Trip Finder

Reid Farris CRO 1B CRO 2B CRO 3B

May 6, 2024

Reid, now 22, brings his enthusiasm for adventure and mentorship to his role as a Trip Leader with Moondance. Originally from Charlotte, North Carolina, Reid graduated from the University of North Carolina with a degree in Political Science. During his time at UNC, Reid was deeply involved in campus activities, spending his free time playing soccer, shooting hoops, and volunteering for the Bandana Project to promote positive mental health across campus. Passionate about music, Reid also shares his talents by volunteering to play for his church and tutors and mentors elementary students, demonstrating his commitment to giving back to his community. With a lifelong love for surfing, Reid is eager to share his passion with his students and create unforgettable experiences on the waves. Now, in his second summer as a Trip Leader on the Croatia expedition, Reid is thrilled to guide his students through a magical summer filled with adventure and growth. We are excited to have Reid as part of the Moondance team, and we know he will inspire and empower his students to embrace new challenges and make lasting memories.