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Core Values

WE’RE IN THE PEOPLE BUSINESS, because we believe people are ultimately the most valuable. We’re people-centric, not travel-centric. We treasure relationships with people, because people are worth it. And we believe adventure travel is a wonderful way to connect people, and to connect with people.

We care deeply for our kids and their families, and we give of ourselves to serve them through providing magical, transformative, safe outdoor experiences for them, because they’re worth it. We treat kids and parents as if they are the most important people in the world, because they’re worth it.

We care deeply for each other as well, and we devote our everyday lives to serving each other as we serve our kids, because we’re worth it. We strive to set environments on our trips where life-long bonds are made, because relationships are worth it.


WE’RE IN THE TRANSFORMATION BUSINESS. Our trips are transformational. Moondance is not static. Kids grow on our trips, and we grow personally through working here.

We treasure seeing kids transformed through adventure travel. We love seeing a kid come out of his shell. It makes our day when a young woman discovers just how brave she really is. It’s pure joy to see confidence bloom in a young person who challenged herself to do something she didn’t think she could do.

And we treasure being a transformational place to work. The challenge of our daily work is a refining fire for personal transformation. We’re transformed through learning new skills, solving problems, breaking through barriers, building new bonds, and making new friends.

The Extra Mile

WE’RE IN THE SERVICE BUSINESS. We believe in working hard, going the extra mile, and doing the next right thing – for our kids, for their families, and for each other. We work hard to find ways to surprise and delight our kids and their families, from the first phone call through post-trip follow-up, and we’ll go the extra mile in order to delight them.

We work hard to go the extra mile for each other as well. If it means showing up early and leaving late, we know it’s worth it. If it means having that hard conversation with humility and respect, we know it’s worth it. If it means making a sacrifice to show someone our appreciation, we know it’s worth it.

We work hard to create wonderful, transformative, adventurous experiences for teens, but we will not rest on our laurels. We’re relentless in our quest to make Moondance the best, and we believe that consistently going the extra mile for our kids and for each other will make it happen.

When people do more than they have to, and do so with an attitude of generosity, they give of themselves in ways that lift all of humanity. The heart grows tender when we extend ourselves beyond what’s expected. Going the extra mile is a vital ingredient to the success of Moondance. It also makes us feel good!

Our simple rule is this: always give people more than they expect to get.


WE’RE IN THE HOSPITALITY BUSINESS. Service, going the extra mile, is what we do for people. Hospitality is how we make them feel when we serve them. Both are incredibly important, in business and in life.

We believe that giving a kid an outdoor experience is great in and of itself. We believe in making kids feel seen, heard, acknowledged, and appreciated.

We also believe in making each other feel out of this world. We want to take care of each other in our everyday work lives, and we want to make working at Moondance a world-class experience.

People will forget what you said, People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.