Trip Finder

Hailey Staton DOL 1A DOL 2A DOL 3A

May 6, 2024

Hailey, 22, joins the Moondance family as a third-time leader from Atlanta, Georgia. Hailey is currently a senior at the University of North Carolina, taking advantage of everything that Chapel Hill has to offer! Hailey is studying Advertising & Public Relations, along with a minor in Spanish, and will be working towards a Masters in Marketing from Vanderbilt starting next fall. Since being at UNC Chapel Hill, Hailey has gotten involved in the organization, Order of the Bell Tower, and serves as the Chapter Correspondent Chair for her sorority. Not only does Hailey’s passion include anything and everything Tarheel, but Hailey is also an avid-baker. In high school, Hailey created a virtual baking platform called Hailey Bakes in order to showcase her amazing creations and take orders. Her passion for Moondance started as a student on our California and Big Wild trips and we are so excited to have Hailey back for a third summer as a Trip Leader after her amazing job in Iceland in 2022 and Madeira in 2023!