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Belize + Costa Rica 1C • June 6-June 19, 2024

Bye from Belize

June 20, 2024

Miss Everyone Already

And with that, the first session of BCR comes to an end. As we sit in the San José airport, we can’t help but reflect on how much each and every student has impacted us. But before we get too sentimental, let’s recap the final leg of the trip!!

When we last wrote, we had just finished white water rafting and were preparing to head into the Costa Rican mountains. The morning after the girls’ spa night and boys’ haircuts, we hopped on the bus and began the long drive to Buenaventura, an eco-lodge just outside the small village of El Brujo. Despite the long, winding drive, we kept ourselves quite entertained, thanks to Davis. As that day’s LOD, Davis decided to team up with Lizzie to host “The D & L Show,” a carpool karaoke contest in which students were called to perform a duet to a song of Davis & Lizzie’s choosing. Each duo rocked the stage, performing like they were on the finale of American Idol. Grant & Neely sang all the words and threw on some shades as their stage look while Whit & Riley and busted out some moves. However, everyone came just short of Caroline and Charlotte’s rendition of “Bad Blood” by Taylor Swift. With Caroline’s shades and dance moves and Charlottes side hat and vocals, they won the sweet, sweet taste of victory. Soon enough, we were arriving at the end of the road for the bus… literally. From there on, we split into 4×4 trucks that helped us get closer to our lodging for the night. As we embarked on the most beautiful (but bumpy) drive to our lodge, Riley and Caroline kept the singing going, convincing all the girls to scream their hearts out to the queens of pop, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Olivia Rodrigo. When we arrived at the lodge, we were greeted by our host Harlow, who owns Buenaventura and is extremely passionate about helping deliver the Moondance experience. We began our stay at Buenaventura with Harlow showing our group how to plant cacao seeds, which would serve as one part of the service portion of the trip. Harlow explained that the seeds we planted would been distributed to the small communities around Buenaventura in order to reforest the valley they inhabited. A major perk of this project was that we got to taste and eat the cacao fruit first! While we worked on the project, Riley, with her kind heart, tried to save all the worms she could find, which gave the group some good entertainment. After filling our bags with soil, we set intentions for our seeds and planted them in hopes that next years Moondance trip can plant our baby trees. We ended the day with a chocolate making class where Harlow taught us how to correctly taste and savor the chocolate. Coble was quick to peel back the seeds in order to grind them up and press them. We ended the night with game night! Reid was our hosting and got all the students laughing and telling stories. The next day we started our community service in the El Brujo community. We started by painting church and, thanks to Reid’s previous experience, we soon covered the walls with a nice base layer. Next, we had an epic soccer game with some of the local kids in the community. Liza scored the first goal of the game, leading to cheers of “GOOOOOOOOOAAAAALLLLL!!!” While there were many soccer stars in the group, Grant surprised everyone with how quick he could move down the field. Campbell & Ben also proved to be quite good, despite never playing soccer! After our game we were ready for lunch! We demolished our yummy Spanish rice down made by women in the community and then made our way back to our lodge. After some rest we did a farm tour in which Harlow let us try a variety of fruits that grow on his farm. After trying a variety of fresh fruits, the fan favorite was definitely the mangos. We spent the rest of the afternoon in a cooking class making a Salvadoran dish: pupusas. Pupusas are the yummiest corn flower and cheese dumplings that proved to be quite easy to make! Davis pan flipped our delicious creations and we all stuffed our faces with the yummy goodness.

The next day we started off with a morning hike to a waterfall. There, we used blue clay to cover our bodies in order to look like characters straight from avatar. The students then got paint brushes and started painting each other with orange & blue clay!!! The best part, however, was that the mud acted as a natural spa treatment! We hiked back, packed up, and crushed some fresh coconuts before hitting the road. We commuted through from the mountains of Costa Rica to the ocean side and ended our evening with a sunset surf! Everyone stood up and caught so many waves ( and a few tumbles) but the group was resilient and surfed the waves as the sky turned to orange & pink. After surfing we had to celebrate everyone being resilient and learning a new skill so we stopped for some gelato before dinner! At dinner we laughed and talked about all the waves that everyone caught, when Riley & Coble decided to get up and dance to the music playing at the restaurant. Shortly everyone began to follow and danced in the middle of the restaurant even doing a conga line.

The next morning, we woke up bright and early so we could go get back in the waves. Caroline caught the first wave of the morning, but Whit wasn’t far behind. In fact, Whit even learned how to do 180 turns on the board. Further down the line up, Neely and Lizzie even rode a wave on the same board! That day we transferred from the ocean to the air as our next activity was zip-lining. As we soared through the mountains of Costa Rica, we were greeted with the wonderful greenery & amazing views. We caught speeds up to 30mph and even went upside down! With so much adrenaline and energy our bus ride back to our hotel was the last thing but boring! Whit & Davis entertained the bus by hosting a trivia game show asking questions about events from the trips, specific locations and memories. When we arrived to the hotel the students decided to dress like each other for our banquet theme. We had a fancy dinner at the hotel where the boys wore bikini tops and Lulu lemon skirts and the girls wore baggy shorts, hats, and swim shirts. Everyone really embodied their characters but I think we have decided that Campbell, Caroline, Ben and Whit take best actresses and actors. We ended the night with a meaningful and encouraging moonup, one that will forever be remembered! Safe, sweet and emotional, we were all able to reflect on the amazing adventure we had been on together. But of course, it wouldn’t be our group’s Moondance trip if it wasn’t chaotic until the very end.

Airport day was crazy with bodies sleeping all over the airport floor, everyone in a delirious state, but everyone was able to board their flight even if they had to wear their running shoes to get there (nugs to Smith, Liza, and Davis)!! After lots of sappy goodbyes, some tears shed, big bear hugs, and memories we will keep forever, we watched as everyone walked through security.

This trip was TRULY a trip of a lifetime. From all the leaders, we will forever be grateful to our wonderful students for loving us so well. At the risk of sounding repetitive, we are truly in awe of how each one of you stepped out of your comfort zone on the trip, were so inclusive and accepting of others, and were always committed to positivity. We will never forget you, Strikelandia. Y’all made our first experience leading with Moondance so incredibly perfect and we couldn’t be more thankful. For now, we say goodbye to trip updates, but can’t wait to hear about all the high school updates. DON’T FORGET TO SEND US FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL PHOTOS!! We love you all! Don’t be a stranger.

Pura Vida and with love,

Lizzie, Harrison & Reid (Mamma, Dadda, Papa)

Pura Vida!!

June 15, 2024

That’s what we’ve been hearing non-stop since we landed in Costa Rica a few days ago. The past few days have been PACKED as we have started our mornings with early wake up calls and ended our nights with late bonding sessions. But, oh wow, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Since we last wrote, we traveled from Belize to Costa Rica via Guatemala. It was such a cool experience getting to visit three different countries in one day! During our extended layover in Guatemala, we hung out in the airport lobby, making friendship bracelets and playing cards. Caroline proved to be incredibly helpful, showing all the boys how to make bracelets of their own. Before we sat down for our bracelet-making lesson, however, Campbell was excited to try Guatemalan coffee, reporting to the group that it was incredibly delicious. After making it through airport security, we grabbed some dinner (and Starbucks) before heading to Moonup at the gate. During Moonup, the girls revealed that they had been secretly working on a thoughtful surprise. When we were all sitting and working on bracelets earlier in the day, the girls were actually making a bracelet for each one of the boys! Throughout the trip, they had slyly figured out each guy’s three favorite colors and used them to make their bracelet. After closing up Moonup, we loaded the plane and headed to Costa Rica! WOOHOO!!!

The next day, we woke up bright and early (and we mean BRIGHT and EARLY) to head to our first activity in Costa Rica: white water rafting!!! After driving for a little bit, we reached the drop zone and loaded the rafts. Our first day was relatively chill as we floated down the beautiful Pacuare River. As we drifted through the lush mountains of central Costa Rica, we couldn’t help but stare in awe at the walls of greenery that surrounded us… it truly felt like the Garden of Eden. Before stopping for the day, our guides led us on an awesome waterfall hike through the jungle. When we reached the waterfall, Ben was the first to climb up the rock wall and jump into the cool waters below. Everyone soon followed, climbing up the falls and plunging down. Before we knew it, we had spent about an hour jumping into the water and playing in the natural pool, so we had to head back to the rafts. After a couple more hours of rafting, we arrived at our lodging for the night, an epic eco-lodge built into the mountainside. The lodge consisted of a cluster of huts that each had a wonderful view of the river and through the valley. The lodge had a wonderful assortment of exotic creatures, so Riley went on a hunt for bullet ants (although we are still debating if she actually found them). After a long day, we soon headed to bed with the sound of the river in the background.

The next day brought a slow morning, which was much needed after so many hours of travel in the past two days! After eating a DELICIOUS breakfast with Costa Rican coffee and hot chocolate, we started the walk back down the mountain. The second day of rafting was CRAZY, as we navigated class three and four rapids. All of our guides were so amazing, however, as we tackled the waves. During one particularly intense rapid, Liza took the opportunity to hop on the front of the raft and “ride the bull.” Luckily, with strength and endurance, she stayed in the raft! After rafting for a couple of hours, we headed to the riverbank and had a wonderful picnic lunch. While lunch was getting set up, Whit and Davis played in the water and attempted to crawl against the river’s current, making it a good way up the river before floating back to us downstream. After munching, we all hopped back in our rafts, hit a few more rapids, and were (too) quickly unloading for the last time. We then drove to Turrialba, a quaint town close to the Pacuare. During the drive, Coble was super kind and braided everyone’s hair! In the afternoon, we explored the town and made some fun. The boys headed to a local barbershop that our bus driver, Carlos, recommended and got AMAZING buzz cuts. Smith and Grant were the first two to get into the chairs. Soon enough, the two were rocking their new hairstyles around town. While the boys were getting haircuts, the girls headed to a local cafe for appetizers (donuts and cinnamon rolls) and drinks (hot chocolate) before dinner. At dinner, Neely kept the sweet treats coming, ordering a HUGE frozen lemonade. Don’t worry though, she finished every single drop. After dinner and Moonup, the girls were surprised with a treat of their own: a spa night with the leaders!! Lizzie had brought face masks and nail polish so the girls could relax after a super busy nine days. After some convincing, Charlotte even applied some polish to Harrison and Reid’s toenails too!!

Who knew that so much could happen in just three days?! Only on Moondance, right? Well, we have to go now, Costa Rica is calling!!


Hasta Luego,

Lizzie, Reid, and Harrison


Greetings from Costa Rica

June 12, 2024

Howdy folks at home!!

We have had the absolute best five days together on our beautiful, majestic, perfect island here in Belize. Called Long Caye, our island is situated in the middle of Lighthouse Reef, a 2-hour boat ride from the mainland. Our first few days have been hectic but so fun and impactful. Arrival day was packed full of energy with everyone getting to know each other and clicking quickly! But where were Reid and Harrison?? The answer: stuck on a later flight thanks to storms in Houston. So, when they finally arrived (almost 3 hours after the rest of the group) IT WAS SO HYPE!!! Soon after, we started our journey out to Long Caye.

When we arrived on the island, we headed to our lodge and got settled in before exploring Long Caye. As we walked back to the lodge, Neely took the opportunity to jump into the beautiful blue water of the Caribbean, winning the highly-desired title of “First Moondancer to jump in the ocean during summer 2024”. Following Neely’s lead, the whole group jumped in and swam around before heading to our DELICIOUS welcome dinner, cooked by the lovely Mrs. Marta. Earlier in the day, Grant learned how to set up a hammock, soon leading to the lodge’s tower being completely filled with them. To inaugurate the new space, we ended the day with Moonup and hammock time in the tower.

Day 2 started bright and early as we started getting SCUBA certified! The morning consisted of going over the BCD (the vest that allows us to fly underwater), the hoses, and proper protocol when diving. While we learned, Smith practiced his Spanish skills with some of the outfitters. After lunch – DELICIOUS EMPANADAS – we headed back to the pier and knocked out our swim test. After ending earlier than expected, we had time to go hang out on the beach and play games (especially hacky sack). Upon finding a few coconuts on the ground, Riley had the amazing idea to get some fresh ones down from the trees. With some help from our friends at the lodge, we soon were the proud owners of 5 delicious coconuts that we have used as dessert after dinner. While part of the group was working on opening the coconuts, another group was searching for the saltwater crocodiles that inhabit our island. Soon, Whit was calling the group over, saying he found one! It was super epic! Per usual, we ended the night with Moonup and headed to bed.

Day 3 started with another great breakfast cooked by Mrs. Marta… AND DAVIS! That’s right, Davis woke up early without telling anyone and helped our wonderful host cook for us – how thoughtful! Fueled up and ready to tackle the day, the group hopped on the boat and headed to a nearby sandbar to practice our SCUBA skills. After a morning of hard work, we headed back in, grabbed a quick lunch, and headed back out. The afternoon consisted of more skills practice, right up until dinner time. Exhausted from the day, we then went straight into a great Moonup before hitting the hay.

Day 4 brought tons of excitement as we prepared to finally put our skills to use! Split into two groups, we went down and began exploring the reef, it was so epic and beautiful that it literally brought a tear to Lizzie’s eye (mask?). One of the groups, led by Mario and Miriam, were quickly greeted by three sharks. A little while later, the group also saw a sea turtle! The other group took a wonderful route through the reef where they saw colorful coral and crazy creatures. Just like on land, Ben proved to be hilarious, making everyone laugh even when 40 feet underwater! After a wonderful morning, we grabbed a quick lunch and headed back out for two more dives. Our final dive was right at sunset, which was such a treat to experience as nocturnal creatures began stirring awake. As we ascended to the surface, we were greeted with a pink sunset speckled with navy blue clouds and the sound of waves in the distance.

The next day, Day 5, was one of much-needed rest and relaxation. We started the morning with our final dive of the trip, which proved to be the best yet. We dove off the coast of Half Moon Caye, the first nature reserve in Belize, and saw so many cool creatures – even before descending! Caroline was the first to get in the water and soon saw two sharks circling below her. She kept her cool, though, as one came up close enough for her to touch it! After our final dive, we headed to Half Moon Caye, where we were greeted by a barbecue lunch. We then spent the afternoon lounging in the waves and playing fun games. Just before leaving, however, the group went on a search for the Red-Footed Booby Bird, which can only be found on Half Moon Caye. Led by our leader of the day, Campbell, the group hiked to a viewing area on the island through a hermit crab-infested forest. During the walk, everyone was fascinated by the various sizes and shapes of the crabs. Once there, we were greeted by a whole flock of the rare Booby Birds! Upon returning to Long Caye, the group worked on the official flag for Strikelandia, the name our group has assigned to Long Caye. Armed with nothing more than a small paint tray and a dream, the group began transforming a pillowcase into a wonderful flag. The feat would never have been complete, however, without Liza’s steady hand painting BCR across the center of the flag. After finishing the banner, the group headed to dinner, which included Mrs. Marta helping the girls pull off a silly prank on the boys, ultimately resulting in the group growing even closer! We then had a wonderfully energetic Moonup and some group bonding in the tower before bed.

Our final day in Belize brought tons of fun too! Mr. Reeves took us out fishing, which turned out to be an AMAZING time! Coble proved to be the resident fisher-extraordinaire, reeling in the most fish by far. Not to mention the TWO sharks and an eel!! Thanks to Reid, the whole group also reeled in a few fish. In fact, Charlotte hooked two fish on one line; not one time, not two times, but THREE TIMES!!

Wow, what a crazy few days!! This group has been so fun and energetic, and we can’t wait for Costa Rica.

Strikelandia Forever,

Lizzie, Harrison, and Reid

Riley: Hey mom and Daniel! I love and miss y’all sooooooo much and please bring me angel food from Smoothie King and Violet when I see y’all. I absolutely love it here, and I have so much to tell y’all when I get home, give Gaines my love!

Ben: Hi Momma and Brown, I miss y’all so much, and I can’t wait to come home and tell you all about my trip. I love both of y’all so much, and I’m so excited for Costa Rica; scuba diving was so much fun.

Caroline: Hey mom and dad! I am having an awesome time on our own private island, we just finished scuba diving, and it was so fun. Please tell Hunter and Daisy hello, and I hope y’all

had a fun time in Greenbrier. I love y’all.

Neely: Hey Jackson, mom, and dad! How are Millie and RC?! I’m having a great time, but I miss you loads, love y’all!

Liza: Hey Fam! I am having a blast in Belize! Miss y’all a lot! Hope you guys had fun in Universal! Happy Birthday Dad, love you.

Coble: Hi mama, Daddy, and D! I am having sooo much fun in BCR on our island! Tell Anderson happy 17th Birthday for me, and I can’t wait to see y’all and Cookie when I get home!!! Love you to the moon and back!

Smith: Hey Mom and Dad! I’m having so much fun in Belize while diving (not scared anymore). We’ve even seen seven sharks! The food from Mrs. Marta is so fresh, and I’m getting along well with my friends. I can’t wait to see y’all again!

Charlotte: Hi Mom and Dad! Belize has been a blast, and so has the scuba diving! We saw sharks, stingrays, and a rare blue parrotfish. The food has also been amazing! Love y’all so much!

Davis: hey mom and dad! Belize has been fun so far. I had a little problem with the luggage. Scuba is really fun. And a shark was in arm’s reach. Love you.

Whit: Greetings family, Belize has been so much fun, and today is our last day. I saw a few sharks when we were diving, and one swam right over me! I also saw a tarpon while we were scuba diving, but I couldn’t catch it. The food has been really good. Love you!

Grant: hey mom and dad! I’m having so much fun in Belize, and scuba diving has been so much fun. We went fishing today; we caught two sharks and lots of fish. We also saw sharks when we went scuba diving. The food has been really good. Love you!

Campbell: Hi mom and dad, I miss y’all so much and hope you are having fun on your trip! I just got scuba certified and saw a bunch of cool stuff! Mrs. Marta has been cooking the best food, and we went fishing today; we caught some fish, sharks, and an eel that we are going to eat tonight! Love y’all!

Safe Arrival in Belize!

June 6, 2024

Hello Belize + Costa Rica Families!

All students have landed safely in Belize and the group is headed to their first activity! The trip is off to a great start and we can’t wait to share more updates from their adventure.

-Moondance HQ


  • Ben
  • Campbell
  • Caroline
  • Charlotte
  • Coble
  • Davis
  • Grant
  • Liza
  • Neely
  • Riley
  • Smith
  • Whit
