Trip Finder

George Mathews CHA 2A CHA 5A

May 6, 2024

George, now 23, hails from Atlanta, GA, and has been an integral part of the Moondance family for several years. With a keen desire to challenge himself and inspire adventure in others, George has left a lasting impression on everyone he encounters. His Moondance journey began in 2014 as a student, where he embarked on five transformative trips: Colorado Trail, Pacific Northwest, Northern Lights, Chamonix, and the Mystery Trip. Over the years, George has distinguished himself as a remarkable leader, guiding students on unforgettable adventures in destinations like the Northern Lights and Italian Dolomites. Having just graduated from the University of Virginia, George is poised to bring his energy and enthusiasm to another trip this summer. After leading the Kilimanjaro trip last summer, we are thrilled to welcome him back for his third summer as a leader, this time leading the Chamonix trip. George’s commitment to pushing boundaries and fostering growth makes him an invaluable asset to the Moondance community.