage Disposal” Madigan took on his biggest challenge yet as he defied all odds and showcased greatness at the Costco Food Court as he devoured 7 footlong hot dogs in a matter of minutes. The group rallied around him and was beyond impressed. No one can eat like Michael. With that wrapping up our activities we cannot thank you enough for trusting us with your incredibly kind and courageous children. These two weeks have been amazing and we are so sad to see them go. We are signing off in preparation for our final day together as Big Wild 1B.

With love,

James and Story

Hi mom and dad! I miss you so much but I am having the best time! Tell lily, wells, and Grady I said I love them and miss them! I can’t wait to tell you everything! Please buy me lots of food and make ceviche! Love you!


Hey mom and dad! Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to experience such an amazing adventure. I miss and love you, but am having a great time. See you soon!


Hey Mom and Dad! I’m excited to see you guys when I come home, but I am so grateful that I was able to come on this trip! I’ve had a lot of fun and I miss you a lot. I really love Jackson Hole though and I want to come back with you guys. See you soon!


Hey Mom and Dad! The trip has been so much fun, and thank you guys so much for giving me this opportunity. Thanks again for all of the gear that y’all bought me for the trip. I have been able to take some pictures that I will show you. See you soon!


Hey mom and dad! Big wild 1b has been so much fun and I’ve had an amazing time with all the people I met here. I really appreciate all the gear y’all got for me and how much y’all do for me. I can’t wait to tell you about all the fun I had and show you what we did!


Hey Mom and Dad! I have had so much fun at Moondance with everyone in my group. I am really thankful for all of the gear y’all bought for me. I can’t wait to hear about how much fun Mable had at high harbor and tell y’all about my trip!


Hi Mom and Dad!! I have had so much fun on this amazing opportunity in Jackson! I have loved every minute of it and have loved spending time with all the people I have met on this trip. I am so excited to see y’all, Sadie and Hank when I get back!


Hey Mom and Dad!!!! I miss y’all so much! I miss you Campbell and VV and Poppop too!! I have had so much fun on this trip and I am so grateful for this experience. I have met so many great people and had sooo much fun so that I y’all so so much!!


Hey Mom and Dad! I have been having a great time in Jackson and Idaho. My favorite thing has been rafting and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know everyone in my group. Thank you so much for sending me on this trip.


Hi Mom and Dad! I am having a blast. Thanks for sending me on this trip see you soon.


Hey mom and dad. I have had so much fun on this trip and really hope to go on another one next year. Thank you so much for sending me on this trip.


Howdy from Wyoming!

June 16, 2024

Hello Big Wild 1B families,

We are here to update you on our Wyoming expedition. We cannot thank you enough for trusting us with your amazing children! Our first day started off with a bang in the only airport located in a national park! The kids were amazed by the immediate views and beauty of Jackson Hole. After some serious hacky-sackin’ and getting to know each other, we set off on our big wild adventure. After packing our U-Haul and van, we piled in and ventured to our gorgeous first campsite. There we enjoyed some river swimming and tasty pizza from Pinky G’s! With our stuffed bellies and first-night butterflies, we had a great first Moonup under the Tetons. Little did we know that we would take on our first Wyoming storm. We flocked to the van and got to know each other better with vicious lightning strikes dancing across the sky and rumbling thunder. Within the hour, the storm settled down and so did we, calming those first-night nerves.

REEL fun was on the menu this first morning. We woke up, broke down tents, and ate a quick breakfast on our way to the river to learn how to fly fish. Our guides met us in South Park in Jackson, where we screened for bugs—Carter may or may not have had these bugs as a second breakfast—and we also learned how to cast on the bank. Competition heated up in a battle of the best. Jackson proved to be the most precise caster of the bunch, landing not only his fly in the hula hoop but himself on the podium. With our new skills, we took on the creek and got some much-needed practice for our anticipated backcountry adventure. Although no fish were caught, Henry, Tommy, and Jackson took fishing to the next level and became the fish as they waded into the rushing chocolate milk river.

Despite no fish being caught, morale remained high as we feasted on fried chicken before our journey to the Wind River Range. The true game makers came out when the “MY COW” game was introduced. Simply put, this is a game for those who are unfamiliar: when you see cows, you say “MY COWS!” You may be thinking, “Where is the fun in this?!” Well, let us tell you… it’s incredibly fun and can pass hours and hours of car rides. You’ll see. While the group had their eyes peeled for cattle, their backdrop was one of magnificent snow-covered peaks and radical rock formations. There were oohs and ahhs and exclamations of “My cow!” as the group caught a glimpse of their home for the next few nights. As we arrived at our first backcountry campsite outside of Pinedale, WY, the group learned how to purify water, pack a backpacking bag, Leave No Trace, and build a fire. The boys’ fort-building skills proved sufficient as they constructed quite the creative sleeping structure. James put on a fire-building clinic, where his aficionados quickly learned the art and craftsmanship of flames. These apprentices, named Michael, Carter, and Robert, will be acquiescing their skills in the fire ring for the rest of the week, keeping their team warm and happy. Our veteran Moondancers, Tibbie and Jackson, led an amazing and thoughtful second Moonup around the fire, sharing tales from their previous adventures in Colorado and British Columbia. These two were fantastic and supportive first Leaders of the Day (LODs) and set the tone for first-year students.

With frost still on tents and sleeping bags, the group rose to pack their bags for backpacking. Group gear was spread out amongst the team, and bellies were filled with breakfast scramble. At the trailhead, we met Darby, Jon, and Red (the dog), who we spent the next three days with in the gorgeous river-carved meadows of the Winds. Heavy packs were lifted by friends on our backs as we set out for a new challenge. For many of our students, this was their first time backpacking. The hike started with a mama and baby moose sighting and a quick tour of the Darwin Ranch. Quickly after, the trail got swampy. MV and Jackson bravely waded in, testing the waters for the group—maybe not as intended or expected—but accurately displayed the depths of the bog. After a wet and muddy start, the group trotted on to the trees and had their first trail lunch at a waterfall. They discovered the ins and outs of trail life as they took quick cat naps post peanut butter and Nutella grubbin’. Persevering and pushing through discomfort and the heat, the team showed grit and made it to Upper Falls, where we would enjoy the views of the waterfall from our kitchen for the next few days. McLean proved herself the kitchen connoisseur with her impeccable cooking abilities and passion. The group gratefully slurped up some elevated ramen bowls and giggled around the campfire.

Once the sun warmed our tents enough to wake us the next day, we wandered into our backcountry kitchen for some oatmeal and warm drinks. With nothing on the agenda but enjoying where we were and who we were with, the group hiked up to the next meadow, determined to catch a fish. Addie stayed on the water all day, returning to camp only for sustenance, outlasting everyone with her drive and patience. Carter, Story, and MV took a different route, playing cards and having a spa day by the river. MV washed her hair, Story polar plunged, and Carter relaxed with The Hobbit by the waterfall. The team reunited as the sun began to fall, and Michael and Robert used their Cajun backgrounds and math skills to whip up some very well-measured jambalaya with an Italian twist.

Our last day of backpacking started with a chilly river crossing bright and early. The crew skedaddled out to the U-Haul, cutting our trekking time from the day we walked in IN HALF! Our LODs, Addie and Robert, skillfully kept morale up by motivating the team with the idea of burgers and a shower when we got out. Finishing as a team, BGW 1B made it safe and sound out to Pinedale, where we devoured some well-deserved burgers, fries, and MASSIVE milkshakes… Michael’s stomach may still be full as we write this. Basketball in the pool, splashing, ping pong, water slides, and showers were a gleeful part of our day at the Pinedale Aquatic Center. Thomas can’t miss a three-pointer for what we could tell. Now clean, we headed back to Jackson to our beautiful campsite below the Tetons. We are so excited for our next adventures and can’t wait to tell y’all all about them! Till next time!


  • James and Story

Safe arrival in Jackson Hole!

June 10, 2024

Hello Big Wild Families!

We heard from our leaders this afternoon that the group has landed safely in Jackson Hole and is headed to their first campsite! The trip is off to a great start, and we cannot wait to hear more stories from their adventure!

Please remember our leaders and students will be unplugged during their trips, but we will be posting trip updates throughout the next two week! This will allow you to follow along with the trip. You can also follow us on Instagram, @moondanceadventures, to see more of what we are up to!

-Moondance HQ


  • Addie
  • Carter
  • Henry
  • Jackson
  • Mary
  • McLean
  • Michael
  • Robert
  • Thomas
  • Tibbie
  • Tommy
