Trip Finder

Caitlyn Whitlock MAU 1A MAU 2A MAU 3A

April 26, 2023

Caitlyn Whitlock, 20, grew up in Dallas, Texas and is now a sophomore at the University of Mississippi majoring in Business. As one of our few intern leaders, Caitlyn stood out because of her passion and excitement for Moondance. Caitlyn received raving endorsements from her trip leaders on Belize + Costa Rica, Spain + Morocco, and Hawaiian Islands. At UM, she is a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success, and volunteer for Operation Kindness, and a provost scholar. Her experience with teenagers comes from her time working as a camp counselor for Camp Longhorn, coaching basketball at SMU, and lifeguarding. Caitlyn has a talent for encouragement, energy and enthusiasm. Caitlyn will lead her students to fun and memories because of how much she loves Moondance, loves her Moondance friends, loves the lessons she learned from her trips, and loves the opportunity to lead. We cannot wait to see what Caitlyn can do for Moondance in Maui this summer!