Trip Finder

Julianna Schlatter SAF 1C SAF 2C SAF 3C

May 6, 2024

Julianna, 22, grew up in Columbus, Ohio and recently graduated from Miami Ohio University where she studied to become a Middle School teacher and has been student teaching with Middle Schoolers for the past three years! She was the captain of her high school soccer team and served as a coach for her school’s soccer camps during the summer. After her High School graduation, Julianna organized a mission trip to Guatemala—a demanding challenge she undertook for her Senior capstone project! Her initiative and passion for working with teenagers, along with her ability to build relationships and create a positive environment, made her an outstanding Moondance leader on our British Columbia trip in 2023. Moondance is thrilled to welcome Julianna back for her second summer as a Trip Leader!