Trip Finder

Frances Bowles BGW 3B

May 3, 2022

Frances Bowles, 23, is from Charlotte, NC, and attends the University of Georgia in Athens. She was elected as a member of the UGA Student Government to represent the freshman class on the Forum Branch. She was also elected to serve as the Greek Life Team Captain for UGA Miracle and elected as the Publicity Manager for the Environmental Economics Club. She is a member of the Sustainability Committee for her sorority and the Greenability Club. Since graduating, Frances has moved to Denver! As a student, she attended the Big Wild, Iceland, and Kilimanjaro Moondance Trips. She fully understands the magic leaders bring to Moondance trips, and she brought her magic as a leader on Maui in 2021, Pacific Northwest in 2022, and Chamonix in 2023. We are over the moon that she is back to lead a fourth summer on Big Wild, and know she will do an outstanding job!